Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1371: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (634)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

However, Feng Ling didn't move, only looked at Carrie, and said lightly: "It's okay, just stand here and hear the sound inside. If there is anything that needs me, I'll go in right away, now I can't."

"What? It wasn't me and Uncle Mona who kicked you out. You still have a temper?" Carrie glared at her unhappy.

Feng Ling's gaze was now facing Carrie's face: "Don't you say he will be emotionally unstable as long as he sees me?"

Carrie rolled her eyes directly: "He's not awake yet, he's too weak, and has coughed so much blood, it's probably too early to be completely awake. You go to hide from the rain, the rain stops and the clothes dry out It's not too late. "

Feng Ling glanced at her again. Carrie's umbrella had reached her head and said impatiently, "I won't care if you don't go in!"

Just when her words ended, Feng Ling was very knowledgeable and moved forward.

Carrie watched as she walked in, surprised, hurriedly murmured after entering the door, and murmured in amazement: "You have been standing outside for so long, you have hardly moved, and you walk Doesn't it shake at all? Doesn't your leg hurt?

"It's okay." Feng Ling didn't explain. Only after entering the door, his eyes looked at the man who was still drowsy in bed.

I wanted to check it out, but realized that my clothes were all wet, just after it rained, and it was not good for him to take the coolness with him. He just did n’t pass, but just came to Doctor Mona. He gave him a thankful look.

Doctor Mona didn't say much, just smiled politely.

After all, the first two days also saw how Feng Ling treated the Ah, knowing that she and the two injured people who were washed down to their town must be inseparable, and the character of this lady Feng It's not bad. People who care about them are seriously injured in a coma here, and there is no need to torture her like this.

Not long after, Carrie went to the inner room behind the hut, and found a goose-yellow cotton dress. She came over and handed it to Feng Ling without any good looks.

"Well, your clothes are so wet and still dripping water. Don't wet the floor in my house. Go and change your clothes." With that, Carrie looked her up and down for a while. : "I bought this dress from a businessman in the town who went to Jerusalem. I bought it with a good look, but I will wear a dress that is one size larger, so I have tried it only once. I have n’t touched it in a closet. You are taller than me. You should fit this dress and change it. ”

Feng Ling knows that this Carrie is a bit arrogant, but it is indeed as spoiled as Granny Mai said, but she is not bad.

At this moment, looking at the clothes handed in front of him, and then looking at the somewhat proud and unhappy expression on Carrie's face, the indifferent ice layer in Feng Ling's eyes gradually opened a thin crack: "Thank you."

Carrie didn't answer her, apparently she took out all the clothes for her, and the other person thanked him, and he just tilted his head to continue to dispense the medicine with the doctor, and then pointed at his chin while busy. The direction of the inner room: "You go there to change. Inside is where I sleep myself. By the way, don't mess with my things, just come out after changing."

Feng Ling went straight in to change clothes.

I saw a clean towel by the bed and guessed that Carrie had put it here.

Grandma Mai's granddaughter is actually a very attentive person, and from the perspective of the interior room, she is also a very clean girl. There are beds, cabinets, all kinds of daily necessities, and all of them are from Israel. People's life style, many flowers are planted in the yard outside, and there are many vases beside this bed.

And since there is a bed where she sleeps, the one outside is estimated to be the bed that was temporarily brought in. These days, Li Nanheng is here, and the two of them are also sleeping in the two rooms, without disturbing each other.

Feng Ling lowered her head to unfasten the straps of the clothes, and took them off layer by layer. The woman in this place was very cumbersome. In her eyes, it looked like a troublesome layer of cotton skirt to put on. It ’s not as convenient as wearing a T-shirt, but she has n’t brought any clothes. Although this cotton skirt will be inconvenient after wearing, it ’s comfortable when you act, but fortunately, the clothes fit.

After changing her clothes, she took a towel and wiped her hair, then pulled it up on her head at will, and tied it with a rubber band in her head.

When I went out again, the rain outside seemed to have been lighter now.

Dr. Montana patted the medicine residue on his hand and said, "Carrie, go back with me with an umbrella and get some supplementary medicine. The rain is still on, the medicine can't get wet, you have to help me Raise an umbrella. "

"Okay." Carrie got up and was about to follow him, suddenly looking back at Feng Ling who had just come out of the inner room.

A few days ago, Feng Ling wore some clean old clothes found by her mother-in-law, and she looked very good on Feng Ling's body. As a result, this goose-yellow color clothes had a very clear sense of girlhood. Wearing it on Feng Ling's body is even more beautiful, which makes Carrie jealous. Why can't she dress well if she wears it? If she is a few centimeters taller, she may wear such beautiful clothes.

Carrie was a bit angry. The woman's instinct could make her a little bit regretful to give her such good-looking clothes, but now she has to go back with Doctor Mona to get medicine, so she still says with an unhappy expression to Feng Ling: " Uncle Mona and I went to get the medicine. He hasn't woken up yet. You are here to guard him, and we'll be back in a moment. "

Feng Ling responded: "OK."

This is Carrie's home. In fact, she is not willing to let Feng Ling stay here to guard her, but she is also a medical doctor. Now it is more important to get medicine. She had to turn around and walk away with her doctor. .

The door opened and closed, and the house was silent.

Feng Ling looked at Li Nanheng on the bed and walked over. There was a small wooden stool by the bed. It was estimated that Dr. Montana had just sat for the convenience of diagnosis and treatment. She sat down on the small wooden stool and looked at the bed from a flat angle. Motionless man with eyes closed.

Li Nanheng was originally a tall and tall man. Although it was not a muscle-tangled one, he was definitely a man with perfect lines of texture throughout his body.

But now Li Nanheng is lying here, he has lost a lot of weight, obviously the texture of his body will not disappear because of just a few days of injury, but in this way, the overall appearance is still really too thin, watching him hang down The hand on the side of the quilt didn't even move her fingers quietly. She gently stretched out her hand and touched his hand gently. She was careful to be afraid of waking him up, or to drive him away. , As if afraid of hurting him.

Then slowly, holding his hand in the palm of his hand, five fingers crossed.


(There is no abuse behind, Xiao Fengling is so strong that it is impossible for Li Er to win. Even if tied, he will be tied back to Los Angeles. He is so weak now that he ca n’t beat her, right?)

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