Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1390: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (653)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Fortunately, Qiao Fei really came with his girlfriend. The two of them had already gone to checkout lovingly. Otherwise, it is not known to what extent Li Nanheng would stretch his face.

Feng Ling ignored him, Li Nanheng walked behind him, anyway, she couldn't really throw him here anyway.

Li Nanheng put one hand on the shopping cart, and the other hand stuck in the pants pocket and followed her. The fish was over there, Feng Ling took it, and when he looked back, Li Nanheng put his hand in the shopping cart so obediently. She didn't take a step forward, she felt softened, and he couldn't see it anyway, so she sighed helplessly.

Qiao Fei used to be jealous when he was at the base, but now he is also jealous. Does he really care that he has reached such a point?

Where is she all right?

Feng Ling moved the fish bag into the shopping cart very lightly, then walked over and stood in front of Li Nanheng, but still kept a distance of about one meter in the middle, just looking at him like this, the man was at least higher than her With one head, she slightly raised her face and looked at him like this, without making a sound. There was no sound under her foot when she walked over just now. People came here often, and he might not be able to hear anything.

Li Nanheng stood there, and she did not hear her return for a while. There was no change in her facial expressions, but first she waited for relaxation and waited until she gradually stood straighter, and then turned her face toward I was “looking” in the direction of the fresh water area for a while, as if I was n’t sure whether she went to buy other things or was delayed, but he could n’t see, and he could n’t walk around. No one can predict what will happen if you walk away.

Especially if Feng Ling comes back later and finds that he is gone, he will probably get angry.

Li Nanheng was still standing there, but his left hand was randomly placed on the armrest of the shopping cart, and the other hand was inserted into the trouser pocket. At this moment, the right hand was also raised, and both hands were placed on the shopping cart. on.

It was just a very subtle change of hand, from the indifferent just now to the mood of hurrying to hold the shopping cart waiting for her to come back quickly to find him.

Feng Ling felt a bit funny, so he suddenly raised his hand to help him with sunglasses, but the man was very habitual and sharply raised his hand directly at that instant, quickly raised his hand and directly held her wrist He couldn't see his eyes, but he could instantly feel the coldness on his face.

But in the next instant, when the person in front of him was found to be Feng Ling, the coldness on the man's face instantly disintegrated, and at the same time, the hand originally compiled on her wrist was slowly moved upwards, holding her instead. Hand: "How come back so long?"

Feng Ling hooked his lips, but the laughter did not come out of his mouth, but changed to a calm tone as if nothing happened: "I just bought some other things by the way, and it took a few minutes."

The mood on Li Nanheng's face had relaxed at this time, but her hand was held in her hand and he did not let go: "Go back now?"

Feng Ling didn't shake him off, just smiled again, and pushed the shopping cart with him to the area where the cash register is located, walking and saying, "Do you think someone else wants to touch you?"

"You stood still in front of me and didn't move. Suddenly it felt like someone's hand came over, but it was just 0.1 second. Normal people's thinking would be prepared." Li Nanheng's tone was normal.

But since he would say so, it means that he has understood it at the moment, she should have been silent before him just now.

He said he bought other things temporarily, but it was an excuse to fool him, and he didn't care about her.

There were too many people at the checkout counter. Feng Ling and Li Nanheng went to the self-service cash register and paid, then left with two shopping bags.

After going downstairs, put the purchased things into the car, Feng Ling glanced at the sky, squinted in the direction of the sun, the weather was fine.

"Want to go straight home or find a place with good air? I think you should be able to sustain your physical strength today." Feng Ling also evaluated based on the strength when he suddenly held his wrist just now. Although Li Nanheng is in need of recuperation nowadays, his physical strength is indeed a lot worse than before, but in an emergency, his strength will not be weak.

"Random." Li Nanheng stood by the car, listening to the sound of her putting things in the trunk, and turned to look in the warm direction of the sun. She seemed to feel that the weather was really good, and said: "Go back Is there an amusement park on the way? "

After all, the apartment was a place where Li Nanheng used to return, and he knew all kinds of building facilities nearby.

"It seems like, I didn't pay much attention."

"Walk to the amusement park."

Feng Ling felt a bit puzzled. The two of them, adults, didn't find a place in the park suitable for a walk or sun, and went to an amusement park to do something.

But think of it as if the amusement park was passing by on the way back. Even the direction of the car does not need to be changed. It is convenient on the way back, and she has no objection: "OK, then go for a walk."

Li Nanheng smiled, Feng Ling looked at him again, and found that after the injury, the man may be because of invisible eyes. The smile is no longer so embarrassing, and he will always be invisible because there is too much in front of him. Uncertain factors of laughter softened slightly and converged a little bit, obviously still that person, but it seemed to be cautious for a few points on some obscure habits.

This caution stems from his eyes.

I never said in my mouth whether I could see, but I was in the dark every day, I do n’t know who would be comfortable day and night.

Feng Ling closed the trunk, reached out to hold his arm, helped him to the door, opened the door: "Go, get in the car, go to the amusement park."

Li Nanheng seemed a bit unwilling to feel the warm sunshine outside the car. Feng Ling helped him to open the rear window after it entered the car. It wasn't cold anyway, but the weather was not hot enough to require air conditioning in the car. To the point.

After driving all the way to the amusement park, Feng Ling found a location closest to the main entrance and parked the car. When I went down, I saw an aisle extending from the outside to the inside of the amusement park. Both sides sell a variety of children's toys and eat. Drinking things, there are many children around blowing bubbles.

"Momo was sent to Feng's family?" Li Nanheng heard the laughter of children around him and asked in a low voice while Feng Ling was walking with his arms in his arms.

"Well, take it to my grandparents, so they can be accompanied by me too, so I can rest assured."

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