Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1377: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (640)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After seeing the boss, it was finally said. Han Jin paused with his hand: "Okay, then go back and change. According to the current weather and the speed of the plane, it will take at least seven or eight hours to fly back to Los Angeles. There is no doctor, if the boss is uncomfortable, we can ... "

"It's okay, I can stand it."

After Li Nanheng said one more sentence, there was obviously no extra strength, and he frowned slightly, probably because he had just been forcibly lifted out of the room and got on the plane. The air pressure at high altitude was unstable. He is now fragile with paper. There is no difference between a person and a little turbulence and the trembling of an airplane in the airflow can bother him.


a week later.

Los Angeles.

Li Nanheng and A K have been rushed to the hospital for treatment, and have been in the hospital for six days.

Both of them needed various laboratory analyses due to chemical poisoning, and they also had puffiness due to excessive air pressure during the return journey. Occasionally, some parts of the body were bluish, especially Li Nanheng was injured in order to save A. There are also many chemical components in it that need to be tested.

After being isolated in this way, and after being cared for by a dozen medical experts for several days, the good news finally came.

Those chemical poisons are only used in the warring countries to release the central nerves of local residents and the enemy. Although the poisonous smoke is very heavy, fortunately, they launched into the water at the same time, just because they were affected by the explosion. They are more or less affected by chemical poisonous smoke, but after medical professional treatment of serum system and detoxification therapy, within a few days, Ak and Li Nanheng are gradually affected by various aspects of the nervous system under the influence of chemical poisonous smoke. Resume normal function.

And because it was just rescued by the people at Gore's Farm, the medicine used by the local doctor was really effective. It could block the poison that had accumulated in the body and nearly entered the internal organs. The medicines are used by local doctors, but maybe people in war countries have their own methods of self-help. The medicines used are really very effective. If there were no urgent medical treatment there, they will now be returned to the United States. It's not necessarily that those chemical ingredients are so clean.

Can be considered assured.

But it is an indisputable fact that A K broke his leg. Fortunately, A K was the one who was rescued by the boss. Now he can relax his mind, and in the future, if he gets a prosthesis, he can survive well.

Only Li Heng ’s eyes, the doctor said that only 50% of the vision can be restored, because he had to find out the position of A K at that time, so normal people should have closed their eyes subconsciously in that situation. Dodging, but at the time he kept looking around and searched for A, and was injured by the poisonous smoke containing chemicals.

But after all, this kind of blindness is due to external forces, not natural blindness. In this case, there is usually a possibility of restoring vision, but no one can tell when it will be restored and if there is any chance to really recover.

AK has been transferred to the general ward. There is no need to continue to insert tubes in the ICU. This hospital has been blocked inside and outside, and only members of the base can enter and leave.

Li Nanheng also succeeded in transferring to the general ward like A. K. a week later, but the medical staff still needed to be outside for 24 hours, but fortunately, the visitor was allowed to go out at will Already.

For the entire half month before, Feng Ling had not been in Li Nanheng's ward. Before, only one person was allowed to visit for up to an hour a day. This opportunity of visiting also gave A Feng. After all, A Feng had to follow Li Nanheng. It is explained that Li Nanheng should also report the search situation of the base at that time as well as the specific casualties.

In just half a month, it seemed that after more than ten years, Feng Ling stood outside the door of Li Nanheng's ward. After waiting for a while, he saw that A Feng, who had just entered and visited again as usual, opened the door and walked out.

When I saw Feng Ling standing outside, I walked over and asked her with eyes whether she wanted to go in or not.

"Are you awake?" Feng Lingdan asked.

Feng Ling has not always been a kind of person who puts emotions on the surface. These days, she knows that Li Nanheng is here, but she hasn't come here in vain to get a chance to visit, and she hasn't begged doctors for anything. She just kept on Very quiet waiting.

"Wake up, want to go in?" Ah Feng said little, only smiled slightly and looked at her.

At first, even the brothers in the base gave up, but Feng Ling, who was far away in New York, did not give up. In the end, it was indeed she went to find the boss herself, but after finally bringing people back to the United States, she stood quietly again. On one side, he didn't step forward to find any sense of existence. In this regard, Ah Feng felt ashamed.

Feng Ling nodded.

A Feng smiled, reached out and made a pleased gesture.

Feng Ling went straight in.

The door of the ward was opened and closed. The man in the light-colored hospital suit leaned on the hospital bed. The sun was shining outside the window and fell on him. The man's hair was slightly longer because he had not taken care of it for nearly a month. A little, it used to be short and sharp hair. At this moment, the hair looks clean and clinging, but it feels a bit smooth, especially when it is illuminated by the sun, and the whole person looks warm.

A circle of white gauze was wrapped around his head. The gauze was wrapped from the eyes to the back of the brain. The gauze was not tight. At this angle, the gauze around the eyes was a little shallow because of the drug. brown.

After she entered the ward, she didn't speak, and Li Nanheng's perennial keenness was enough to make him aware that someone had come in.

When she didn't speak, he "looked" at her in this direction, and "looked at each other" for almost a minute.

For so many days, Feng Ling has not tried to come in and see him, and Li Nanheng has not asked about her.

The woman who disappeared by his side after returning him to the United States rarely entered the ward at this moment. Li Nanheng seemed to be looking for the direction of the light by the sunlight in the ward, but then he heard the approaching steps. Sound until he felt that someone was approaching suddenly, his cold eyebrows lifted, and he didn't speak yet, and a soft touch came from his lips.

Li Nanheng's brow bone jumped at this instant.

If his nervous system had recovered, there would be no sensory disturbances.

Feng Ling kissed him when he came in?

Not a sip.

She didn't pull back, and even lightly swiped with her lips!

Li Nanheng's brow bone jumped again, and his subconscious was about to go backwards. As a result, the woman in front of him directly seized his neckline, forcibly forbidden him to retreat, and directly deepened the kiss—

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