Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1376: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (639)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that the person who opened the door was Feng Ling, A Feng and Han Jin walked directly towards the door.

Feng Ling stood still in front of the door, staring straight at them.

A Feng was silent for a moment, and suddenly raised his hand to salute Feng Ling with a standard gesture in the base, which showed his apology, his gratitude, and all-inclusive emotions.

Because she didn't give up.

She also really found them.

Feng Ling didn't say anything, she just stepped back and let the doorway open, until Han Jin and A Feng walked in quickly and walked in front of her eyes, she only said: "Move lightly, don't startle him . "

Han Jin: "???"

A Feng: "?????"

Is this the opposite? Isn't this what Li Nanheng used to say when Feng Ling was asleep?

But when they entered the door and raised their eyes, they saw the man lying on the bed, and they were speechless for a moment.

Li Nanheng was thin as if he had become a person. His tall and sturdy figure was thin and thin at the moment, and his face was pale because of physical reasons. Otherwise, the man in bed was cold because he guessed what the current situation might be. , If he can be softer, he can be regarded as a naughty noodle, absolutely thin and gentle style.

Unfortunately, even if the injury is this way, and the weakness is this way, after feeling the current situation, the coldness revealed in Li Nanheng's eyes with little focus still makes people shiver instinctively.

"Boss ..." Han Jin hurried forward and was about to see what his injury had become.

Li Nanheng raised his hand and waved Han Jin's hand away, his eyes lifted up aimlessly, and he didn't know what he was searching for. Seeing him, it was really invisible. He had probably heard some news when he came. Jin and A Fengdang even glanced at each other.

The eyes really need treatment, but I do n’t know if they can be cured. Fortunately, Feng Ling found it early, otherwise, if this place is delayed for another ten days and a half months or a year and a half, the boss is afraid that it will really be abandoned Here it is.

A Feng glanced out and saw Granny Mai and Carrie and a lot of curious people outside the yard. Because of Feng Ling's request, they could not be too impolite and driven away, regardless of the language, but in It is not convenient to say too much here.

"Put the boss on the plane first, and then go away." As A Feng spoke, he winked at the base elites outside.

When even the elite members of the base quickly walked in, when they saw the boss, they were all excited, but they didn't dare to talk more, and hurried forward to help people.

After all, everyone was here. Li Nanheng understood that no matter what he said or done at this moment, it was impossible to get rid of Feng Ling and the people in the base, and he did not speak until he was carefully lifted up by a handful of people. As the old Dalian Station was unstable, Han Jin hurried forward: "Boss."

"Slow down, the boss is not healed seriously. Do you think he still tossing like he did before? Tap it, tap it." Han Jin whispered as he went along to help him.

Li Nanheng didn't mind. The expression on his face didn't change much until he was helped out by several people. He didn't see the sun for several days. When he felt the sun after the rain outside the door, he stopped slightly. .

Feng Ling had just put away some of the clothes he wore on the bed, came out, and saw the movement of his pause, I do n’t know why, she instinctively felt that even if his eyes were invisible, he must be able to feel the light, Or maybe you can see a little light.

Before leaving, Li Nanheng was prompted by Han Jin to find the direction in which Carrie and Granny Mai stood. Even if they didn't have any strength, they still leaned down towards them in order to thank them.

Carrie's hands clasped the cuffs of the cotton dress tightly. This man was really good-looking. Even when the sun was shining pale on his face, he felt that his whole body seemed to have a layer of light.

But she is also very clear now that this kind of person is not the same as herself. Because she saved this man, she and her grandmother could be sent out of Israel by these powerful people, and she and her grandmother could return to China safely. Dream, this is really a very, very pleasant surprise.

"After all, they saved the lives of the boss and you, we will not treat them badly, and we will make proper arrangements." Han Jin said.

If Li Nanheng nodded his head arbitrarily, A Feng saw that his physical strength could not hold it, and with his eyes motioned to them to send him to the plane.

It's about a few hundred meters away from the place where the helicopter is parked. Fortunately, these people of the elite team have a fast footing and are very stable in their hands. After Li Nanheng got on the plane like this, he was ready in the cabin Soft bed, hurry to help him lie down.

Feng Ling told A Feng about Carrie and Mother-in-law, and A Feng asked someone to help the grandparents to pack things now, and now take them away, lest the Israeli war could not gradually take them to here. If you leave now, you will not be able to guarantee the safety of any person in this country.

Less than an hour later, two heavy helicopters took off over Gore's Farm.

Mother-in-law and Carrie were invited to another plane, and there were several elites in the base who would take care of them, and after leaving Israel, they would be taken directly to the airport in a safe place to help them to get their identity registration passports, etc. Wait, it is convenient to fly back to China, and it will leave a generous amount of money for them, so that they can live safely after returning home.

In this plane, Ak was originally lying inside. He heard that the boss also got on the plane. He thought of getting up a few times in a hurry, but both were held down by Tam and Lin Cheng. He let him rest first and then two people after returning. Both were admitted to the hospital for treatment, and some physical recovery was mentioned, but A still struggled, looking in the direction of the cabin, in the direction blocked by Han Jin and A Feng's bodies, he still saw Li Nanheng, who was almost dead for many days due to serious injuries, see The boss was a lot thinner, and even blame himself.

Feng Ling got A's eyes over there and walked over and said, "Lie down, what are you doing when you sit up?"

"I want to see the boss."

"Going back and looking, he also needs to rest."

Depending on the situation, although K ’s leg is broken, at least the internal injuries are not as severe as Li Nanheng. A K still occasionally stays awake for a few hours now, Li Nanheng needs a long rest period, and his physical strength and mental state can not be overloaded. Too long.

Feng Ling talked to A here, and the other side was surrounded by several people Li Nanheng lying on the soft bed in the cabin with his eyes closed, frowning because the people around him kept asking questions. .

Han Jin glared at the elite members with his eyes until he stopped at the bedside and quickly reached out to help Li Nanheng change his clothes.

Li Nanheng raised his hand to stop his movement, and whispered, "Go back and change again, don't worry."

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