Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1391: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (654)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Having said that, Feng Ling then said: "I saw Dr. Wen last time."

Li Nanheng said nothing, feeling the warmth of the sun as she walked, as if she was waiting for her to continue.

"He never knew Xiao Momo's existence, did he?"

Li Nanheng didn't speak at first, and said after a while: "I just knew about it. Wen Leqing is not a character who complains and complains about anything. I have no contact with her in private. Some relatives have heard gossip in their mouths. "

"So you don't know why she chose to take this step? Nor do you know why she concealed the child's existence?"

"I only know her concealment, but I really don't know the reason, and the relationship between her and Wen Yihan has not been expressed to anyone. How could I know so much inside information?" Li Nanheng said with emphasis Sentence: "I don't even know what my favorite woman thinks every day. How can I care about other women?"

Feng Ling is not annoyed: "I don't know why you said you want to come to the amusement park now, did I not ask?"

"Because you like it."

Feng Ling: "?????"

She stopped and looked at him in amazement: "When did I say I like this kind of place?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lips meaningfully. At this moment, the children around were too noisy. He directly bowed his head and whispered something in her ear. Feng Ling started from the beginning. , And then to surprise, surprised, and finally opened the eyes with an incredible round, full eyes were written impossible, she was never such an idiot.

Li Nanheng just laughed: "Okay, I know you still have a little girl in your heart, but you locked her up, I can't see it now, even if you are happy in it for a while, you won't laugh at me you."

Feng Ling: "..."

With an expression of disbelief, she walked into the amusement park with Li Nanheng and looked at so many entertainment facilities. This amusement park is very large. All the facilities in it are several times larger than those in Mr. Mike's resort area, and every project Many people are lining up.

Feng Ling just felt incredible.

After she drank too much, she dragged Li Nanheng to the children's playground and forced him to play slides and seesaw with her?

However, those are indeed pure children's projects. There are many exciting types of projects in the playground now. She looked at those roller coasters and the like, thought about it, and then turned to Li Nanheng: "Ride the roller coaster Or a carousel? "

Li Nanheng asked her, "What do you want to sit on?"

"Merry-go-round, it's safer. You can't take too much stimulation and turbulence now, especially your eyes. This kind of relatively stable project is better ..."

Before she finished speaking, the man directly held her hand and pulled her to change direction: "Rollercoaster."

Feng Ling: "..."

What else did she ask?

I do n’t know if Li Nanheng wants to play or she wants to play. Feng Ling is too lazy to care about him and only observes for a while. It is determined that although the roller coaster is fast, the start and stop are smooth, and the wind speed can only be felt when it is too fast in the middle. There was no danger or impact on him, so I went to buy a ticket.

When sitting up, a staff member came over to fasten the two of them. Feng Ling turned to look at Li Nanheng: "The fear should increase by dozens of times when you can't see your eyes. Don't hold back, otherwise I'm afraid. I will laugh at you forever. "

Li Nanheng sneered: "I didn't feel anything when the helicopter dropped the rope at a high altitude. A roller coaster—"

Before we finish talking, it begins.

Feng Ling was indifferent to this kind of speed during the whole process. She had been trained with rope ladders like him, and had had all kinds of high-speed speed training. It really did not feel much, and her heartbeat frequency had not changed.

After a few laps, the young men, women and children who were screaming all over the face turned pale, some were happy and exciting, some were scared.

Only Li Nanheng and Feng Ling, who were sitting in the first two positions, did not change their faces.

After the two unlocked the safety handle, Li Nanheng regretted: "Not exciting enough."

The staff member who was waiting to hear the praise immediately pulled down his face, and Feng Ling quickly pulled Li Nanheng, who was now invisible, and left.

"So, this kind of thing is not interesting, how could I pull you to play the slide, Li Nanheng's ability to arrange people is so naive, the situation you said can never happen." Feng Ling was very firm.

Li Nanheng sneered, not arguing with her, but stopped and looked for the voice in the other direction: "What's going on there? So many screams?"

"Island ship."

"Oh, that's not interesting."

"Still home?"

"Are there any dessert shops or ice cream shops?" Li Nanheng asked standing still.

Feng Ling is inexplicable. What kind of wind does this man draw today?

She looked around: "There are ice cream sellers, but there are many people in line. Do you want to eat?"

"It's what you want to eat."

Feng Ling: "... Why me?"

Li Nanheng was not strong, moved her chin directly forward, motioned to help him to buy ice cream.

Feng Ling couldn't help it. The wounded had asked for it, and she could only meet it. She had to pull him over, and lined up behind the crowd obediently.

I waited for about 20 minutes before I finally arrived at them. I bought a mango-flavored ice cream and a blueberry-flavored ice cream. Feng Ling has loved the blueberry-flavored dessert for so many years, so she really ate it. , While eating and walking, see Li Nanheng that glass does not eat much, but finally chose a bench with no one to sit down.

Feng Ling felt this scene again like a young couple in love, more like a couple of aging couples sitting here eating ice cream while watching various children around playing.

The sun is warm and the ice cream is sweet. People around her can give her a sense of security.

It seems that in her life from a young age, whether in the base or in her home, she did not have such a sense of stability and tranquility, maybe it was in the jungle that was burnt down a few years ago.

While digging the ice cream in the cup, she said, "There is news about the prosthesis made for A. He can stand up in a few days, and it is estimated that he can run around and visit you."

"What? Anxious for my eyes again?" Li Nanheng chuckled in disapproval.

Feng Ling glanced at him: "I'm just thinking, when will the blood clot that oppresses your visual nerves disappear?"

Li Nanheng raised his hand, and didn't need to fumble in the air, and directly held her shoulders accurately: "No hurry, he has a prosthetic leg, am I still you for my eyes?"

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