Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1383: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (646)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I do n’t know if he was in the hospital the other day and he could n’t see why he could n’t see much. Now he listened to the rushing water and watched the man standing there alive, the light in the bathroom. Falling on top of his head, watching him look smooth because of the slightly longer hair, only then did she have a real feeling that the man was standing in front of her alive.

"Would you like me to shave your hair?" Feng Linggui said so badly.

Li Nanheng turned off the faucet, raised his hand and shook it in the air, touched the position of the towel, wiped his hand, turned around and walked out slowly in the direction of her.

Seeing that he was able to find out the angular position in all directions in the bathroom of about ten square meters so quickly, Feng Ling consciously took a step back in front of the door to make room for him.

Until Li Nanheng successfully walked out on his own sense of direction, she looked at the direction of the sofa again and said, "Would you like to try to walk from here to the sofa?"

As a result, the man did not move at this time, stood in place, and slowly raised his hand, which meant to let her help.

Feng Ling is unknown, so here is a straight angle from the sofa. It shouldn't be hard to find, he can find so many things in the bathroom.

"Can't walk, tired." The man gave her a concise answer.

Feng Ling: "..."

However, he was physically weak, and it was normal to have no energy in a few steps.

She had to help him walk back, until he sat down again, before he heard the man casually say, "Why suddenly want to help me shave?"

"I see that your hair is a bit longer." She said as she reached out and touched his hair. It was about three centimeters longer than the normal length. Usually, the cool hairstyle looks inexplicable now. be good.

"I remember that you would only shave to the shortest length with a razor, no shape at all." Li Nanheng did not conceal his distaste for her: "Fortunately, I stopped you from shaving yourself, otherwise your little nun looks like It looks like it will add a very heavy stroke to your past life. "

Feng Ling: "..."

"Let ’s not do it first. I ca n’t see it anyway. It looks ugly and short and it does n’t matter to me. It does n’t interfere with your eyes.” Li Nanheng said as he fumbled and picked up the blanket on the sofa again. A copy of the sick patient took the blanket back to his lap with a very conscious attitude, and slowly said, "I'm hungry."

"There are no ingredients in the house." Feng Ling didn't care about him because he was an injured patient. He only rolled his eyes secretly at him, and then picked up the cell phone: "I'll see if there is any freshness in the supermarket nearby. And ask them to bring them in. "


Feng Ling called and asked a few words, then looked back towards Li Nanheng: "What do you want to eat?"


Feng Ling made a move, said sorry to the phone, hung up the phone, and said, "There is no fresh fish in the nearby supermarket, unless you go to a large supermarket to buy it a little further, or go to the fish market. Can't it be the same? "

The man groaned for a while, not knowing whether to think about changing or to be silent because he really wanted to eat fish.

Feng Ling saw that it wasn't too early, and it wasted time to delay. He made a decision: "Eat today, I ’ll eat something simple, and I ’ll drive to buy fish tomorrow, okay?"

Okay, these three words, with a bit of inexplicable warmth and pampering that she has never heard in her mouth, is a bit like her attitude when talking to Xiao Momo, but she throws away her words when talking to children. That kind of deliberately softening tone was obviously a natural tone, but it made Li Nanheng's inexplicable feeling that the soul was sublimated at this moment.

It had long been known that a pair of eyes could be exchanged for Feng Ling after being injured and blinded, and he had poked his eyes for a long time.

"Well." The man seemed to respond with difficulty.

In fact, Feng Ling also felt that the liquid food and nutritional meals he had eaten in the hospital the other day were really too unpalatable. Even if they were all meals with top nutritionists, they were tasteless, and they were all for nutrition. To do it, without taking into account the normal taste of people, Li Nanheng is equivalent to eating so much boiled water for so many days.

Now discharged from the hospital, although it still needs less oil and salt, but at least she can eat something flavorful, and she doesn't want to treat his stomach too much. After all, he is really too thin now. He was still in Washington from the beginning. By contrast, he lost at least 15 pounds before and after.

These fifteen pounds, she must feed him back as soon as possible.


In the evening, Feng Ling made a few dishes with fresh ingredients delivered by a supermarket near her home. Of course, they are easy to digest with less oil and salt. When she is busy in the kitchen, she still stays on the nutrition recipes and various items A recipe page.

Li Nanheng had closed his eyes on the sofa for several hours after taking the medicine. Feng Ling told him to go back to the bedroom to sleep. He did n’t go, he only said that listening to her busy activities in the kitchen would make her sleep better. Feng Ling couldn't understand, but went with him, anyway, he didn't have the energy to run outside himself.

Just after finishing the meal, Feng Ling washed her hands and walked out of the kitchen. At this moment, when the doorbell rang, she hurried to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Xiao Xu standing outside the door, holding two old hens who didn't know where to get them. The expression on the face was still slightly twitching, as if afraid of the two chickens in his hand.

"How do you ..."

Before Feng Ling's words were spoken, Xiao Xu quickly lifted the two old hens in, because the two feet of the chicken were tied, and they were not afraid to run, so they groaned and fell on the ground. Feng Ling's expression made by this scene was a little hesitant.

"Who, your cousin, what's Qin Shuke's right? She doesn't know where to find my phone, and asked me to send you two old hens, saying that it would be to Li Li to drink chicken soup to make up the body, lest you I ca n’t buy good chickens in those markets, and I also said that the two fat and big ones that were specifically asked to be found on the farm, then, these two! ”

Having said that, Xiao Xu took a step back and said, "I, his mom. I was not afraid of putting the gun on the battlefield, but I was afraid of these sharp-mouthed things since I was a kid. It really killed me!"

Feng Ling was looking down at the two chickens, and Li Nanheng's voice was inserted across the side of the sofa behind her: "I'm nourishing, not confinement, what hens will I be given?"

Xiao Xu laughed and laughed: "Boss, you can't accept it. You are inferior to being a confinement now. I'll ask someone to get two black chickens to replenish your blood. Look at your face." After raising for so many days, it still looks like a little white face, for fear of being weak, even the chickens can't move hahaha ... "

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