Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1382: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (645)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The car was parked in an apartment that hadn't returned for a long time. Ah Feng had been here to help Li Nanheng. As a result, Li Nanheng's weight was almost planted on Feng Ling's body, and he didn't say that he should come over to help him. His expression was calm. She got help and just got out of the car.

Seeing this, A Feng felt that it was too sensible to pull the boss away from Feng Ling at this time, and quickly ordered people to take all the necessary luggage and medicines from the boss out of the car and send them first. Go in.

By the time Li Nanheng was brought into the main entrance of the apartment, everything was packed.

Feng Ling helped Li Nanheng stand in the elevator, watching the number rising slowly, and said, "Go to me or you?"

"Random." The man breathed the smell of the clean shower gel on her body and replied.

Feng Ling hadn't really seen it in her apartment here before, but only knew that Li Nanheng had asked him to come and renovate it. After so many years, she sent someone to clean it up a while ago. I sorted and filled things, and then received a few photos of myself in this apartment, which looks pretty good.

Although it was renovated a few years ago, after Li Nanheng's handwriting, all the expensive light industrial accessories and furniture are used. They are all in a small European style with a pale color style. The overall color is white, gray, and blue. , Very fresh and clean, and different from the layer above him, where he is a very tough man living alone.

Feng Ling only groaned again, and chose to stop at the floor of his apartment, helping him out of the elevator.

Because although her apartment is downstairs in his apartment, his apartment is on the top floor, completely connecting the two units on the top floor, a few hundred square meters. There is a certain distance to walk from this bedroom to the other bedroom. The first floor is the normal apartment type. At least her apartment is half the size of his apartment, and it does n’t waste time walking around.

Regarding which one Feng Ling took him to, Li Nanheng had no doubt. He even thought it would be good to live in another place.

After entering the apartment, Feng Ling didn't return here because she hadn't been here. Although the curtains were closed in the afternoon, she groped on the wall for a long time to find the switch of the light, and helped him in after turning on the light.

Until sitting on the sofa holding Li Nanheng, she hurriedly packed up again.

Listening to the busy Feng Feng packing things, Li Nanheng was still calmly sitting on the sofa covering his blanket, looking for a voice and turning his head and said, "Are you tired? This is just It's so hard to come back, can't I still call Li's car? "

"No need!" Feng Ling is bringing those medicines back into the refrigerator, especially Li Nanheng's eyes need to be iced with the medicine every night, and then they can go to sleep after the ice, so these things must be put in advance. Into the refrigerator.

Li Nanheng didn't really want to pick up the phone to call Li's house, just sat on the sofa, listening to those who kept learning about Sosuo, heard Feng Ling wearing indoor slippers to go back and forth, but because she herself Unfamiliar, I couldn't figure out where the bedroom and storage room were and went back and forth several times. I heard her gasping helplessly there, and then she continued to go back and forth.

Li Nanheng slowly raised his lips.

"Are you hungry?" Feng Ling has now started to organize his luggage and Li Nanheng's luggage, while hanging the clothes one by one in the cabinet while asking the man sitting on the sofa in the living room outside.

"Not hungry."

"Then wait a minute, I'll get something to eat after I've packed things up." When Feng Ling was talking, she still touched the door of the cabinet from time to time, making some collisions.

It seemed as if a kind of fireworks on the earth kept flashing in his ears. Li Nanheng couldn't see it, just sitting on the sofa and "looking" at the front, always listening to those voices.

Until Feng Ling was finally packed, he quickly hurried over to help him get up: "Would you like to go to the bathroom? I help you over ..."

Li Nanheng has been honest on the sofa for so long. Feng Ling instinctively felt that he could take him to the bathroom because he behaved so well. Although he used Han Jin to go to the bathroom in the hospital a while ago, he basically helped him. Didn't interject much.

But as soon as this was said, she first drew her voice in her throat, and then saw that Li Nanheng's facial expression also seemed to have changed slightly. Looking closely, his facial muscles trembled a little, as if smiling.

She glared at him directly with her lips, but thought he couldn't see that he was glaring at him, and she just drew back her gaze, and looked a little embarrassingly at the direction of the bathroom: "I mean, help you go to the bathroom and let you find The position of the toilet so you can go by yourself later. "

Speaking of this, she added: "When I called someone here to clean up, I specifically told people not to mess things up on the ground. I even moved the coffee table over here, just because I was afraid that I might hit you when I went back and forth. Or you stumbled under your feet. The carpet was not paved and it was very flat. You can get familiar with the route by walking back and forth a few times. "

"Um." The man held back a smile, but there was still a little laugh in his chest: "Yes, there will always be a seal to help me go a few times, and I can't find the toilet seat, you help me point?"

When Feng Ling heard it, he was about to help him go there. Suddenly, his ears became very hot. He felt he was helping him a little bit. What this means ... Fu means ...

"Li Nanheng, you must know your current situation. Your force value is now so bad that you can be suffocated by my pillow at any time. Are you sure you want to make such a mess in front of me?" Feng Ling changed from holding to pulling him away. In the past, until I reached the bathroom door, I opened the door and nudged him behind him: "Go in yourself, go two meters forward, then turn right, and walk one meter to the metal rod with a towel next to it. In front of the pole is the toilet, you can find it by touching it yourself. "

After speaking, he closed the bathroom door directly.

"Just push me in like this. The straps on my pants haven't been untied yet. Don't come in and help me?" The door was closed, and there was a muffled voice from the man in the empty bathroom.

Feng Ling drew a corner of her mouth, and squinted at the door behind him: "It's not tied, you can't open it yourself?"

Then there was no movement, and after a while someone heard the sound of someone standing in the bathroom.

Feng Ling turned his head and walked away, until he heard the sound of flushing, and then waited a while, it is estimated that he had already put on his pants, and then he came back to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw that Li Nanheng had accurately found the location of Chishouchi, leaning on the edge of the marble table and washing his hands.

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