Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1379: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (642)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What's more, I found your life. I don't want to take the initiative again. What if you can look for Carrie after you can see it? Then I'm not worth it?" Feng Lingbian said as he stretched out his hand at his neckline. Shang Fu stroked and smoothed a trace of wrinkles that had just been compiled by himself.

Li Nanheng seemed inexplicable for a while: "You are very impressed with this Carrie? Is there a sense of crisis about her existence?"


"I knew that you could have such a big change by eating vinegar. I should have arranged more women around me at the beginning." The man said a lot of words, but because it is now thin and pale, when you talk about this shameless look It's all so harmless.

Feng Ling: "... that's different."

The man "looked" at her without speaking, but apparently wanted to know where the so-called difference was.

"Taking Feng Mingzhu as an example, a person's unilateral initiative and likeness cannot constitute anything. Excellent people always have no lack of suitors, so even if other women appear around you, as long as you don't like it, then I ’m not jealous. ”Feng Ling said coolly:“ But Carrie saved you, and I have to admit that if she did n’t take you back at that time, would you just die there, and she later It's true that you have blushed at you. Young girls will have this state, which means that she is very superficial about the beauty of you who have only known you for a few days, and she has seen you. "

Li Nanheng did not speak for a while.

It's like thinking about this issue carefully.

Think about whether Carrie really deserves his consideration.

Seeing that he was thinking seriously, Feng Ling's expression looked at him, and he stared at him like this.

"From what you just said, I can only summarize three points. First, I am excellent." The man said quietly, but said something that would not make him blush at all: "Second, even if I hurt this pair Virtue, the face value is still at its peak. "

Feng Ling: "..."

"Third, you are very worried about what I have been seen by another woman."

She looked indifferently: "If I were seen by a man, would you want to dig out his eyes?"

Li Nanheng smiled, but did not answer her words, but said, "So, I was rescued at Gorejing Farm. You have already helped me with the kindness you owe, haven't you?"

He seems to have found a more comfortable sitting position on the bed, and can only rest on the bed every day. Li Nanheng is accustomed to this slow-paced life these days, and probably has just experienced a life and death disaster, and his voice They are all milder and quieter, at least although they were still shameful just now, they are not particularly embarrassing.

"First of all, you did not dig into her eyes. Secondly, you personally helped her and her grandma to arrange a trip back to China, including funds, to realize the dream of returning to the peaceful world from the place of war for their grandchildren. You rely on At this point, she successfully equalized the debt relationship between me and her. From now on, there will be no relationship of arrears between me and her. I now go to someone to repay the favor, and it will be even more difficult in the future. There may be any connection. Although it was seen, it was injured at the time, and it was covered with blood. After being seen by a doctor, it did n’t hurt. If you really do n’t feel good, use disinfection after I ’m fine. Water cleans your body seven or forty-nine times. What do you think? "

Feng Ling promised to send the grandchildren back to China at that time, just to repay their kindness, but did not think so much.

A few words from Li Nanheng was to instantly heal the little cricket that had just come out of her heart.

At this time, Feng Ling's mobile phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. Although Li Nanheng now can't see his eyes, people often have other sensitive organs, especially ears, with their eyes closed.

He heard that her cell phone was shaking, and he didn't snor again, apparently waiting for her to answer the phone first.

After the phone vibrated for a long time, Feng Ling took it out of his pocket and glanced at it. When Qin Shuke called, he answered it directly.

"How's it going? Li Nanheng is out of danger? You contacted me once after you returned to the United States, and haven't reported to me again for so many days since then. The senior executives are inseparable from each other. There is really no way to go to Los Angeles to see you. In any case, you must tell me, do n’t stand alone, I also know you very well, you are always like this, The impassive habit of forbearing emotions is, for example, that you actually love no less than Li Nanheng, but you just do n’t want to express it. If something goes wrong, you will be forced to run to Israel regardless of your own safety, even me. I wonder if your heart is made of stone, but as a result, your heart is softer than anyone, except that the defenses and walls that you have erected outside your own world are too high ... "

The ward was very quiet, and even the windows were closed. Her cell phone sound was not loud, but it was because the surroundings were so quiet, so Qin Shuke's complaint on the phone was clearly heard in the man's ear. .

Feng Ling held the mobile phone for a while, trying to stop Qin Shuke from saying what he had to say, but he only heard Qin Shuke saying, "Also, those small silver nameplates that you handed to me before leaving What does it mean? At that time, I didn't know at all. I took the time to send a text message to a brother of A in the base two days ago, and then I realized that the handover of the small brands was equivalent to that you were going to participate. There is likely to be no battle in the field. When I die, I will send these things to the base to comfort the soul! Are you Israel with the idea that you may not return? "


"If Li Nanheng knew that you would run to Israel to find him, even if he gave me a small nameplate, would he be furious?"

Feng Ling: "... why do you talk so much?"

"What's wrong? Isn't that what I usually do ..."

Feng Ling hung up the phone directly. When he put the phone in his pocket, he thought about it. He just turned off the phone and raised his eyes. When he saw Li Nanheng still sitting quietly on the bed, he couldn't see his eyes or his face. What changed.

Feng Ling thought for a while, seeing that there was no water cup by his bed, he asked directly: "How long have you been awake? A Feng has been talking to you while he was here, hasn't he poured water for you?"

As she said, she turned around and poured the cup of warm water directly. She tried the temperature herself and determined that the temperature was just right. She walked back to the bedside and handed the cup to him.

The man's finger moved and took the cup smoothly with the touch he could feel.

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