Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1387: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (650)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Los Angeles, Li Family.

"I didn't expect Feng Ling to take care of Nanheng alone, and he took good care of it." The youngest Li family received a report from the front line, sitting with a long face and sitting in the back garden of Li family, drinking tea.

The fourth old Li family who was walking and feeding birds in the back garden glanced at him: "Where are you from?"

"I bought the small Xu who often followed Nanheng and told him to go to Nanheng and Fengling every three to five, and send things, even if they caused them to doubt, it would only be a few of us. They do n’t worry about them. ”Li Jia's oldest son said,“ Listening to Xiao Xu, Nan Heng was resting in Feng Ling for half a month after he was discharged from the hospital. It seems that his face is much better, because of Feng Ling. Being with him at the same place every day and every day, it is estimated that the effect of this rehabilitation should be stronger than anywhere. "

The old Li family chuckled and laughed: "I thought that when Nanheng was a kid, it was common to even jump a well in the back garden of my family. At first, a few of us thought that this kid was definitely an unruly **** when he grew up. Who He knows that after throwing him in the base for so many years, he became an infatuator in a blink of an eye, and devoted himself to his daughter-in-law. Everything else didn't matter. He really nnd followed his grandfather's temper. "

At this moment, Li Nanheng his grandfather, Li's boss Li Jun Yan Gang came out with a cane, and when he heard such a sentence, he glanced at them directly: "What follows me?"

"Nan Heng's infatuation is so much like you when you were young. If his grandmother hadn't left early, you can still present your daughter-in-law as an ancestor." Li Laosan smiled.

Li Junyan froze coldly, too lazy to talk.

At this time, Li's second child smiled and inserted a word from the side: "Our elder brother has been deeply affectionate to a woman like Nanheng and his grandma for decades, and he really is too lazy to watch other women. At a glance, even this patriarchal quirk is particularly similar to our brothers. Nanheng's grandmother has accumulated a lot of virtues to make our brother so loyal. "

The fourth old man smiled: "Yes, in the eyes of the elder brother, there is only one woman in the world, that is, Nan Heng's grandma, and all the other women are red powder caves. They are also crying spirits. No one can get into his eyes. "

Li Junyan: "..."

Li Lisan raised his eyebrows: "So don't look at Nanheng's kid. In fact, he still adheres to the fine tradition of our old Li family. He has a heartfelt relationship, and has identified one. The other women are all blinding. One is enough to make him alive, just don't know when he will marry him back. "

"Oh, I think it's difficult." The second child suddenly sneered and shook her head.

The three grandpas turned around and looked at Li's second child: "What's difficult?"

Li's second eyebrow raised a half-white eyebrow: "It hurts that virtue, and now even the weak girl such as Feng Ling can't beat, and I don't know if I have the ability to succeed him."




Several fathers fell into silence at the same time.

"No way……"

"Should not ..."

"That ... our grandson knows what he's doing. He'd definitely block it when the explosion happened ..."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

"What if there is a problem?"



Li's boss Li Junyan suddenly coughed coldly, cleared his throat, and the other three quickly shut up.

Li Junyan said with a cold face, "Start tomorrow, call that little Xu, and give them more supplements every day. What's missing, sea cucumber, deer whip, bullwhip, all kinds of aphrodisiac and kidney-reinforcing stuff.


In the morning, Feng Ling did the same as he did every day recently. He helped Li Nanheng apply medicine on his eyes and massaged his head to relieve the blood pressure on his visual nerves.

When the doorbell rang, there was no need to guess that Xiao Xu would run over to deliver things every two days.

At first she thought it was Qin Shuke who had contacted him. Later, I probably guessed a few times later. It is estimated that the four seniors in Li's family let Xiao Xu come to visit.

Feng Ling opened the door, thinking that Xiao Xu was carrying something to eat, but who knew that Xiao Xu was carrying two boxes this time.

"Hi, early!" Xiao Xu smiled when Feng Ling opened the door.

Feng Ling had no expression on his face and only glanced at him: "What are you sending today?"

Xiao Xu didn't make nonsense, and lifted the box directly: "These, these, you can cook some food for Li Bo every day, put them in various soups, or cook them with clear water."

Feng Ling took the box, only saw the words of Dabu written on it, and nodded: "Okay, I know."

"Then I won't bother, I'll come again in two days, you remember to feed the boss, it must be!"


"As for you, if you want to eat, you can also eat it, but it is best to eat less."


Seeing Feng Ling's expression that he didn't understand, Xiao Xu didn't say anything, just smiled and waved his hand, and slipped away.

Feng Ling inexplicably watched Xiao Xu's back to the elevator, closed the door directly, and walked in with the box in his hand.

"What did you send?" Li Nanheng was no stranger to these. He was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, waiting for Feng Ling to come and massage him.

Feng Ling said nothing, just took the two boxes to the coffee table in front of the sofa, put them on the coffee table and said, "It is two tonic gift boxes."

"Gift box?" Li Nanheng looked funny: "Several old men are elders, what gift box do you give me?"

Speaking, Feng Ling had opened the gift box and took out several refined packaging boxes.

"Sea cucumber ..." Feng Ling said.

When Li Nanheng heard it, he turned his face directly towards her.

"Pig kidney?" Feng Ling continued to read.

Li Nanheng: "?"

"Sheep kidney."


"Deer whip, venison, bullwhip, turtle meat ..."

Li Nanheng: "........."

Feng Ling opened both boxes, and after looking at them again, his face was unclear. So: "What are these things tonic? Is it tonicate the blood? Those chickens, ducks, geese, etc. sent the other day All kinds of medicated soups are fine. What's this? I haven't seen it before. How can I cook it?

Li Nanheng said nothing.

Where did the old Li family think he was hurt?

Are you afraid that he will not do so many aphrodisiacs and kidneys?

Seeing Li Nanheng not talking, Feng Ling looked up at him again: "Do you know how to cook these?"

Li Nanheng couldn't help crying and laughing, raising his hand in the air, "Let it go, put it down, I don't need these things."

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