Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1363: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (626)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The fiance's words made Carrie's eyelids jump, and she just cold-faced, "The person you are looking for is not with me."

After speaking, the door must be closed directly.

"Wait!" Feng Ling raised her hand and held the door that was about to be closed, looking at the young girl: "Mr. Mai is kind to me, and I have been here for the past two days. You are her Granddaughter, I should be very kind to you, but you ca n’t hide a badly injured person in your place. Have you ever thought that if he had a chance to survive well, but delayed treatment, this is no longer equal to Save people, but kill people! "

"What are you talking about? What's delaying treatment?" Carrie's expression was full of unhappiness: "Anyway, I don't have anyone you say here, take your hands off! I tell you, if you are an intruder from outside of us, It wasn't because of my grandma's relationship that I had been kicked out long ago. If you dare to trespass in my house here, I will go out and call everyone over now, and see if anyone here will stay with you! "

After speaking, Carrie pulled her hand down vigorously, and then slammed the door shut. At the same time, she could hear the anti-locking movement inside.

Feng Ling looked at the closed door in front of her eyes, her expression heavy.

The people in this town really have trust in her because of her mother-in-law's relationship, but after all, she is an outsider, so even if the people here don't drive her away, she will still see her as an outsider. She will carefully avoid it. If she does something impulsive here, this Carrie girl will grow up here, and surely everyone will drive herself to protect her.

A K is still here, Li Nanheng is still here, she can't be impulsive.

In particular, Carrie is Grandma Mai's granddaughter. If it weren't for Grandma Mai, she wouldn't have known it.

But now she really wanted to open the door in front of her and rush straight in to see what Li Nanheng was hurt.

Feng Ling stood outside the door for a long time, raised her hand and knocked a few times. This time, Carrie was too lazy to respond, without saying a word.

About ten minutes later, Feng Ling probably heard the cough again, and a rush in his heart, quickly walked back and forth outside the house in the direction of the sound, and finally walked near the closed window. Hearing that sound was the most recent clear.

She put her hand on the window, and the coughing sound was only intermittent, and she couldn't hear it now.

The hands on the windows were a bit cold, as opposed to the hot temperatures in this place.

It was very quiet inside, I do n’t know if Li Nanheng was awake or faint, or what happened.

Granny Mai finally rushed over at this time. When Feng Ling stood outside the window thoughtfully, she immediately understood something and hurried over: "How's it? Didn't see your friend?"

Feng Ling looked at her in a blink of an eye, then raised her finger again to the clothes on the clothes rack over there: "That's his clothes, I heard a coughing sound inside, it must be him, mother-in-law, I can't go in your granddaughter's house I can see that she didn't welcome me, she locked the door, but if she just locked my friend like this to prove her medical skills, it's not fair to us, mother-in-law, please help me! "

Mother-in-law's expression suddenly converged: "No joke!" After frowning, she turned to the door, raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Carrie, open the door."

It was quiet for a while and there was no movement.

"Carrie, grandma is going to be angry!" Granny Mai said unhappy: "The one inside is a friend of Miss Feng. They have been seriously injured. Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Finally, Carrie's voice came from inside: "Grandma, the woman is lying. I asked him, and he said he didn't know any surname Li, nor did she know the woman outside! Or she confessed wrongly, Either she's lying! Grandma! Now it's so unsafe outside, how can you rest assured that a stranger lives with us, since she has found that friend, and she still refuses to find any reason, I think she must be What other purpose! "

Granny Mai's expression froze, Feng Ling shook her head when she turned to look at herself.

Granny Mai sighed and knocked on the door again: "You open the door first and let her go in and take a look. If she is really not her friend, she won't be here with you and will leave immediately."

"Don't! He hasn't healed his wounds yet, and he can't see the wind!" Carrie's voice was very upset and impatient: "Grandma, don't bring a stranger here! I saved someone When he came back and woke him up, it showed that all the medicines I used were fine, and he couldn't see his eyes now. If the woman came in and said he knew him, he couldn't see who the other party was, which would be unfair to him. I won't let her in! "

"You child ..."

"And he made it very clear that he didn't know the woman outside! Why should he let her in! Originally there was wounds on her body, and it would not be good for him to bring in any dirt or bacteria!" Carrie's The voice was a little louder: "Grandma, take her away, don't let her come again!"

Feng Ling said: "Girl Carrie, you know the situation of my friend who is a doctor, they are all poisoned by chemical poison, and they have various symptoms. His eyes and he do n’t remember. Maybe they are just For the time being, whatever he has forgotten now may just be his current symptoms. Let me take a look at him, and if I look at it, I know he is ... "

"You lied less! He didn't forget anything. When he woke up, he still soberly told me the reason for his injury at the time. Don't look at him now that he is weak, but he has always been very clear-headed! It's just that he can't see his eyes! He said he didn't know you, so he didn't know him! "Carrie's tone still remained uncompromising.

Feng Ling couldn't believe it.

It is even impossible to believe.

Speak clearly? The memory is clear?

How could she not remember her?


She turned to look at the dress hanging on the hanger outside, walked over, took it off, looked at the material and size of the dress, and then looked at the scorched marks above.

This is nothing wrong with Li Nanheng's clothes.

The only people who could be rushed to Gorejing Farm with AK were Li Nanheng.

There can be no one else.

He didn't lie, so he lied to another person.

May Li Nanheng refuse to meet when she knows she is here, or even say she doesn't know her?

The only person who lied could be this Carrie.

But why did she lie?

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