Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1366: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (629)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

That night, Feng Ling went to Carrie's house again. This time, instead of going directly into Carrie's yard, she stood outside for a while.

When she heard the opening of the door, she turned in front of the door, leaned slightly, and glanced inward.

Carrie had a basin of blood-stained clothes in her hand, but this time she didn't seem to plan to go outside to wash the river. Instead, she opened a large water tank in the yard and got water from the inside. , Just squatting in the yard to wash the blood stains on those clothes.

Although the sky is dark and there are no street lights in such a barren place as Gore's Farm, Feng Ling's eyesight has always been good, especially at night. The vision is not affected by the sky at all, and it can be accurately seen The blood on the clothes should have just been obtained, that is, Li Nanheng's injury has not healed, and there is a growing trend.

According to Carrie's frequent washing of these blood coats, he should be hurt more than A K.

A.K is now fine except for her broken leg and a little sluggish response. At least she can now talk to her normally. As long as she keeps raising for a few days, when Tam and Lin Cheng arrive, you can help him together. Bring it back.

And Li Nanheng, now it seems that injuries will often have large swaths of blood.

Feng Ling silently stood outside the yard watching Carrie doing the laundry. After watching for a long time, she gently opened the door and walked in.

The door outside the courtyard squeaked open suddenly, Carrie paused in the water, looked back and saw that it had actually been once during the day.

Knowing that Feng Ling really had something to do with the person inside, Carrie couldn't prevent her from being too guarded or indifferent, but she still glanced at her with an unpleasant look: "What time is it? Late at midnight? Why are you here again? "

"I've prescribed a lot of medicines at the doctor." Feng Ling was actually carrying a bag of things. She put the medicine on the stone table next to Carrie: "Don't mind, I didn't underestimate you. The meaning of medicine is just to worry that your medicine is not enough, so I asked some doctors to come over. "

Carrie still didn't have a good complexion. She didn't look at those medicines. She lowered her head and continued to wash clothes. She rubbed her hands and said coldly, "It sounds good. You are afraid that there is something wrong with my medicine."

Feng Ling looked at her: "Miss Carrie, you are willing to save your life, which shows that you are a very kind and enthusiastic person, and you are also very clever. You should know that I did not lie, and I also did not want to see me. Can guess, but please let me go in and see him, at least let me know how much he hurt. If it is really serious, he must immediately return to the place where he originally belonged, let him heal as soon as possible, and he If your eyes are really invisible, you should go to a regular hospital to have a good examination and treat them as soon as possible. "

"When I said I didn't know you, you had to stick it up. You don't even want to see you when you see him. You said to yourself that you are a fiancee, aren't you ashamed?" Carrie was hiding something in her heart Actually, it ’s not too hidden, and I do n’t want to continue talking about whether that person wants to see her, but I just raised my eyes and said, looking at her: “I already made it clear during the day, and you ’re very attitude Clearly, he doesn't know you. "

"Mr. Mai is a very kind person. I don't want anything unpleasant to happen with her granddaughter, and I also hope that Miss Carrie is not too paranoid." Feng Ling's voice cooled down, and her eyes didn't have any temperature.

Carrie sneered at the time: "Break into my house late at night, I won't let you in, can you still break in?"

Feng Ling didn't say anything, but already answered directly with action.

She turned and walked directly towards the closed door.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Carrie saw that she really had the intention to make a fortune, and quickly got up and chased after her. She stepped forward and opened her arms to block the closed door, her eyes glaring at the moment. This woman, who has lost a lot of patience, apparently doesn't want to be more entangled with herself, and stares at her: "This is my house! You can't run wild!"

"What if I have to go in?" Feng Ling's eyes weren't particularly cold, but her eyes did look at her like a thin layer of smoke behind the cold mist.

She did run out of patience.

Li Nanheng's physical condition must not be delayed.

"Then I will ask someone here to kick you out!" Carrie said as she dragged her hand to a bell on the side of the door.

Feng Ling glanced at the bell. If she guessed right, this thing should be a kind of signal transmission by the locals of Gorejing Farm. When it rings, people nearby will hear it. Now it's quiet at night, and even more It will be clear, that is to say, as long as the bell rings, many people will come immediately.

Carrie stared at Feng Ling and suddenly said, "You suddenly left in the afternoon, is it because my grandma is here, and you don't want her to see you so savage, afraid she knows if she has taken a robber ? "

Feng Ling had never had a particularly deep idea of ​​whether he was a man or a woman.

But now, at this moment, there is a woman's sixth sense telling her.

This Carrie refused to let her in to see Li Nanheng. In addition to Li Nanheng's own reasons, Carrie herself was selfish.

No matter what kind of selfishness, in short, Li Nanheng must go back to the United States with her.

"Life is off, Miss Carrie. He is an injured person, a sick person, unconscious, isn't your head clear?" Feng Ling didn't want to make a noise at Gore Farm so late, but it was nothing. Don't let: "Do you want him to die with you, or do you want him to go to a professional hospital to get regular treatment and surgery?"

Carrie's expression was astringent because of her words: "What regular hospital? I haven't seen it. I've been here since I was a kid. The cold, sickness, and injuries are all used in our medicine. It's just as good. Don't Underestimate the people here ... "

"Don't deliberately misinterpret the meaning in my words, what I'm talking about, you know very well." Feng Ling looked at her coldly: "No further delay, you are no different from a murderer."

Hearing the words of the murderer, Carrie's expression froze, then stared at her suddenly: "What nonsense ..."

Just before Carrie's voice had fallen, the door behind her suddenly opened.

There is no lamp in the yard, only the bright moonlight in the sky shines brightly here, the cold color of the place under the moon.

At the moment of hearing the door sound, Carrie also stagnated and turned her head, almost at the same time as Feng Ling saw the man who got out of bed at the same time and stood at the door.

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