Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1388: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (651)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"This is all supplements. It must be helpful to the body, so why not?" Feng Ling felt strange.

Li Nanheng put down his hand on his forehead, and just lifted his eyes so that he could not see, but still accurately directed his eyes directly to Feng Ling's face holding the supplements: "Are you sure you want me to eat? "

"It should have been delivered by Li's family Xiaoxu. Good things must be eaten." Feng Ling took care of himself and put those things back in the box, answering them as he put them.

Li Nanheng sighed and said, "Okay, then you should be mentally prepared."

"What preparation?"

Li Nanheng already laughed and laughed, leaning back on the sofa: "You put it away first, I have a headache, and then press it for me."

Feng Ling then moved his mind out of the two supplement gift boxes. After putting everything back in the box, he went back to the sofa, raised his hand and continued to press on his head: "Does it hurt? "

Li Nanheng didn't answer, but his mouth slightly twitched. It seemed that something funny had just happened.

Feng Ling looked down at him, but didn't ask any more. He helped him apply the medicine to his eyes after pressing it for a while. When he applied the medicine, he saw a smile on the corner of his mouth. She was very puzzled.

"Li Nanheng, are you in a good mood today?"

"I've always been in a good mood, why?"

Feng Ling put away the gift box. Anyway, these can be stored temporarily. It is much better than the chickens, ducks and geese that Xiao Xu sent every day that need to be processed immediately, and she really does not worry. She counts the days: "You said half a month ago that you wanted to eat fish. But in the past half month, Xiao Xu sent too many kinds of food. I never took the opportunity to make fish for you. Do you want to eat today?"


"Then I'll drive to the supermarket to buy fish. Don't mess around with yourself at home, or do you go back to the bedroom and lie down now?"

"Do you treat me as a child, so unsure that I am at home alone?"

"I'm afraid that when you walk back and forth, you'll hit and hurt. If I'm not home, I can't come back to help you."

Li Nanheng sighed: "I should be a lot better now than when I first came back. It won't be too much to walk around for an hour and a half. I'll accompany you to the supermarket?"

Feng Ling glanced at him, and then looked at the indoor furnishings around him.

Although there is nothing that can trip him, it is probably that he has been taking care of this man for a long time. The uneasy emotion has been tied to himself. I always feel that if I leave one step, Li Nanheng can fall to the toilet. It looks like it's in the toilet.


Parking lot downstairs.

Li Nanheng, who had been helped to change clothes by Feng Ling, stood by the door and sat down in the back seat of the car smoothly.

"Why didn't you let me sit in the co-pilot?" Li Nanheng asked.

"It's safer to sit behind." Feng Ling directly closed the door for him, walked to the front, and sat in the driver's seat.

Li Nanheng sat in the spacious car that should belong to him, with a slight diagonal corner: "Wasn't sitting here equaling you as a driver?"

"It's good to be anything, it's just safe anyway." Feng Ling didn't explain much, and drove the car out of the parking lot.

This is also the so many days after Li Nanheng was discharged from the hospital. For the first time, Feng Ling took him out alone. The few days before, he was helping him to walk around the balcony, sit and sit, and bask in the sun. the first time.

The original meaning of Feng Ling's words Li Nanheng's body can't stand a bit of violent collision now. Even if he can bear it, she won't dare to subject him to a little impact force, even if she is confident in her car skills, but she is afraid of having In case, I still dare not take the risk to let him sit in the co-pilot.

Li Nanheng knew what he meant, so he didn't say much, but had to admit that although Feng Ling's personality is always straight, she has a lot of women in her nature, very delicate, but she is not very good at showing And these delicateness can only be realized a little bit in her daily life and too much understanding of her, especially the warmth hidden in each of her nonchalant words. .

The supermarket is not too far from here, it is less than ten minutes by car, and the parking space is easy to find.

When the car was stopped, Li Nanheng groped near the door, picked up the pair of sunglasses brought out before leaving the door in the storage box, and put it on himself.

Mainly, there are two gauze sticking on his eyes. It looks very common at home, but when he walks out like this, others may be afraid that he really thought he was poking his eyes.

At least the person passing by could not see anything with sunglasses, and at best regarded him as an invisible blind person.

Feng Ling helped him out of the car. It was almost noon. The sun was just right. Li Nanheng couldn't see anything wearing sunglasses but squinted instinctively in the sun. Feng Ling noticed his subtle movement and couldn't help asking. "Can you see the light?"

"If you don't have gauze on your eyes, you might be able to see it. Now that you have gauze, how can you see it? I instinctively feel the sun." Li Nanheng chuckled.

Feng Ling was speechless, and helped him to walk up the elevator on the outside of the supermarket.

On the elevator, Li Nanheng stuck his trousers bag in one hand and was held by Feng Ling in his other hand, as if his favorite time outside was not to be tabooed, so Feng Ling pulled in and out of the accompanying scene at this moment. .

Feng Ling was holding him in one hand, and the other hand was holding the instructions of the shopping area inside the supermarket just picked up under the elevator, where was he looking for a place to sell fish.

"What color of clothes am I wearing today?" Li Nanheng asked leisurely.

Feng Ling helped him out of the elevator and walked towards the main entrance of the supermarket. He said, "I bought new black sportswear online for you two days ago. It was the first time I wore it and it fits well. "

"What about you, in what color?"

"Me?" Feng Ling took a moment to look down at his clothes: "The white sportswear is similar to the style on your body, it is very loose and comfortable."

The corner of Li Nanheng's mouth turned up again: "Are you a couple?"

Feng Ling silently said: "... be it."

"What does it mean? I bought it at the same time, I definitely bought it in the same store, the same sportswear, and black and white, not a couple or something?"


"I can't see it, so you know how to think about it when you are in love. I thought you didn't understand anything."

"... I just bought two more comfortable clothes, and I was tired of wearing formal clothes in the workplace for the past two years."

"Don't explain, I know what you think of me." Li Nanheng, wearing sunglasses, walked forward with a beautiful look.

Feng Ling: "..."

"Don't be shy, I accept, I'll wear it like this in the future."

Feng Ling: "........."

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