Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1373: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (636)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I probably heard the sound that she had just blown the medicine a few times. Li Nanheng didn't drink it first, but Feng Ling forcibly pried it open with a spoon on his still lips, and gave him the medicine little by little. Feeded in, until the man frowned, as if she felt that she would always be sour with holding her hands up, so she insisted on each other for a long time, he opened his eyes without focus, and opened his mouth to take the medicine.

Seeing that he had cooperated, Feng Ling's heart that had been raised finally fell a little bit, and his lips were dyed for the first time in a few days, and he continued to feed.

At the moment, she couldn't see or say anything until she drank most of the medicine. Feng Ling turned back and asked the doctor if she would continue to feed. The doctor looked at the remaining medicine and told with eyes. She can.

This kind of eye contact is a way of communication used by two people who do n’t speak the language when taking care of Ak in the doctor ’s house a few days ago. Although Doctor Mona knows a little bit of simple Chinese, the vocabulary is very small, except for occasional necessity. In addition to the conversation, it is basically impossible to communicate normally for a long time.

Feng Ling lowered the bowl, took a clean towel and gently wiped the medicine stains on his mouth. The man did not resist. Although he could not see, his eyes did not stay in her direction, and he was obviously tilting his head. Don't "see" her.

Feng Ling was here tonight, especially after Li Nanheng woke up, she didn't say a word all the way, even if she knew each other well, she didn't speak, just sitting by the bed watching him and taking care of him to accompany him.

Even in his eyes there was obvious indifference.

In the middle of the night, Carrie hadn't come back yet, but Granny Mai came over, gave them some food, and then told Feng Ling that Carrie went to her tonight tonight, don't worry.

Soon afterwards, Doctor Montana also came to the emergency department because a family member's child in the town was sick, and Feng Lingxian was here to keep it alone, and the medicine was ready to be set aside and warmed up.

Late at night, although it was Carrie's house, the room was quiet with only two people left.

Feng Ling hadn't talked sitting on the bed watching the man who had been lying down again. Li Nanheng closed her eyes. The red spots around her eyes had recovered a lot. She tentatively reached out and tried to touch His eyelids, to see if there were any signs of fever in the eyelids. As a result, his hand had just passed, and he was one centimeter away from his eyes, and the man's hand suddenly held his wrist.

Although Li Nanheng didn't have much energy, the meaning of blocking was obvious.

His eyes should now be his most sensitive place from body to mind.

Feng Ling shrank his fingers, looked down at him, and for a long time, finally put his hands back, and said softly, "Li Nanheng."

The man closed his eyes and didn't respond, but just put his hands quietly back to his side, and heard her voice without any extra reflection, as if it was just an unrelated person talking beside him and disturbing sleep, he It's just a disregard.

Seeing that he had not been stimulated by too much emotional ups and downs, Feng Ling determined that he had coughed up blood twice before by coincidence, and then moved closer to the bed, whispering, "Li Boss ..."

Hearing these three words, the man on the bed still did not respond.

"A-K has no leg," she said softly, "Do you know?"

Finally, the news that he didn't know for many days made the man's eyebrows wrinkle quietly. Although it is not obvious, even the slightest emotional fluctuations can still be captured by Feng Ling sitting on the bed. Here.

She continued: "He knows that you fought this life to save him, so even if he lost a leg, he at least saved his life."

The room was quiet, only the medicine that was sick, bitter, and acceptable, and Feng Ling's voice seemed quiet in this quiet room. The clearer and clearer voice broke the night clearly. Dark mist, layer by layer through the high wall.

"If, at this time, Ak gives up the opportunity to be treated because he doesn't have a leg and some symptoms caused by chemical poisoning on his body, would you hate the iron impermanence? Would you like to wake him up? "

Feng Ling said as he looked at his face: "Like I am to you now, if you are not really weak enough to stand up, Li Nanheng, I should slap you a few slaps first."

At this point, Feng Ling laughed at herself suddenly, looking at the man with closed eyes without reflection: "You scold me now in your heart, have I? I have never been very gentle with you, right?"

"I remember what you said to me, so now I can also ask you the other way around." She lay beside the bed, leaned against his ear, and whispered, "Li Nanheng, you broke into my life in an arbitrary manner. For more than ten years, the waves that have stirred up my life have risen again. Now you say you do n’t remember me, you do n’t remember me, do I agree? ”

He didn't speak, and Feng Ling was not in a hurry, anyway she knew he was awake.

"Speaking of which, the last time we met before was in Washington. The night before, how I was drunk step by step, you should have a little in mind." Feng Ling's voice was clear: "What? Now? So anxious to get rid of the relationship with me, are you afraid that I will find your account with you? You deliberately drunk me and set my words, aren't you? "

Feng Ling said as he continued to put it in his ears, and the breath on his lips gently touched his ears: "You should also know very well later, I was awake then, everything from the hot spring pool back to the room, I remember every scene, should I repeat what happened to you? "

In the end, a man who looked like an indifferent man on the bed had a pale face on his side, obviously avoiding her breath.

One is always passive, and is always contradictory and unreasonable in those things between men and women. The emotional intelligence is obviously not enough. However, he actively mentioned that night, and his voice slowly softened. Lightly, there was another kind of fierceness in his voice.

He didn't recognize her, so she was angry.

But she couldn't be angry.

Feng Ling just looked at his face like this. He didn't turn his head back. From this perspective, looking at his stubble jaw line, he was really too thin.

She no longer leaned close to the bed, but just leaned on the edge of the bed with one hand, staring at him like water, her voice sounded calm, but she deliberately picked up on the epilogue: "what am I drunk What does it look like to make you so obsessed with drunk me? "

"Li Nanheng, don't shy away from my topic, you may think so, maybe I just came here to see you alive again, but just want to come to your account?"

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