Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1367: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (630)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The man's eyes didn't have any focal length, but the house was not large, there were not many things in it, there weren't many obstacles, and the bed was still close to here. He should have just groped and walked over.

Feng Ling also stayed in the footsteps as soon as the door opened.

Li Nanheng.

It was just that his face was as white as paper, with blood stains on one side of his cheeks, and blood stains on his forehead. The cotton clothes on his body should have just been changed. He was clean without any trace of blood. Although his eyes were open, he remained calm like a stagnant lake, motionless.

"Ah, why are you getting out of bed!" Carrie screamed first, and then turned to help him.

However, the man in the door just propped up the door with one hand, opened those eyes that could not find any focal length, and then when Carrie got closer, he raised his hand and suddenly held Carrie's hand directly.

"When I heard a voice outside, I came out to see it." Li Nanheng's voice was almost inaudible, but it was quiet all around, and a short sentence sounded very clear.

Carrie froze because he suddenly held his hand, and then his face was inexplicably red, with a somewhat embarrassing expression, and before speaking, he heard Li Nanheng holding her hand and said, "It's that person Are you bothering you? "

that person?

Feng Ling's eyes were fixed on Li Nanheng's face. From the surprise at the beginning, to the surprise, to the shock at the moment, he just looked at his condition just now, and then he suddenly noticed him. Where your hand is.

The kind of intimacy seems to rely on Carrie's movements, and even half of her body almost leans on Carrie's body, holding her in one hand and supporting the other hand on the door panel. The movement is as if Carrie around him is the most trusted. The safest woman.

"Uh ... yeah, she's here again, and it looks like she just had to break in, just to wake you up ..." Carrie said as he helped him: "I help you back to bed first Lie down, how can you get out of bed now ... "

Li Nanheng stood in front of the door without moving, but opened his eyes like standing water again, "looking" at the direction of the people outside the door: "You go, don't come again."

Feng Ling's eyes stared at his face, looking at his eyes: "Li Nanheng."

The man's face was very quiet, and his voice was still faint, as if he had never known her: "I don't know you."

"So, have you lost your memory?" Feng Ling's hand clenched slowly and stared at him: "Li Nanheng, you don't remember me, you don't remember yourself, you don't remember XI base or everything Is it?"

The man stood still in front of the door and stopped talking.

"Okay, don't talk about it, he can't stand the body!" Carrie felt that the weight of the man's body had begun to hold up, and quietly and gradually turned to herself, quickly supporting her while turning her eyes to Feng Ling: "You have seen this time, and you have said what you should say in person. If you do n’t know you, you just do n’t know you! Enough?"

After speaking, Carrie helped him hard with one hand and hurriedly closed the other.

Feng Ling suddenly stepped forward and pressed directly on the door, staring at the man who couldn't see himself at all: "Li Nanheng! I'll take you back to the United States! You must do this?"

"You're endless? A man doesn't even see you and doesn't know you. You're still so embarrassed! Will you be too shameless!" Carrie said, glaring at her: "You Never leave again, I really want to be called! "

Feng Ling stared blankly at the man in front of him, suddenly raised his hand and pulled the rattle by the door.

Seeing this woman pull the fixed rattle down so easily, Carrie's expression was shocked directly: "You ..."

"If you don't see it because you rescued him, you've been stunned by me now, please shut up." Feng Ling rolled her eyes, looked at Carrie coldly again, and then retracted her eyes, Then he pressed firmly on the door panel and stared at the silent pale man: "Li Nanheng, now this dead-faced person has become me, are you happy? If you don't let go of it, now go back with me, after you return to the United States, you want No matter what, don't consume your own life here! "

However, the man's expression has not changed much, only taking a step back, avoiding the breath of Feng Ling, at the same time turning away the pale face, lowering his head dumbly in Carrie's voice, "Close the door."

As soon as Carrie heard what he said, he felt that the weight leaning on him was getting heavier and he was afraid he couldn't hold it. He quickly pulled the bolt out of the door and lifted it directly to Feng Ling. "If you don't leave again, I will hit someone!"

Feng Ling didn't even look at her.

"I tell you, I have been here since I was a kid, and I have not only studied medicine, but I have also learned kung fu from many people! Don't force me to really do something to you, two women are not good at fighting!"

As soon as Carrie's voice fell, she suddenly felt only an inexplicable emptiness in her hands. The latch suddenly fell into Feng Ling's hands without knowing how, and at the same time, the latch suddenly fell directly to the ground. The sturdy wooden latch here cracked in half on the ground in no time.

Carrie's face shook fiercely.

She raised her eyes and looked at Feng Ling again.

Feng Ling just looked at Li Nanheng coldly from beginning to end, as if the set of movements just now did not originate from her.

"You ... you you ..." Carrie's face went white: "you ..."

However, at this time Li Nanheng lifted up, even if he had no strength, he still put his hand on the door panel, and then faceless, closed the door little by little until the door panel hit Feng Ling's body, his gaze It just opened as if I didn't see it, directly closed the door heavily, and pushed the door panel out of the door.

He didn't use much energy, but Feng Ling was forced to take a step back, his eyes kept on Li Nanheng who closed the door with his own hands.

Carrie was so stupid that she was staring at the door until the door was finally closed.

However, within three or five seconds, the man who had just barely leaned against her suddenly shocked himself suddenly, and suddenly coughed a lot of blood against the ground. Wow, she fell down to the ground in an instant, and her eyes were fast. Quickly hugged his hand, but he just grabbed his arm, and saw that he was so weakly kneeling on the ground, suppressing the coughing sound, but kept pouring out from his mouth. Blood, quickly squatted down, lowered his voice while helping him, "Oh my God ... fast, I help you back to bed ... I said you can't move, don't kill you ..."

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