Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1360: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (623)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Tam and Lin Cheng converged at the originally scheduled location, but did not see Feng Ling, but it was difficult to contact her after the mobile phone had a signal.

After all, Gore's farm, where Feng Ling is now, is inhabited here. Although the mobile phone signal is weak, at least it can keep in touch with them.

After talking about the situation here, Tam and Lin Cheng are in great joy at the same time in great sadness. They are happy to find A K, their brother is still alive, even if a broken leg, but the brother is here, be sure to He took him back to Los Angeles! Sadly, in this place of Gorejing Farm, it is already their last chance and possibility to survive, but there is no news of the boss.

If it is true that Feng Ling said on the phone, the worst result may be that after Li Nanheng came down from the waterfall and was washed away in the river in the ancient jungle, he was intercepted at the river and near the Gore Farm At least K can still be rescued. If he was intercepted in the jungle and Li Nan was covered with injuries, all he could attract was the beasts who came to **** the **** smell and hunted their prey.

If that's the case, don't say it's possible to survive.

I'm afraid it's gone.

Tam and Lin Cheng planned to come to Gore Farm, but when they were about to start driving, the area near Jerusalem was martialized outside the city because of the two days of terror. They ran to their current location and were not allowed to leave Jerusalem.

Feng Ling reported to them that they had stayed here to take care of A K, so that they should not worry, wait for her to return there first, and promised to keep in touch with them at any time.

They can't help it, they are now under martial law, and they are very strict.


A-K woke up after falling asleep, Feng Ling went to the bed to lift him up, and prepared to feed him medicine. When he lifted a person, when he touched A-K's shoulder, he could clearly feel that he was in these places. How much was lost in the sky, the shoulders that were very strong and strong before now can easily feel the bones.

"Come, take the medicine." Feng Ling said softly.

Ak seemed to be a little sleepy, and looked at the light outside the window for a long time, and then he slowly opened his mouth after a while: "Is it another day?"


"Still you can't find the boss?"

"No." The expression on Feng Ling's face could not see any emotion, and he lowered his head and blew the medicine in the bowl: "The doctors here use some local medicines, and I don't know what they are. But since he can save your life, it means that their medicine is also useful, that is, it doesn't smell very good, you can bear it, drink it all. "

Ak closed her eyes and leaned her body almost on her shoulders. "It's okay, I don't have any taste in my mouth now, I can't feel sweet or salty."

I heard that the Chinese mother-in-law asked her for a doctor. The doctor said that A was because of chemical poisoning and did not know what the chemical was, but it could affect the senses of the five senses. He just had a bad taste, and had a slow response. It is better than being dumb, blind, and deaf, because I do n’t know what type of poison is, so there is no way to prescribe the right medicine, and I do n’t know if he will have a chance to recover in the future. In short, what he has to do now is to recover him, first Keep it alive, everything else can only be an afterword.

Feng Ling carefully fed Ah K and drank the medicine. Ah K now even sat down on the bed and drank a bowl of medicine with all his strength. He finally sat down weakly and looked at Feng Ling. Looking at her, for the sake of convenience, she asked for a long piece of cloth from the old lady, holding her long hair in her head, and because her clothes were not changed last night, her mother-in-law brought her The cotton linen with local characteristics is light blue. It looks good on her.

"Feng Ling, you have really changed a lot now." AK's eyes widened a little hard and looked at her: "When you were at the base, before now, you are really exactly two people. "

Feng Ling lowered his head and lowered the medicine bowl, then took the towel quickly and wiped the medicine stains on his mouth: "Apart from the difference in appearance, what else is different?"

"Eye." A K tickled his lips slowly: "You may not feel it yourself, but really, your eyes have changed a lot."

"Is it?"

"In the past, your eyes were very clean, and there was only such a goal in your world. Later, you have feelings in your eyes, you have warmth, you have something to care about, and then later, after you return to Fengjia There are many things that hold you back, you have the tangles that all normal people have in your eyes, helplessness, depression, and forbearance. Although you are still you, you have changed a lot, at least you have not Then there was the little Feng Ling who was not deeply involved in the world. "

Feng Ling chuckled: "How old are you when I'm older, and I say I'm not deep in the world?"

Ak also laughed: "Just older than you, you see, we were all teenagers and we were all older now."

Feng Ling hugged his lips: "Okay, don't talk about the past, you take a good rest, I'll go for a walk."

A K knew that she still wanted to go out to see if she could find Li Nanheng's traces, so she did not force her to stay, she only said, "Pay attention to safety."


After Feng Ling left the place where Ak and the doctor lived, he drove a circle around Gorejing Farm.

Today is the second day she came here, and it is already evening.

There are many locals washing things near the river in front. The lifestyle here is very ancient and simple. The source of their water is this river, so when A was rushed here, he was immediately discovered.

There can no longer be a car there, Feng Ling parked the car on the open space beside the farm town of Gorejing, walked over, saw someone washing clothes by the water, and when he turned around, he saw a young man in his twenties. The girl seemed to get a lot of blood on the laundry.

Looking at the blood stains, Feng Ling subconsciously walked over. When the girl saw someone approaching, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at her. Seeing that she was a stranger and not like a local, she immediately became alert. Head down and put the clothes that have n’t been cleaned yet, put them in the basin, turn around and go a little farther to wash them.

Feng Ling saw that she didn't seem to want to be approached, so she didn't pass by anymore, but she glanced at the young girl again.

The girl's face looked mixed-race, but the Chinese mother-in-law didn't say that she had already said hello to everyone here, wouldn't anyone here be wary of her anymore?

Why does this girl seem to be guarding something carefully.

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