Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1362: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (625)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was still at A, and Tam and Lin Cheng called several times.

She said she could hold it, but in fact she was a little bit nervous after coming back outside the jungle last night.

She was afraid that Li Nanheng was really there.

She would rather get nothing after entering, as long as he was not intercepted by the waterweed in the river in the jungle, and as long as he had other possibilities of surviving, he would be willing to let her go in the jungle.

Seeing that A K still had some nightmares in his sleep, constantly compiling the quilt, Feng Ling put his hand on A K's body and patted him, lowered his head several times to comfort her in her ears, and took him away. Pull back to reality in a nightmare.

Until the doctor came in again, gave her the cooked medicine, and let her feed him.

During the medicine feeding, A woke up, her eyes were a little confused, Feng Ling even fed the medicine to him with a consolation, and there was only a little left in the end. He couldn't take it anymore, so she took it with one hand. He took the towel in his other hand and wiped his mouth.

At this moment, Granny Mai came in with a cane and saw that she was still taking care of A K when she came in. Suddenly thought of what she had just known to Carrie, she couldn't help sighing.

"Mother-in-law." Feng Ling turned back to see Granny Mai coming, and quickly turned around: "I didn't throw those things I made in the morning, right?"

"No, I packed them up in the yard, but ... I don't think you might need them anymore." Granny Mai hesitated. Although her granddaughter deliberately asked herself not to tell her the story, but I ca n’t watch Fengling really go to the jungle to kill her in order to find her friends, so she sighed and said, “I was rushed by the river with your friend named AK, and there was one person ... "

Feng Ling's hand pinched on the edge of the bowl suddenly tightened, and she raised her eyes sharply to her mother-in-law.

Granny Mai sighed again, and could not tell in the eyes whether it was helpless or apologetic: "But we didn't find that one. We only saved this one and came back. Later, my granddaughter Carrie went to the river to wash clothes and found that one. She was dying at the time, and also blamed me. She has always been used to her granddaughter, so she has made her character so bold and self-explanatory. She has learned a little medicine with doctors in this town in recent years. , But she did n’t learn too much, but she felt that the doctor could save Ah, she picked up another person and returned, and she could save someone ... she quietly brought the person back to herself, and passed I haven't noticed for so many days ... I only know today ... "

Feng Ling's expression gradually lightened from the beginning to the beginning: "I only know today that the person ... is alive?"

Granny Mai hesitated before she said, "I didn't see anyone. Carrie said that she did save that person's life, but that person, like your friend A, seemed to be chemically poisoned. He woke up for a few days after being unconscious. Now, although he is awake, he is seriously injured everywhere, and the person is very weak. Although it is not to mutilate his leg, but ... his eyes are invisible ... "

At this time, Ak also faintly heard Granny Mai's voice, slowly opened her eyes, and turned to look at them in the direction of him. He was no longer convulsed, and the whole person seemed much calmer. He looked After looking at Granny Mai, I looked at Feng Ling, who was standing beside the bed: "Feng Ling ..."

Feng Ling's knuckles pinched at the edge of the bowl were almost white.

At that time, he fell into the waterfall at the same time as A K and was rushed here again. All of them were symptoms of chemical poisoning. Except for Li Nanheng, there could be no other people.

He is still alive.

He was not eaten by the beasts in the jungle.

He is still alive!

"Eyes ... invisible ... what do you mean ..." AK said in a mute voice while lying on the bed.

However, at the moment when his voice hadn't finished, Feng Ling suddenly put down the medicine bowl in his hand, walked straight out, and said, "Mother-in-law, take me to him!"

Seeing Feng Ling become so anxious, Granny Mai sighed, nodded, and turned to go out, but because her legs and feet were really slow, and seeing that Feng Ling was really anxious this time, she simply gave her directions behind : "It was with my granddaughter Carrie. I walked too slowly. You can go by yourself, right in front of where I live, on the right side of the fork opposite. There is a yard with lots of flowers. Somewhere, you see the clothes hanging in the yard, it should be your friend, as long as it is correct, then it is the person you are looking for ... "

"Thank you!" Feng Ling hurriedly thanked her, and then ran straight up and down.

She first ran back to Granny Mai's residence on a familiar route, and then went in the direction of Granny Mai's fork. To the right, she began to find the yard she said. She walked inward for nearly 100 meters and finally saw a A very beautiful and clean small yard with a lot of flowers. Although the door of the yard is closed, there are still some gaps, and it opens with a slight push.

Raising a glance, the first thing I saw was a man's shirt and trousers. Although there were worn marks on the clothes and trousers that were injured by burns during the explosion, it was also recognized that it was Li Nanheng's clothes.

It turns out he is here ...

She did not look wrong.

At Gorejing Farm for two days, he turned out to be a few hundred meters away from her, still alive, breathing, and hearing from him.

Feng Ling forcibly suppressed those frequencies that excited her hands and feet to tremble. When she walked calmly into the yard and walked inside, she seemed to hear the coughing sound coming from the house, and the coughing sound sounded. On and off, very low, I couldn't hear it was just a simple cough or something, but the voice was indeed a very hoarse man's voice!

Feng Ling suddenly walked to the door and saw that the door was locked inside, and then looked around for a window, but I didn't see where the window was open for a long time. The woman at Gorejing Farm had a self-protection. Habits, especially unmarried girls, do not expose everything in the window at will.

Feng Ling simply knocked on the door.

After knocking for a long time, footsteps finally came from inside, until the door opened, and the young girl she had met by the river appeared before the door.

When she raised her eyes to see Feng Ling, Carrie's expression was startled: "?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm looking for Li Nanheng!" Feng Ling stared straight into her eyes. If it wasn't for her mother-in-law's granddaughter, she might push people straight away.

Carrie seemed strange to the three words of Li Nanheng, but just looked at her strangely: "You are the one my grandma keeps? Isn't the friend you are looking for at the doctor?"

"The man at the doctor's place is indeed my friend, but the man here is my fiance. His name is Li Nanheng." Feng Ling still looked into her eyes, and her words showed a bit of sharpness that could not be ignored.

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