Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1361: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (624)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling drove around the river overnight and went to the jungle, and found that the jungle was really different from the jungle she had lived in as a child.

One is near the beach, but after all, it is a jungle near the beach. No matter how inside, it will not be as dangerous as the ancient jungle. Like the jungle in front, the inside is indeed as they say, there may be all kinds of ordinary I have never seen anything in my life, whether it is a thing or a living thing.

I wandered outside for half a night, and tried to shine inside with flashlights. I tried to go in a few times, but reason was telling her that this kind of jungle was not what she said, but if Li Nanheng was really inside ...

If you want to go in, at least you must make sure that every step is foolproof and you ca n’t drive in. At least she has to do everything.

It was so late at night that Feng Ling left and returned to Gorejing Farm.

Late in the middle of the night, A K was still sleeping. Feng Ling went back to see the Chinese mother-in-law after seeing A K.

The Chinese mother-in-law's ancestral surname is Mai. People here call her the name here. If Feng Ling is not used to it, she can call her mother-in-law.

Feng Ling did n’t want to go to her mother-in-law to disturb her late at night. She could actually sleep in the car for one night, but she had to prepare things for the jungle. The longer the time delay, the more she felt uneasy. There, mother-in-law prepared things for herself overnight.

Fortunately, Granny Mai slept soundly and didn't disturb her much. Until 4am, her mother-in-law woke up and saw Feng Ling was sitting in the yard using a knife to cut something and went out to see her: "You Is this ready to go into the jungle? "


"What is this cut?"

"It's nothing, just find some sturdy bamboos and sticks, make something to protect yourself, and put them in the car after you've done it, it has been needed from time to time." Feng Ling was still sharply shaving his head Did not carry it.

Granny Mai looked at her for a while, sighed, walked over and sat down beside her: "Child, listen to her mother-in-law's advice, there is no return in the ancient jungle, you do n’t go, you such a good child, mother-in-law I don't want you ... "

Feng Ling didn't explain much, just inquired about her about Gorejing Farm, and whether there are other rivers, water sources, and other places nearby that can transfer her goals, but got the answer No, this Gore Farm is the end of the river. If A K and Li Nanheng were rushed here at that time, as long as they were not intercepted by the middle of the river, they would definitely come here and there would be no other place.

Feng Ling also completely eliminated other ideas, only nodded and said nothing.

Just as the sky gradually brightened, the doctor suddenly heard the news, saying that it was Ah K who slept until the convulsion. It is estimated that the events before and after the incident caused him to have nightmares again and again. To get out of bed, I fell off the bed a few times, and when I saw someone, I smashed.

Feng Ling heard it, quickly put down his hands and rushed to the doctor.

When K was going, K was still mad on the floor beside the bed, Feng Ling rushed over to talk to him, and told many things about K before, he gradually calmed down, and finally she was willing to be brought back to her When I got to bed, I was relieved from the convulsions, and I kept twitching. My twitching body gradually calmed down a lot.

Ah K is like this now, and she ca n’t live without people for a while. The doctor asked her to guard her here. Although Feng Ling was anxious to go to the jungle to find Li Nanheng, he could n’t leave if he saw this, so he could only sit beside the bed and watch. With.

In the morning, Granny Mai sorted out all the things that had been cut and sealed in the courtyard and put them on the stone table in the courtyard. At this moment, a young girl suddenly came in: "Grandma, you have taught me to do before That Chinese-style porridge, I forgot how to add water again, you'll teach me again soon. "

The girl who came here was Granny Mai's granddaughter Carrie, who was only 22 years old this year. They had a lot of accommodation in this Gore Farm. Carrie had already moved to a new yard and lived alone. Cao's life is very free and easy, this granddaughter is usually good and intimate, and Granny Mai is not too worried.

"Don't you like to drink Chinese-style porridge? Why do you suddenly make porridge?" Granny Mai asked puzzled.

Carrie didn't explain, but just walked in, found the kitchen inside, took out the pot and the white rice from her mother-in-law, and walked to the yard to show him: "Grandma, I'll take the white rice here first, If you can still receive white rice these days, you remember to keep two bags for me. "

Mother-in-law Mai's doubts were even greater. Before she spoke, Carrie whispered while adding water to the pot in the yard: "It should be okay if you have more water, he ’s hurt so badly. The thicker the better ... "

Although Ms. Mai is old, she has good ears. She immediately glanced at her, but she only murmured, and then did n’t say much. After taking white rice here, she asked how much water is appropriate. I took the white rice and the pot and walked away.

Her own granddaughter knows that this child has been obedient since she was a child, and she never lied. When she was a kid, she lied because she ate a candy bar. Her eyes would be dodged from adults. .

Ms. Mai didn't say anything, and she sorted out the contents of the yard again. Suddenly, it seemed that the friend Feng Ling said was looking for was not the boy named A who was now at the doctor, but someone else.

In the afternoon, seeing that Feng Ling was still not returning to A K, Granny Mai first went to the doctor to ask the situation, and learned that Feng Ling was still guarding A K, so she said nothing and went directly to her granddaughter Carrie.

Carrie's yard is very clean. There are many flowers she likes in the yard, but in her yard, she usually only hangs a clothesline with one or two beautiful linen skirts, but there are a few extra washing here. Towels, gauze, and ... men's clothing ...

When she saw something worn by a man, Granny Mai's face suddenly cooled down, and she walked in with a cane. It happened that Carrie was carrying a basin of blood-stained sheets, and she suddenly saw the grandmother coming. Stiffened, and quickly closed the door behind.

"Carrie, tell grandma, are you hiding someone here?" Granny Mai frowned and walked over, looking at her little granddaughter with a serious look.

Carrie bit her lip, turned to see something on the clothes rack, and looked at the blood-stained sheets in the basin in her arms, knowing that she couldn't hide it, and quickly explained: "Grandma, I ... We weren't there that day Did someone save the other side of the river? Later ... when I went to do laundry at night, I saw another person lying on the grass on the other side of the river ... "

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