Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1400: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (663)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

So, how did they really push people out of the base?

Think again that Li Nanheng did not return to Li's house for two years, but later he returned to Li's house occasionally after recovering Feng Ling, which is really excusable.

Fortunately, this girl is still their grandson. If Feng Ling really has no chance with Nan Heng, let alone Nan Heng's regrets in this life, some of them will be extremely regretful.

"..." Li's third child probably couldn't stand the heavy atmosphere of memory. After thinking about it again and again, "Is Feng Ling really taking care of you alone?"

Li Nanheng flew at him with an "eye" with no focal length: "Otherwise do you think?"

"Feng Ling is okay. I don't think you're as thin as when you first returned to the United States, and you look good. You don't have a lot of fat, and I don't think it will take too long, just after your eyes recover. It's okay. "The old three said while looking at Li Nanheng's eyes.

"Then you look at it, and don't look at who my wife is." Li Nanheng was not ashamed.

Feng Ling, who is making tea next door: "..."

After that, several old people finally began to enter the formal condolences link. They repeatedly asked Li Nanheng where he is still uncomfortable. He also opened his sleeves and trouser legs to see how the wounds healed and looked at the remaining ones. The various scars that kept coming down sighed, and complained that Li Junyan should not have thrown his grandson to the base ruthlessly at first. Lijia is such a grandson. If something really happens, he won't be able to come back. It's about to be gone.

Feng Ling brewed the tea and distributed it in front of the fourth old man. After nodded politely to them, he felt that it was not so much that he kept walking away to avoid it. When he was about to sit down, Li Li directly extended Li Jun from Li Nanheng drew away the position beside him, and gave Feng Ling a wink, which meant that she would sit next to Nan Heng.

Feng Ling had to sit down.

When Feng Ling just came out, she also picked up another fruit tray. By the way, she did n’t know what others would take when she was entertaining her elders, but she used what she had at home. She washed all kinds of fruits in the fruit tray. Clean.

"Feng Ling, come and eat apples." In order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere that is about to overflow outside the house, he picked up an apple and passed it to her.

Feng Ling quickly said, "You eat, you eat."

"Ah, you're welcome, you eat, you eat ..."

"No no no, you eat, you eat ..."

Suddenly, Li Nanheng reached out and took the apples in Feng Ling and Li's fourth hand directly, taking a bite of politeness: "OK, I'll eat."

"Well, this is the apple for Sun Yun's wife. What are you robbing?" Li Sisi stared at him.

But Li Nanheng couldn't see his stare either. He held the apple in one hand and laughed, "She doesn't eat, what's the use of pushing and pushing you? Even if you want to see Sun Yun's wife, you should give her psychological preparation time. Suddenly the four old men came, and with her personality and temperament, I could know how nervous she was now, what you should talk about, without dragging her, she would be more comfortable. "

Li Nanheng really understands Feng Ling's current state of mind.

She really didn't know what to do with this scene, nor did she know what to say and what to do so that she wouldn't think she was sensible.

"Where are we dragging her? It's not that hard to see her usually take care of you alone, come to see you and say that it's you, but in fact she's looking at grandma Sun." The second child also spoke at this time, see Li Nanheng The apple stubbornly picked up the bunch of grapes directly from the fruit plate and handed it to Feng Ling: "Come, Feng Ling, eat grapes, and eat more fruit is good for your health. You ca n’t just care about Nanheng alone, you also have to Do you take good care of yourself? "

"Thank you Li old ..." Feng Ling looked at the bunch of grapes, not sure if he should pick it up.

Just raised his hand to pick it up, Li Nanheng intercepted the grapes directly, and then slowly groped and put it back in the fruit plate.

"She doesn't eat grapes," said Li Nanheng, an expression of her spokesperson. "Feng Ling rarely eats things that are too sour. The most fruits are pears, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, like grapes and mangoes." She does n’t eat durian, she does n’t eat bitter gourd, she does n’t eat coriander. She hates bacon in meat products. She does n’t seem picky, but there are many things you do n’t like. Do n’t feed her.

Listening to Li Nanheng telling Feng Ling's likes and dislikes like a few treasures, the four old expressions suddenly realized, at that moment Feng Ling was embarrassed and a fever on his face couldn't wait to find a seam drill. Go in.

"Oh, so." Li Didang said with a quick look: "Don't eat it. Grapes and durians are too high in sugar. Eating too much is not good for the body."

Feng Ling immediately laughed: "Indeed, indeed."

Li Junyan sat expressionless.

The three younger brothers in their family are afraid that they will only be able to follow behind when they go out to make a fool. Now they need to coax Sun Aunt's wife one by one, and who wants him to come here and discuss Sun Aunt's grapes with him. How much sugar?

"Cough." Li Junyan cleared his throat bluntly, forcibly squeezed into the topic: "Feng Ling, if you take care of Nanheng alone, if you are too tired, you don't have to be stubborn. Tell us at any time that Li can send someone. Come and help you. "

"No, in fact, he doesn't need to take care of him a lot. He doesn't need to help me when walking around the house. I just cook and clean up the room. I do n’t need any help for daily chores."

"So, won't Nanheng feel bad for you?"

"I don't need to be distressed. I volunteered."


Li Junyan immediately glanced at Li Nanheng, and saw Li Nanheng's cocked mouth corners, as if it were rare to hear Feng Ling express his heart so seriously.

Feng Ling sincerely said: "Li old, I really take care of him voluntarily, and the four of you also know that I and ... Nan Heng, have come here for so many years, many of them have been used to life, this also It's not exactly caring, it's just accompanying each other. "

The four old men said in unison: "It would be better to find a day to end the marriage."

Feng Ling: "..."

"So," Li Junyan asked tentatively again, "what do your grandparents think now?"

The four old eyes stared at Feng Ling. The inner activity was that when Li Jia married Miss Feng Jia Er's Yi Guan Tzu, they thought that this Ling was the party. Later, the two Feng Li were more involved in Feng Mingzhu. There are still some gaps between the two, and the two relationships, which are somewhat intimate and close, have almost cut off their daily contacts.

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