Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1368: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (631)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling stood outside the door and didn't leave. He could hear the movement inside with good ear strength, and even heard the depressed cough and what was vomiting.

Until I seemed to hear Carrie whispering in it again, "Why so much blood ..."

Feng Ling suddenly came forward and pushed the door two times hard. Without pushing it open, she put up with it and saw that Carrie Mai didn't treat the Carrie too well, but now she can't take care of it so much. Raised the foot and then slammed it **** the door panel. For two consecutive feet, the door panel was directly pinched to the crack, and the position locked in the middle was cracked.

Before Carrie could bring Li Nanheng back to bed, she heard the huge movement behind her, and turned her head sharply to see that the woman even opened the door panel and walked in quickly.

"what are you doing……"

Before the words were finished, the man being held by Carrie was lifted directly from her hand. Li Nanheng's cough was not stable. He just put on his clothes and his chest was covered with blood. Hu His jaw was blood everywhere, and he could hardly open his eyes. He was pulled by Feng Ling so hard, and his body was so tall and thin that he bumped into her.

He paused, but couldn't open his eyes, but seemed to know something. He made a very weak effort, while Feng Ling pulled him firmly and turned his eyes to Carrie: "Go and call the doctor, you really want to let Are you dead here? "

Carrie paused and looked at Feng Ling's eyes. It was inexplicably strong and irresistible. Although she was confident in her medical skills, she looked at Li Nanheng's current state again and she was stunned. With a lip, he turned and hurried out.

Seeing that Carrie was finally willing to call the doctor, Feng Lingshen first glanced at the environment in this room, which was very clean, but there were two big beaches on the ground from the front door to here that were blood spit out by Li Nanheng. Although the lights are not particularly bright, they are enough to make everyone see clearly.

She lifted Li Nanheng to the bed, and then hurriedly took a towel to wipe the blood around his jaw. The man's eyes opened slowly, it seemed that he had difficulty breathing, his eyes were still out of focus, and his hands were slowly raised In order to push her hand away, Feng Ling forcedly held him down, and her hand was firmly pressed directly on his jaw with a towel, and said sharply, "Don't move!"

The man frowned almost unobservably, but was exhausted and speechless, and uncomfortable only swallowed the **** smell that may still want to spit out, forbearing, but it is not difficult to see, he now It's really uncomfortable.

"Li Nanheng, if you dare to die, I immediately drew my gun here and broke my own head. I sealed all the important things in my life from childhood to entanglement with you. If you dare to throw me off, even if you reach Yincao, You can't shake me off in the prefecture! "Feng Ling said as he pressed his shoulder firmly, wiping those blood stains more quickly.

I felt that although the man's hand had just earned a bit and never moved again, I don't know if it was because he was really weak or because of her words.

But at least he couldn't beat her now, even struggling to stand up, and the arrogant arrogance in front of her was gone. What did he do to fight her with her?

He wiped the blood on his body again, and watched the cotton cloth on his chest was stained with blood. Feng Ling's heart now became extraordinarily calm in the torture that had come down for a few days, even if he was searching hard It is very likely that a man who has been around for a long time will breathe in front of her in the next second, and she must also calm down.

"Because you can cough up blood? Is your visceral wound hurt? Where were you when the explosion occurred? Was it affected on the edge or was it directly shocked into the water at the center of the earthquake?" Feng Ling asked as he pulled his clothes. .

Li Nanheng was indeed powerless to resist, knowing what she was doing, she could only raise her hand in vain, and then lay down on her leg weakly again.

As soon as the upper body's bloodstained clothes were torn apart, I saw men's skin that was supposed to be smooth, clean and strong. There were large and small scars on the texture of the skin. There were not many places where the wounds were burned, but many were like Where did she fall and get a bruise and a bruise on her chest? I do n’t know if it was due to trauma or internal organ injuries and chemical poisoning. She is not a doctor, but looking at it like this also knows that he will continue to do so. Really. Will die.

Looking at those injuries, Feng Ling gritted his teeth fiercely, and then ripped his sleeve again, and saw the scars everywhere on his arm, as well as many puffs that were soaked by the water a few days ago.

It is impossible to imagine how he saved his life in this catastrophe.

It is even harder to imagine what kind of psychological blows and torments he would encounter when he opened his eyes but could not see everything.

She was still angry and hated, but now she couldn't hate it.

If it were her, she might choose to die alone, and she didn't want anyone to see her like this, and it made people look sad and sad in vain.

She pulled his arm tightly to compile his sleeves, forcibly retracting the wetness swirling in her eyes, just lowering his sleeves, and then finishing his blood stained clothes, seeing him Now even sitting alone beside the bed was not stable, and hurriedly helped him lie down.

When lying down, the man frowned. She moved a little, slowed down a little, and whispered, "Did I hurt you?"

The man closed his eyes and said nothing, nodded or shook his head, and she continued to help him lie down patiently.

I didn't crouch beside the bed until I covered him with a quilt. I just looked at the thin, pale man with closed eyes lying on the bed. The last time I saw him was in Mr. Mike's resort, he still Coaxing her to drink, is still the look of Li Nanheng once, so inevitable for her.

But now Li Nanheng has lost so much weight in just a few days. His pale look almost can not recognize him, especially in the contrast with her attitude.

It was a man who was able to defend her thoughtfulness and patience by spreading her wings beside her no matter how angry or ignoring him.

And at this moment, she had never seen such a weak and weak, such ... rare ... who needed her to protect him, which was different from the injury he had suffered as a result of the mission.

He started to avoid her.

"Li Nanheng, you listen." Feng Ling squatted beside the bed, looked at his face, and raised her hand to gently stroke those stubbles around his chin: "It's a man, what I have said will count, I If you lose, you have to go back and marry me. "

Seeing that he didn't speak, he didn't turn his head back, and didn't reflect it. Feng Ling couldn't hear comfort or ridicule indifferently: "I never thought that a man like you who has a rougher mind than a mountain and a bigger sea would also I feel inferior, what if I can't see my eyes, isn't my face still destroyed, can I still eat on my face, what do you hide? "

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