Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1374: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (637)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The room was too quiet. If it weren't for Feng Ling's constant chattering, all kinds of topics would allow her to find a chance to talk again. I'm afraid the room would only be silent.

However, there are really very few words on weekdays, and basically not much nonsense, but at this moment it is like a nonsense, keep talking, as if afraid that the next moment he will be gone, afraid that he will not hear , As if not wanting everything to be too quiet, it is not real enough to be quiet, not sure she is awake, not sure he is alive.

"So, what exactly did I look like when I was drunk?"

"Will I talk to you a lot? So you know that I need the financing very much? So you know that I only want to kill TMing in the first place, so you have helped me achieve it after that night? Was it something I told you at the time? "

"What else? Drunk me, is it what you like?"

"What do you like about me?"

"If you aren't hurt too much now and need someone to take care of me, I can always drink two bottles of wine in front of you, whatever you want."

I do n’t know what point she was talking about when it hurt him or where the pain was. The man kept his fingers moving beside him, Feng Ling looked at his hand, stretched out his hand and was about to touch him, but saw him again. Folding her fingers back, **** into fists, she didn't plan to shake her hands.

Feng Ling looked at his hand like this for a while, but did not touch it forcibly, but looked at him, and said with a generous expression: "Forget it, you are a patient. It is inevitable that you are in a bad mood and have a temper. I I don't care about you. "

late at night.

"Li Nanheng, do you want to drink water?"


"Boss Li, have you been lying down, will your back be sore?"


"Li Nanheng, are you asleep?"


"Li Nanheng, I suddenly thought of a particularly boring and serious problem. You are coughing up blood and getting your clothes covered with blood every day. You are frequently changed clothes and wiped your body. It is Carrie who helps you. Did you wipe it? "


"So, are you being watched by her?"


Finally, the man who had been silent all night closed his eyes but frowned quietly, and said dumbly, "She is a doctor."

Hearing that he opened his mouth and explained it, Feng Ling stood beside the bed and looked at him, but didn't speak for a while.

Perhaps the woman who had been talking all night suddenly quieted down, the atmosphere was serious and weird, and the man on the bed was silent for a moment, then opened his eyes without focus and glanced towards the side of Feng Ling.

Feng Ling looked into his eyes, even though his eyes were opposite, he couldn't see her.

However, she still stared at his eyes and said, "For many years, you are really very clean. Apart from the wishful thinking of Feng Mingzhu, you have not given me any chance to be jealous, but now, I really Is jealous. "

The little success in her tone that she was obviously jealous, but was somewhat jealous, was obviously a little smug because she finally forced him to speak.

Li Nanheng's face was indifferent, and he returned to the state of expressionlessness and no response, and said nothing again.

Coincidentally, Feng Ling's phone vibrated twice. She picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was a message from Tam.

They have learned that both Li Bo and A K are here, and they are planning to break through the frontier of the Jerusalem city at dawn, and at the same time, they have notified the lobby of the XI base as soon as possible.

After reading the information, Feng Ling put the phone down directly, and then looked at the quiet man on the bed.

When the base gets the news, it will surely come over as soon as possible. No matter if Li Nanheng is willing or not, even if it is lifted, Ah Feng Han Jin will come to lift him into the plane.

However, where a helicopter is passing by in a place like Israel, it will cause a lot of sensation and fear for people there. She thought about it and gave them a message directly back. Let them be careful when they come. Scared the people at Gorenet Farm.

The people here were scared by the war, but kindness and simplicity, after all, saved the lives of Li Nanheng and A K, Feng Ling hoped that they came clean and walked clean, so as not to cause too much influence and fluctuation to the people here.


In the early morning, it rained all night, and the rare and humid air in Gore's net farm was no longer so dry. Many people here got up early and walked outside in the morning. Feng Ling heard the sound and woke up directly.

She lay on the edge of the bed all night, raised her eyes to see Li Nanheng was asleep, and quickly got up and touched his forehead and the side of his neck to explore his arterial heartbeat.

As a result, the sleeping man woke up because of her movements. Although he didn't open his eyes, he said lightly: "No need to detect, but he is alive."

His voice was very low and very low, but the short words made Feng Ling's heart slightly dangling when he woke up.

She retracted her hand, looked at the man with eyes closed, and said directly: "Tam, they have contacted the base. Judging by time and aircraft speed, it is estimated that the base's helicopter will be able to arrive before noon."

Li Nanheng did not respond, but apparently Mei Yu froze, it seems that he did not want to be taken away by the people in the base in this state.

Feng Ling turned around and looked around in this small house. Before finding the white rice that went to Granny Mai before Carrie, the people at Gorejing Farm rarely ate these rice. Granny Mai came from China after all, so occasionally I would buy some from businessmen passing by and leave them at home, and other foods here would not be made. Fortunately, some white rice can be cooked for him.

Less than an hour later, the room was full of congee, and Feng Ling went to a bowl to feed him, and helped him up as he did last night.

At this time, Li Nanheng apparently knew that even resistance was useless, even though the attitude was still cold and a bit distant, but she didn't do anything in vain. She helped him up, he also cooperated, didn't speak, but at least he was willing Eat her porridge.

The porridge has just been cooked and it's still hot. Before Feng Ling feeds him, he will blow it a few times, and then touch it with his lips to try the temperature. He was shaken a few times, and the man on the bed obviously felt it. Her movements, silently raised her eyes without focus, looked at her.

After feeding a bowl, she asked him if he wanted to eat. The man was silent first, then nodded a few seconds later, Feng Ling hurried to fill another bowl, but when he returned to the bed to feed him, he did not eat. Already.

This porridge can't be wasted. Feng Ling saw that he did n’t eat it, and he just sat on the bed and took a few bites with the spoon and bowl he used. After taking a few bites like this, she turned to look at the man and leaned quietly on the bed. The expression on the side is reflected here.

He had wanted her to eat some too.


(Ouch, my daughter-in-law is too sticky these days, I ca n’t help it ~)

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