Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1399: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (662)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The other old Li family members were quite relaxed. Li Jun was warned. When Feng Ling came to open the door again, he couldn't relax at that time.

Feng Ling was very polite. After all, it was a long time ago that he knew the stinky and hard temper of the four old Li family. When the door was opened, he nodded to them: "Li old ..."

However, for a while, I was not sure whether it should be collectively called Li old, or shouted the boss to the fourth.

Fortunately, before she continued to speak, Li Junyan took the lead: "Well, Nan Heng is still resting?"

"No, he woke up very early. He has recovered well lately, so he doesn't need to be in the bedroom often." Feng Ling said as he opened the door and took a few new pairs of indoor slippers.

In the living room, Li Nanheng, who had quickly arranged the messy pillows and blankets on the sofa, sat upright, holding a glass of cold honey water on the coffee table in his hand, and nothing happened just now. The expression raised an eyebrow in the direction of several old men: "Come here?"

The four Li family members never saw him after Li Nanheng was discharged from the hospital. Seeing Li Nanheng's natural expression, he almost thought that his eyes were already good.

But a closer look shows that it is not good.

Li Nanheng just argued that the sound can accurately find their position. Although the eyes are facing this side, the focal length in the eyes cannot fully match them.

Although there are no traces on the sofa, the table is also a common glass of water and a plate of half eaten fruit, and an iPad that is placed on it.

However, in the domestic clothing of Li Nanheng, the two buttons on the neckline were slightly torn apart because of the struggle by Feng Ling just now. There was also a red mark on the exposed collarbone that was accidentally scratched by the nail. It's not heavy, but it can be seen at a glance, and obviously it has just happened.

Li's third child: "..."

The four old experiences are so deep, how can you not see what just happened in this seemingly quiet living room, the atmosphere is a little weird at the moment, and each of them is considering whether it is not too late.

Feeling the strangeness in the atmosphere, Li Nanheng: "?"

"Nan Heng, how do your eyes feel?" Li Junyan opened his mouth first.

It ’s coming, and the return of the day will not affect the two people making the villain, so they do n’t live here at night and do not disturb them.

"Fortunately, I can see some light occasionally." Li Nanheng put down the honey water in his hand and raised his hand futilely: "This is the place where I lived a few years ago, not Feng Ling. Don't be so restrained, she is I'm afraid you're too restrained to go to her, so you have changed places. "

"What's yours, yours is hers." Li Jun Yanbian said as he walked directly over and sat down beside Li Nanheng.

The other three old people also sat down on the sofa next to him, but Li Sansan always couldn't rest. After sitting for a while, he got up and looked at Li Nanheng's apartment in Los Angeles. After all, he had never had a chance to come before.

After hearing the words of Mr. Li just now, Feng Ling couldn't speak for a while and could only look at Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng habitually dragged the blanket over his own leg. Although he couldn't see it, he felt it. With the eyes of the four seniors in Li's family and Feng Ling, he raised an eyebrow: "Yes, mine is her. My grandfather is her grandfather. Sooner or later, you have to enter Li ’s door. Did you hear Feng Ling? Prepare yourself early, so you do n’t have to shout anymore when you look back, you can call Grandpa directly to Grandpa Four. "

"Yes, yes, Feng Ling, I'm your third grandfather."

"I'm your four grandpa."

"I'm your second grandpa."

Grandpa Li Junyan: "... cough."

Feng Ling's expression was stranger now than the four older ones.

Because of Feng Ling's incompatibility, the atmosphere in Keting again reached an indescribable level. Even though Feng Ling felt that it was impossible, at this moment, I felt that these four old men were always powerful and mighty. Sun Yun is like a woman.

In fact, her nature is not very suitable for crowded occasions. Only in the presence of the brothers who are particularly close and familiar with the base, and in front of Li Nanheng, can she release herself occasionally. Suddenly all four seniors are here. Is really not casual.

But holding the thought of the four old people who might just wait and see, she just didn't hear those words, and just coughed casually: "Would the four of you ... make some tea?"

She remembered that there seemed to be two tea cakes in Li Nanheng's apartment. She was not very used to drinking this kind of tea, but it was said that this tea cake was very very expensive. The cheapest of any tea cake was hundreds of thousands or even millions. I don't know which friend from China sent him here, but Li Nanheng doesn't seem to be interested in tea, and the tea cake has not been opened.

However, it is said that these four Li olds like to drink tea, and this grade of tea is nothing wrong to honor them.

"No trouble, no trouble!" The fourth son quickly glanced at the boss after he said it.

Li Junyan also abruptly reflected from Feng Ling's completely home-made young daughter-in-law's costume: "Yes, no trouble."

The four elders looked at each other, and then sat on the sofa, all sitting very straight, and then stared at Feng Ling's face, as if to see a flower on her face. .

Feng Ling didn't know what to say, but she still had to find something to do. She must not be able to sit on the opposite side of the sofa and stare at him like Li Nanheng, or borrow guidance. The reason for making tea is slipped first.

Two minutes passed, and there were no sounds in the living room, and some of the older ones felt incredible.

Li Nanheng had just returned to Los Angeles before. When she was in the hospital, the four seniors of Li family also saw Feng Ling. Although Feng Ling did not linger outside of Li Nanheng's ward at that time, she had been waiting in the hospital silently, and met by chance Although she also had such long hair at that time, the whole person still looked the same as before when in the base, calm and indifferent, just nodded politely to the four of them.

But the Feng Ling that I saw just after entering the door was wearing a suit of the same style as Li Nanheng. Her hair was tied up, and she looked clean and busy. She really looked like a little daughter-in-law at home. The kind of indifference in the base.

It turned out that this girl Feng Ling also has such a woman's side. The little girl looks restrained and polite. She doesn't talk much, but she is also very fond of it. Don't look at her cold personality, but it is very detailed. Having a child is definitely a good mother.

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