Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1375: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (638)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Before noon.

To be precise, it was 10 a.m. on the side of Gorejing Farm. Two heavy helicopters crossed the clear sky after the rain and headed straight over Gorejing Farm.

Because I received a reminder from Tam, do n’t alarm the people here, so the helicopter stopped in the open space near Gore Farm, but it still attracted many locals ’surprise. Some people thought it was war and After reaching here, I saw the helicopter and ran back home in a hurry.

Tam and Lin Cheng also arrived by car at this time.

A Feng and Han Jin led several elite members of the base out of the hatch, and when they saw Tam and Lin Cheng, they turned around on both of them. As they did not listen to the base order, they violated the base regulations by themselves, especially Members of the sniper team, no matter what the reason, whether they are successful or not, according to the guidelines in the base, both of them are now sinners in the base.

However, no one treats them as sinners, but quickly steps forward and asks directly: "Boss, where are they now?"

"Feng Ling sent us the coordinate position, and it was inside." Tam rushed in quickly.

However, at present, because of the local people who have been shocked to Gorejing Farm, many locals have gone home to copy the guys, wooden sticks, shovel, various things.

Feng Ling did remind me in the text message, but Tam was too rushed, and Feng Ling had been taking care of Li Nanheng last night. She did n’t have time to go to Granny Mai to ask her to say hello to the people in the town .

Li Nanheng fell asleep after taking the medicine in the morning, and his physical strength could not last long, and he would continue to sleep no more than an hour after each wake up. Fortunately, the two days that Dr. Montana had come, he coughed The blood problem has been alleviated a lot, except that he occasionally coughs up some blood foam when he has a severe cough, but he hurts the internal organs. These are inevitable. It is a good thing to see an improvement in the past two days.

There was a commotion and noise in the outside for a while. It seemed that something had happened. Feng Ling sat in the hut without moving. When he heard the sound, he glanced out. He was guessing whether the base people and Tam were here. Card At this time Li ran back from the outside. When she saw Feng Ling, her expression suddenly felt awkward, and she asked, "Is the helicopter from the outside coming for you?"

Feng Ling stood up and calculated the time.


I did n’t expect that the background of the man I saved myself was so simple, even that kind of helicopter, and those who came seemed to be ready to go, they should be well-trained, they did not have any harm to the people here. Disrespectful thought, just said to come here to find someone, and said Feng Lingli Nanheng and A K's name.

The names of these three people have been passed on Gore Farm recently. After all, they are three outsiders. Everyone often talks quietly. When they hear the names of these three people, they know that they did come.

However, the Israelis have a natural fear of helicopters, and even if they know where they are coming from, they are still very alert. Many people are watching the people at the entrance of Gore Farm.

"Who the **** are you?" Carrie saw Feng Ling's calm expression, glanced over her, and looked at the man still asleep on the bed: "Who is he?"

"He is Li Nanheng." Feng Ling didn't explain much.

Seeing that Feng Ling didn't seem to want to tell their own identity, Carrie directly reddened her eyes: "So you're leaving now, aren't you?"

Although Feng Ling now wants to hurry up and tell them to send Li Nanheng back to the United States and go back to the best hospital for treatment, but after taking a look at Carrie, she thought about it and said, "Miss Carrie, I am very grateful for your help Thank you, the people here at Gorejing Farm for being tolerant of us. If there is any need, you can mention it before we leave, or after we go back, we will send it to you according to your needs, or ... "

Carrie looked at her for a long time and didn't know what it was. After a while, she waited for Dr. Montana to go out before she said, "People who live with us don't want to be affected by the war, they can only Hiding in this place, you dare not go anywhere, and Jerusalem does not dare to go, so there is no possibility of leaving. "

Hearing what she said, Feng Ling looked at her quietly, waiting for her to say.

"My grandfather has passed away, and my father and mother died in the attack on the way to doing business in Jerusalem in the early years. He has been living with his grandmother on the Gore Farm, but I know that my grandmother was in China when I was young. I heard a lot of stories about China, and I think, while grandma can still move now, accompany her to China for a walk ... can you? "

Feng Ling's faint expression was gradually replaced by a hint of warmth: "Yes."


"Really yes."

"Then I ..."

"If you want to leave now, we can take you now to leave Israel, and then send someone safely to your mother-in-law's hometown when she was young."

Granny Mai just walked in at this time, and suddenly heard Feng Ling's words, her eyes fell on her and Carrie, and looked back and forth for a long time, it seemed to be a little excited: "What are you talking about ..."

Carrie quickly turned around and talked to her grandma. The grandparents occasionally communicated in Chinese, and occasionally spoke the local language habitually, but they could also hear that Carrie was really happy, and Ms. Mai was also Excited and unbelievable.

Feng Ling thought that perhaps people living in such a war country would actually have a hard time leaving this land.

I also feel that I owe this kindness to Granny Mai and Carrie. It is a good thing to have the greatest satisfaction in this way, and there will be no regrets for each other.


Ah Feng and the people at Gorejing Farm explained clearly that they could finally come in. They tried their best not to trespass or disturb the people. First, they went to the doctor and found Ak, who hadn't reflected it at the time and was ganged up. The brothers got on the plane, and when they entered the plane, they were put down and laid down by Enron, and then they reflected. They were red with excitement.

Until they arrived at Carrie's place, the courtyard door was open, and Li Nanheng just woke up, but it seemed that he didn't know what was happening outside because he was too weak.

Feng Ling heard the uniform footsteps in the yard and turned to open the door. Ah Feng Han Jin, with a group of elites in the base, had already stood in two rows in the yard, all looking at the direction of the door.

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