Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1372: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (635)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I haven't had a good night's sleep in these two days, so I took his hand and sat by the bed watching him all the time, feeling that there was still a little bit of temperature in his cool hands, and he could feel it on his wrist. After getting a pulse, there was a lot of rain outside, and the room was full of medicine. Feng Ling just sat on a small wooden bench and put his forehead on his hand and fell asleep.

I only slept for less than ten minutes. Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky. Feng Ling opened her eyes suddenly and raised her eyes to see that Li Nanheng was still asleep. The temperature in his hands was always cool and intermittent. The beating is sustaining the currently extremely fragile life.

Feng Ling opened his eyes and looked at him, held his hand tightly, moved the small stool forward, and leaned closer to the bed, just as he squeezed his hand while watching the man weakly sleep face.

From Washington to New York, to Jerusalem, to this Gore net farm, I have been looking for him for so many days, and now people are still alive, even if they are seriously injured, even if they are lethargic, they have at least a stable breathing and vitality, her finger Jian can feel his temperature and can see his existence.

I do n’t know what it was, Feng Ling slowly raised his hand, and put his warm palm against her face, very light and very light, so he rubbed his face with his hand, his eyes kept Looking at him.

Until then, hurried footsteps came from outside, and Carrie and the doctor hurriedly took the medicine back. After entering the door, Carrie slammed the water on the umbrella, and in a blink, saw Feng Ling's posture beside the bed, and then looked Holding her holding Li Nanheng's hand, she wanted to say something, but she didn't open her mouth. When she blinked, she saw the doctor wink her and let her continue to help her. Carrie had to follow her.

To the side to continue dispensing, Dr. Montana whispered in the local language: "Ms. Feng seemed to have arrived here from a long distance in order to find him."

Carrie lowered her head to get the medicine, and didn't talk back, but her face was obviously not very happy.

"He doesn't belong to you," Doctor Mona said again.

Carrie pursed her lips and said, "I know."

"It's good to know. There are a lot of men who like you in our town. You don't need to be too concerned about an unknown outsider, and, obviously, they are a very affectionate couple."

Carrie was sullen for a long time before she said, "Uncle Mona, I never thought that a Oriental man was so good-looking before. When I brought him back by the river that day, I just wanted to save people, but I found this after I wiped him clean. Men really look good ... "

"It's not yours to look good."

"... I know." Carrie pursed her lips. "When Miss Feng came to find someone that day and said it was to find her fiance, I knew it."

Looking at her unwilling little eyes, Dr. Mona smiled, knowing that she had a sense of tolerance, but she was not very emotionally convergent, so she didn't say more, only reminded him: "You are a Doctors."


Feng Ling couldn't understand their conversation and had no time to listen, because Li Nanheng was awake.

He moved his fingers first, presumably feeling that someone was holding his hand. He was about to move his hand instinctively, but she was clenched by her instead.

He opened his eyes. Even though he couldn't see it, he didn't move much, but it seemed to know instantly who was sitting next to the bed and holding his hand.

Feng Ling saw that he was awake, and quickly got up, as if he was afraid of his existence and irritating him, and he was afraid to speak, but he glanced in the direction of the doctor for help.

Doctor Montana came over when he saw this. Feng Ling then let go of his hand. When he let go, the man did not catch her like a backhand like he used to, but kept quietly. There was nothing extra beside the bed.

The doctor went to check his current physical condition. Feng Ling's eyes kept looking at the bed, and he didn't want to leave an inch. Until ten minutes later, the doctor pulled away from the bed. She saw that Li Nanheng had closed her eyes again, but it seemed that There is some redness around the eyes, it should just be that the eyes are uncomfortable, and it is not that they continue to fall asleep.

Dr. Mona turned back and continued to get the medicine, and at the same time said a few words to Carrie, Carrie turned to Feng Ling after translating: "Uncle Mona said that he had applied medicine to his eyes during the day, Later, the eyes that were stimulated by the drug were uncomfortable, so I took it off again. He just woke up. When he opened his eyes, there were still some drug irritation around the eyes, so the eyes would be red, don't worry. "

Feng Ling didn't say anything, but nodded his thanks to Carrie.

Carrie looked at her, her eyes were not too willing, but there was nothing she could do, no matter how the woman and the woman were natural enemies, at this time, she herself could only be regarded as a healer, but she saved a man. You ca n’t really grab a man from someone else, in that case, my grandmother would probably kill her with a cane.

After a while, the doctor handed Feng Ling a bowl of medicine that seemed to be mixed with black, green, and green colors, which meant that she would feed Li Nanheng the medicine.

When Feng Ling took over, Carrie glanced at the doctor unhappy beside him. The doctor motioned to Feng Ling to take good care of him only when he didn't see it. Feng Ling nodded and went directly to the bed holding the medicine bowl.

Doctor Mona gave Carrie a warning as the elders did, and Carrie pursed her lips, angrily took the umbrella and turned out.

Feng Ling heard the door open and closed by the bedside, looked at Carrie's back, and then turned to Doctor Mona. The doctor cast her a "nothing, leave her alone" look, and Feng Ling retracted Out of sight.

She first tried to lift Li Nanheng from the bed. The man on the bed seemed to notice when she was touched by her hand. When Feng Ling was about to avoid, Feng Ling moved very slowly and held him firmly. What he couldn't resist was to lift up a rare and weak man who couldn't even beat his finger, and then picked up a pillow and another quilt to help him make a very comfortable and leanable one behind him. Place, press him gently again, so that he can lean there.

Li Nanheng apparently resisted her. Although Feng Ling had never spoken, she was too familiar with each other. A habitual movement on the hand, a breath, even if it was silent, even if it was invisible, he also It can be accurately detected that she is by the bed.

Feng Ling blew the medicine gently, sitting next to the bed, carefully feeding him by the mouth, and seeing that he didn't open his mouth, she put the black and green medicine back to her mouth and tasted it. The taste was still strange. It was disgusting. It was almost the same as A K's medicine. I felt that there was no problem with the temperature. Then I continued to hand it to his mouth.

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