Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1378: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (641)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The touch on the lips is warm and familiar, the softness is incredible, and even the initiative that has never been before is as strong as he once could not be refused. He just compiled his collar and deepened again and again.

Until Feng Ling almost half of her body fell to the bed, she simply put half of her body against him. If it hadn't healed because of the injuries on his body, but she couldn't bear any weight for the time being, she might just be like this Press him directly on the bed and press it up again.

Feng Ling didn't say a word, and kissed him for a long while after coming in. I don't know how long it took, about three minutes? Or maybe five minutes? She slowly moved the lip from his cold lips to the warmer lips, but did not retreat far away, still holding his neckline with his hands, and staring down at sitting blindfolded Without moving on the bed, Li Nanheng's facial expression was apparently not completely reflected yet.

After looking at him like this for a long time, Feng Ling slowly moved his lips, stared at his face, and said very clearly, "The mouth is full of medicine, what have you eaten these days?"

Li Nanheng didn't move, as if it felt instinctively. Since she was injured in Israel, and then found him in Feng Ling, until now, she seems to have changed from the cold and indifferent Feng Ling to another look, initiative, and resolute, Make him a little uncomfortable for a while.

Even though she couldn't see it with her eyes covered, she felt that she had been staring at her eyes up close. The man suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and coughed, as if he turned his head slightly to clear his throat. , Dumbly: "The doctor said that he can only eat liquid food."

This means that he is drinking porridge or oil-free and salt-free soup these days.

No wonder there is no taste in the mouth, the only taste is to drink the medicine four or five times a day from morning to night.

Li Nanheng's body was severely damaged in this Israeli chemical toxic smoke explosion. Let me not say when the eyes will recover, but only that his body wants to completely return to the previous state. It is estimated that it will take at least a year and a half. Fortunately, Li Nanheng was mostly of a strong constitution from childhood to life. He was able to survive under such a perilous danger. After being brought back to the United States, after so many days of trauma treatment, a variety of comprehensive lung washes Clear blood, there are many first-aid measures that non-professional medical personnel ca n’t name. Of course, many people say that money can be done at will. It is really obvious that the life-saving situation in the hospital is really obvious. It ’s a manifestation of how expensive medicines are, as much expensive medicines as possible, whether it ’s the base or the Li family, there are ways to send money over here, as long as they can save Li Nan Hengjian Health, and let them move Jinshan to the hospital Come on.

Li Nanheng, who has always been physically strong, is indeed very face-saving. Under this uninterrupted treatment for a full half month, it can be more than ten days in the morning than the doctor expected, and he can be transferred to the general ward. Very weak, and still pale and thin because he can only eat liquid food every day, but at least the doctor answered them with certainty and said that his physical condition is very good, as long as he has a long-term rest for a year and a half, there is a regular system This type of rehabilitation will definitely be able to return to the previous state after a complete recovery, and it will still be the fierce boss who used to be as fierce as a wolf, tiger and leopard in front of the terror.

This is the best news that everyone has heard these days, including the state of Ah K has also recovered well. The only pity is that he broke his leg, but the state of Ah ’s psychology has been well adjusted and I have seen too much. Life and death know that as long as they survive, they are blessed.

Feng Ling has never been in Li Nanheng's ward these days. She is just waiting, patiently waiting for Li Nanheng, whose psychology is as strong as her physical fitness, when will she calmly face her in such a temporarily invisible state.

But obviously, she might really take the initiative in this matter.

Feng Ling looked at him, staring at the two wounds he had healed on his face and forehead. There were more injuries on his body, but at least now he has grown new flesh and is healing.

In the face of modern medical technology, as long as there is enough money, removing scars is easy, but Feng Ling feels that every injury on Li Nanheng's body has carved the life course of this man.

"The doctor has determined that your body can recover, but it will take some time." Feng Ling was in front of him so close, and even intentionally spoke on his lips: "Li Nanheng, you want to die now. It ’s not so easy to die, do you still not recognize me? "

Probably Feng Ling was so active, and he was talking with a ridiculous tone, making Li Nanheng take a moment to stare, gauze blindfolded to see the emotion in his eyes, she also looked at her face, not anxious Waiting impatiently when he will open his mouth again.

If Li Nanheng could now see, he would see Feng Ling with his hands on his bed, so he leaned down and looked at him sitting in bed closely, his eyes seemed to have light, there was once only drunk There will be the fiery and persistent, there is a faint expectation hidden under the surface of persistence, this picture is like a female entrepreneur who imprisoned him in a hospital in order to get a man who hurts and disabled him, then she came Force him to look like a fan.

Of course, the premise is that he can see.

He couldn't see now, he didn't even know if Feng Ling was sitting or standing now, he could only feel her eyes facing himself.

Li Nanheng moved her face toward her in a slow motion, seemingly trying to make sure that she was right in front of her, "looking" at her through a layer of medical gauze.

Feng Ling seemed to be really seen by him. He just faced him like this, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Why didn't you take the initiative?" The man said, but still couldn't see anything on his facial expression, but his voice was no longer so heavy.

The smile in Feng Ling's eyes finally rose up, just as he couldn't see it, she didn't hide her smile: "Maybe the two of us are always strong together, and everyone has a hard bone. You are so weak that you can't even hit me with a finger. My overwhelming sympathy and the kind of affection that has been forced by you for many years suddenly surged, and I couldn't take it anymore. "

The man's eyebrows moved almost inconspicuously at this time and did not speak, but apparently convinced her.

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