Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1409: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (672)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

This kind of thing can also be calculated at the bottom?

Feng Ling was stunned, and the air was quiet again.

"I have had a dream since I was a child, find a woman I like, give birth to a son or a daughter to the four grandfathers, let them feel the affection of the two generations, and see if they dare to take their own belt Great-grandson. "Li Nanheng covered his eyes, shook his head for a long while, solemnly," I don't know if they can live that day. "

Feng Ling: "..."

With that said, Li Nanheng let go of her, and stood up to the floor-to-ceiling window, facing the direction of the window in the darkness and obscurity in front of her, and her back was surrounded by a heavy helplessness and tolerance, as if the river in Israel was covered with blood The downstream man dragged his heavy footwork and slowly looked at the sky.

Then he shook it symbolically to show that he really has a vicissitudes of heart.

Feng Lingfu was defeated: "I was born, I was born, I did n’t do any contraception last night? You got in, I did n’t plan to take medicine, so I just went to fate if I was pregnant!"


"You just agreed?" Qin Shuke looked at Feng Ling, who always seemed so calm in his relationship, and promised to have a child.

Feng Ling and Li Nanheng have rushed from Los Angeles to New York for two days. Li Nanheng is still waiting for surgery with Dr. Yorkser. The doctor is really reliable. It was only yesterday morning that he was sure that it could be cured. It just needed to be simple. Minor surgery, the postoperative recovery period is about four or three days before you can be discharged.

This is equivalent to the one week that Mr. Mo and Dr. Qin fought for him, so that Li Nanheng's eye surgery can be completed and he can return to Los Angeles directly after being discharged.

However, Li Nanheng didn't let her stay in the hospital. She only told her to return to Fengjia or Qin Shuke and wait for him. Just as Qin Shuke knew that she had returned to New York, she directly killed her at the hospital, and then Feng Ling brought the company back.

She did not return to the company for a long time, and now this place is no longer completely under her control. When Feng Ling entered, she also wore a mask by the way to prevent it from being recognized by employees and successfully entered Qin Shuke's office.

"After all, he is going to perform eye surgery right away, and he needs a good mood during the postoperative recovery period, and this kind of thing is now random. I still take contraceptives at this time. He is afraid he will jump off the operating table. Strangle me. "Feng Ling sat on the sofa in the office, flipping through the nearest company piece, and felt a headache after watching it for a while.

How did she get through these piles of documents in the past few years? This really isn't suitable for her. After seeing a headache for a while, it is estimated that the eyes will hurt.

"You are willing to be by his side now. He can treat you as a painful liver, and it is too late to hurt you." Qin Shu chuckled. "But I still recommend that you wait until his eyes recover. The problem of not having a child ... otherwise he would not be able to get involved in changing the child's urine and wetness. "

"Now I'm not pregnant, I didn't think too much, let alone conceive in October, if it is really pregnant, maybe he is happy, and the congestion that oppresses the visual nerves will be stimulated." Feng Ling said, laying down The company piece in hand is actually a joke casually, and then seriously said: "Now I'm the age to get married and start a family. I used to be young, and I can spend more years. Now think about it, it really is Time is wasted. "

"This man like Li Nanheng is like a lone wolf. In the world, I am afraid that only you will not be completely swallowed in front of him. People like him can't really suppress him."

"Really?" Feng Ling tickled his lips, remembering that Li Nanheng once called her joking wolf girl several times.

The nature of the wolf is loyal, just as she is loyal to the XI base, and as loyal to Li Nanheng, as he is to her. If she was destined to be with the wolf from childhood, she really does n’t mind having Li Nanheng Little wolf cub.

Feng Ling's cell phone rang at this time. The phone was called by the Feng family, and she picked it up at a glance.

Mrs. Feng's voice came over the phone: "Good granddaughter, have you returned to New York? Grandma just happened to tell you, should we go to you or you come home?"

"I'm here with Shu Ke, and I can go straight home." Feng Ling heard Mrs. Feng's voice. Although she had only known each other for a few years, she was still very kind to the grandma, and her voice was much lightened: "What is it?" Is it important? "

"It's nothing, mainly because the Wen family heard the news of Xiao Momo and sent someone over to ask for a child. Although this is a Wen family person, you are not saying that Wen Leqing specially gave the child to you. Back to the Wen family, explaining some of these problems, we did not dare to give the children to them. Recently, the frequent Wen family sent people over. I'm not quite assured that you are back. "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment: "I know, just go back later."

"What's wrong?" Seeing Feng Ling put down the phone and got up to leave, Qin Shuke sat behind a pile of papers at his desk and looked up at her.

"Xiao Momo's question, I'll take a look. You can help me stare at the hospital."

"Okay, if there is any news from Li Nanheng, he must be the first to contact you first." Qin Shuke handed her an expression of bullying my single dog: "The driver is downstairs, don't drive yourself, let The driver will take you home. "

Feng Ling nodded and left.


Back at Fengjia, Xiao Momo was sitting in the yard playing with a small toy car in the small sand pile specially made for him. When he heard the sound of the car outside, he didn't look at it, turned his head and shouted inward: "Too Grandma! There are cars! "

A servant was guarding beside her, and when she saw Feng Ling came back, she nodded to her quickly.

Feng Ling smiled and looked at Xiao Momo again. Sure enough, he just shouted. Within two minutes, Mrs. Feng hurried out from it, as if she was afraid that the child would be taken away by some messy person. Like.

As soon as he saw Feng Ling, his expression relaxed directly: "Come back so fast?"

Feng Ling nodded, and went to Xiao Momo's side, and he leaned over to see the child: "Little Momo, I haven't seen you for a few months, do you remember my aunt?"

Xiao Momo then lifted her attention from the small toy car in her hand. When she saw Feng Ling, she stayed for a while, then opened her mouth, and jumped up and rushed to her arms: "Sister ... ... "

"Oh my little ancestor, you have sand on your hands and you haven't washed your hands!" Seeing that Feng Ling's clothes were soiled instantly, the maid patted her thigh next to her, and hurriedly stepped forward. The child pulled away.

"It's okay. I have clothes at home. I'll change them in a moment." Feng Ling said, holding the small thing directly, and bowing his head to kiss his little face.

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