Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1359: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (622)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling's eyes trembled, and she stared directly at the granny's eyes: "Grandma, you ..."

The old woman raised her hand to signal her not to worry.

"Not long ago, there was indeed a young man who was rushed here by the river, and the injury was very serious. There is no good doctor in this town. I see that the other party has been unconscious, but it looks like an Asian face and I do n’t know Which country did it come from, but it was sent to an old doctor's home here, and it will be a few days now. I have n’t paid attention to it anymore, but it should be alive, because if someone died here If so, everyone will surely know. "

"There has been no news for so many days. It should have been awake, but not dead ..."

"Where is the person?" Feng Ling was grateful.

Seeing her eager look, the old lady understood it, and didn't say much: "The doctor doesn't like to communicate with strangers very much, and you don't understand the language. I'll take you there."

Feng Ling was really grateful. She said a lot of thank you to her mother-in-law and went forward to help her and walk out with her.

This small town is not big, it is not small, the old lady is not walking fast, Feng Ling is anxious, there is no urgency on her mouth, and she has been patiently supporting each other until the doctor ’s house. Although the old lady was from I came from China, but I have lived here for a lifetime, and I can also be regarded as a respected old man. After going in and talking to the doctor, the doctor used their language to communicate with the old woman for a while, and then let them in. .

As she walked in, the old woman turned back to Feng Ling and said, "Your friend was very badly injured. He broke a leg and seemed to have any chemical poisoning that affected many central nerves. Although he woke up, his reaction was dull. Nothing has improved for now. "

No change was visible on Feng Ling's face, but her heart shrank fiercely, and she felt a sense of sharpness all over her pain.

Broke a leg?

The old woman saw that she didn't speak, but her face had become much paler, and she patted her hand comfortably: "It's inside, you can go in and have a look. I'll go and say hello to the people here, they are outsiders. It ’s very precautionary. I ’ll let them take off your guard first, otherwise it ’s inconvenient for you to do anything here. ”

"Thank you." After Feng Ling thanked him, he quickly walked in.

Inside is an old building with the style of a small town in this country. The light is not enough. When Feng Ling enters, he can smell a strange medicine smell. People here seem to have a little Chinese medicine, but what is mixed? It ’s not clear, but it does n’t smell very good,

After entering, I saw a thin man lying there. He could hear some heavy and uncomfortable breathing here. Feng Ling stood in front of the door and recognized him at a glance.

It's A K!

Feng Ling walked over quickly and looked down at the bedside and looked at the person on the bed. A K's face was thin and almost out of phase, and his eyes were dull. It seems that the reflections in all aspects are indeed much slower, and there is a strip under the quilt The leg is present and the position of the other leg is empty.

Feng Ling's heart trembled, and her hands were almost a little unstable. She was forcibly controlling her emotions. Looking at the person who gradually got some focus, she seemed to finally recognize herself.

"Feng ... Ling?" A K's eyes were surprised, but the movement of his expression was slow, and he seemed to be struggling to speak.

"It's me, A!" Feng Ling's eyes glowed, and he quickly pulled his hands together and put them in his hands: "You can recognize me!"

A K 看着 looked at her, then didn't know what it was, and suddenly sighed and smiled: "I still ... can live ... I see an acquaintance ..."

"What stupid words, the people in the base have been looking for you everywhere, even if everyone thinks that you have no chance to survive, but they are always looking for it, and our sniper team, we are also looking for it, I Didn't this find you? "Feng Ling composes his hand." It doesn't matter if a leg is broken, as long as people are alive! There are also many members in the base who were seriously injured during the mission. Look Aren't they still in the base now? As long as they live, it doesn't matter! "

"Don't comfort me." AK smiled weakly, then frowned: "I'm like this ... alive and dead ... it's no different ..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

AK glanced at him again, and what he thought, his eyes suddenly became even darker: "Did you find the boss?"

Feng Ling's eyes just squeezed out of the excitement, and the smile broke down, and his expression was a bit stiff.

Ak looked at her expression, sighed and closed her eyes: "It's all my fault. The boss could have escaped from the birth ... He was there to save me ... Later ... at the waterfall, the boss caught Me, but the two of us are physically weak, and I let him let go ... he doesn't let go ... "

"The boss fell with me. The boss's injury was heavier than mine ... After falling ... I don't know if the two of us were washed out by the river together. The river was too turbulent at the time, and I and the boss both Fainted ... Later, I do n’t know why I woke up in this place. I do n’t understand the people here, but it seems that they saved me, but where is the boss, I ca n’t ask, since you can find me Then, have you found the boss? "Al K almost exhausted his whole body to say these reluctantly coherent words. He also firmly held Feng Ling's hand and only wanted to hear a good one. Message.

Sure enough it was washed down over the waterfall.

But if you say so, Li Nanheng may have been killed in the rushing river in the jungle, or blocked by some stones or waterweed in the water, and failed to be washed out together, or ... there are various possibilities.

Feng Ling endured the pain of being cut by a knife, and slowly, shaking his head.

A K closed his eyes in pain in an instant: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault ... I shouldn't be so impulsive ... the boss won't ..."

"Well, don't say that, it's enough to be alive." Feng Ling grabbed his hand: "I'll find it, remember the original Rogers Snow Mountain? At that time, the ice cave was almost impossible to survive, but he That ’s it. His vitality and his perseverance will not allow him to say that he will die. I will find him. You can rest assured, take good care of yourself, don't think too much. "

A K's eyes looked red and red: "Feng Ling ..."

Feng Ling said in a cold voice: "Don't tell me how badly he was hurt at the time. Since you can still live, he can survive as well, even if it is more severe than you, even if you have broken limbs, stupid, disabled, I He will also be found and taken back! "

Ah K choked and was speechless for a long time, but nodded with closed eyes.

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