Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1384: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (647)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Xiao Xu hadn't finished this, and suddenly he took a snoring, and gave a careful glance at Li Nanheng like a strong desire for survival. Seeing that Li Boss didn't seem to be poked and angry, on the contrary, he seemed to be This situation, which is now very weak and needs to be taken care of by Feng Ling, is very satisfied and not at all sad.

Alas, what choice did you choose to return to Li's home or come here to Feng Ling? Actually, I didn't plan to choose it at all. I planned to join Feng Ling together from the beginning.

After all, whether in the base or after leaving the base for so many years, it seems that the two of them have been alone for a long time in the world, and they have been busy. As for the days when they once lived in the jungle, Xiao Xu Of course it is not clear, but what can be guessed.

"Will you kill the chicken?" Xiao Xu looked at Feng Ling and asked a key question.

Feng Ling hesitated, and answered, "Yes."

Hearing this word, Li Nanheng's voice was about to open for Xiao Xu to clean up the two chickens before leaving. He no longer spoke in his throat, only raised his eyebrows, and symbolically "looked" at the doorway.

Xiao Xu also thought it was impossible, and looked at Feng Ling seriously: "Really? I've never seen you kill before."

"Killing people, let alone killing chickens, isn't it just wiping the neck?" Feng Ling said lightly, giving up some positions directly in front of the door: "Want to come in and sit?"

"No, no, no, I can't sit in." Xiao Xu quickly took a step back, raised his hand and waved like resisting. I didn't know if I was afraid of the two chickens on the ground or the one on the sofa. He just said that he was so fierce that he could n’t even beat chicken, but he gave Feng Ling a restless glance: "Then you remember to clean it up, but do n’t make chicken soup when it is stewed. . "

Feng Ling indifferent face: "Otherwise you leave it?"

"Forget it, I can't stand this kind of sharp-mouthed things. I dare to kill a snake, I am afraid of this kind of thing." Xiao Xu waved again: "I'm gone, take good care of the boss, You have to take care of your own body, don't be too arrogant, our boss wants it. "

Feng Ling continued to glance at him indifferently, thinking that besides asking Li Nanheng to ask her to cook and ask her to help him go to the toilet, what else can she ask for?

After all, seriously injured patients, can they still play hooligan?

She didn't say anything, and Xiao Xu didn't say anything very much. She wiped her nose and ran away with oil.

Feng Ling closed the door and leaned down to kick the two chickens up. It was probably that the two chickens knew that they were about to die, and the gurgling noises became sharper and sharper, Feng Ling choked them directly. Go in the kitchen.

After that, Li Nanheng didn't hear anything other than the roar of the chicken. He was suspicious. He stood up and was searching for the direction of the kitchen and walked forward, but suddenly he only heard "Dangdangdang" a few times. .

Feng Ling clapped her hands and washed her hands before coming out. The two eyes were "relative", and she looked at him: "What?"

Li Nanheng: "..."

I can also think of the scene where she didn't know what was used to knock the two chickens out.

Li Nanheng smiled suddenly, sighed and sat back on the sofa: "It is indeed a woman I taught."

Feng Ling glanced at him: "Li Bo, who taught me to kill someone with a gun, would I still feel **** because I knocked two chickens?"

"No, it won't." Li Nanheng grinned: "I'm afraid you're not decisive enough. If they get pecked on their hands again, then I will be distressed. They are ordinary people standing at the top of the food chain. Two chickens are yours, after all, you have to kill the fish tomorrow. "

Feng Ling glanced at him from the air: "I haven't forgotten your fish yet."

Li Nanheng leaned back on the sofa in a very comfortable posture: "Well, there are chickens, fishes, and wives. I'm afraid I will be the most complete now."

Feng Ling ignored the flattery he took at the moment, and only said, "The meals that have just been prepared are almost cold, and Xiao Xu hasn't said to leave a meal. If you don't eat it, I will eat it myself."

Li Nanheng raised his hand on the sofa: "I can't find the table."

Feng Ling walked over to help him. When the man was lifted, he turned his head as if he was doing something and sniffed around her neck.

Feng Ling was hurried to hide beside him, and looked at him strangely: "What are you smelling?"

"Smell it and see if it smells like chicken blood."

"... I haven't killed it yet. I have prepared my meals today. I'll talk about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Feng Ling helped him to the table and sat down, picked up the tableware and put it in his hand, and then stood by the table Watching his hand slowly groping on the table, he asked, "Do I need to feed you?"

During these days in the hospital, Li Nanheng was mostly fed by people, because he couldn't see, no matter what tableware he used, it was really difficult to find out where the bowl was placed.

But now it is difficult to get out of the hospital. He really didn't want to be fed anymore, so he didn't answer immediately, but reached out and touched the edge of the bowls with the tableware.

Feng Ling probably saw his intention and stopped touching him, but simply pushed the dishes carefully and moved to the place where his tableware could easily reach. If there was a slight deviation, she immediately pushed it. In the past, let his utensils fall in the middle, just to pick up the dishes in the middle.

Li Nanheng tried to eat it by himself, and the corners of his mouth faintly ticked: "It tastes good. Your cooking is much better than when you roasted earthworms and cooked wild poultry meat in the jungle. Why? These two years are not busy. With Feng's business, how can he still secretly practice cooking? "

"I haven't practiced, and I really don't have time. I know very little now, but at least I can fill myself up." Feng Ling slowly moved the bowl in front of him lightly when he was going to chop food. Moving, he said, "In the British period, and later in Feng's time, I was not used to being taken care of by others. Qin Shuke would not cook, so I used to occasionally make some food myself. It may indeed be a little more advanced, but it should not be particularly obvious. "

Li Nanheng chuckled, and the tableware was stretched out again, and if there was nothing, he gently pressed the edge of the soup plate with the tableware: "Okay, don't move with me all the time, I can almost pinpoint it, big deal. Come out with some soup and water and wipe it off, just practice a few times, just sit down and eat together. "

Feng Ling's movement of moving the dishes was actually very light, but he didn't expect him to hear it.

She didn't say much, just glanced at his accurate movement of the tableware. Although it was still a bit awkward, but based on Li Nanheng's ability to adapt, it was estimated that it could not be two or three days. He should really be able to eat while eating No different from ordinary people.

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