Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1410: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (673)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Have you missed me?" Feng Ling hugged Xiao Momo and went straight into Fengjia Villa.

Seeing Feng Ling's return, Grandpa Feng quickly greeted him. Only Feng Ling, a granddaughter, is a treasure in the family. Recently, thanks to Xiao Momo here, the second old man's attention was diverted, otherwise Feng Ling is not in New York, they really miss it.

"Is accompany Nan Heng back to New York to treat his eyes? How is his health lately?" Asked Father Feng.

"My body is much better. I have recovered 70 to 80% of my previous state. My eyes just came back to find the Yorkshire doctor for targeted treatment. I do n’t know what will happen after this treatment, but everything is going In a good direction, don't worry. "Feng Ling put Xiao Momo on the sofa and replied warmly.

"That's good." Feng Lao nodded: "You used to run around the base so much that you did blood on your blade. Now, while he's resting, you've all been calm and peaceful. These days, it ’s okay to gradually get out of the base and the circles that were fighting and killing. "

The sense of mission of the base has long been ingrained in the bones, even if it is no longer going back, but these things are not likely to be thrown away, how can they leave the circle.

Feng Ling smiled and didn't answer. He only touched Xiao Momo's head and asked, "Who is the Wen family to pick him up?"

"It was Wen Leqing's uncle. The Wen family had an accident a few years ago. The people in the family walked away. There were no injuries left. But we did n’t know her uncle. He only said that he heard that Wen Leqing's child was here, and said that if he didn't want to be too troublesome, we had to take the child away. We didn't agree with him, and he didn't dare to be too inferior to Feng Feng. Look at the children and try to coax Momo away. Momo may have watched his mother being beaten from a young age, but she is very alert but young, and never willing to let others hold her, so she is still safe here. "Mrs. Feng Come and say.

When I heard that Mo Mo was very vigilant, Feng Ling lowered her head and looked at her sitting on the sofa, but she stretched out two soft little arms to hug her little things, and sat down beside him. When things were right, Climb down her legs and returned to her arms, lying in her arms and smelling the fragrance on her, obediently no longer disturbed.

"I haven't received any news about Wen Leqing recently. I don't know what happened to her. Since the child has given it to me, he must not be taken away by others. We will arrange two more security guards here. Child There must always be someone around, and there is a Feng family, and the Wen family really dare not do anything. "She touched Xiao Momo's head and said softly in his ear:" Be good here, don't be strangers People walk around, aunts and grandparents will protect you, you know? "

Although Xiao Momo was only two years old, her EQ and IQ were very high. After looking at her for a while, she seemed to slowly understand what she said, then nodded obediently, holding her neck and not letting go.

"This child is really cute, smart and clever, and his mouth is still sweet. The grandfather and grandma scream every day, causing me and your grandfather to always think that he is our great-grandson." Mrs. Feng looked at Xiao Momo. In the eyes, there is a real loving smile: "If Wen Leqing comes back, if she has nowhere else to go, let her bring the child to the house. We can also be partners and help her. Take care of the children. "

Feng Ling hooked his lips. This suggestion is good, but Wen Leqing did n’t know where he went. There was no news from Dr. Wen yesterday. I heard Qin Shuke said yesterday that people from Wen ’s family came to New York to find someone. Seems to have come to see Dr. Wen, but Dr. Wen has no news, as if not in the United States.

It's been a few months, and Dr. Wen should have found Wen Leqing, but I don't know what happened. He hasn't returned yet. Fortunately, the child is here with her. No one can rest assured.


"So what? Boss has to stay in the hospital for another three or four days with blindfold again?" In the hospital, Li Nanheng, who had undergone minor eye surgery very quickly, was just put in the ward to rest, and Feng Ling took it. When I got on the phone, I heard their talk from Ak.

Li Nanheng was not awake because of the anesthetic. Feng Ling had just asked Dr. Yorkser that the operation was successful. In addition to the treatment of the previous few months, the nerve congestion that had always affected his vision had already Eliminated a lot, only the remaining part is not good for automatic absorption, so a minor surgery is performed directly. Fortunately, no craniotomy is required, just a small surgery on the surface of the head and neck and the eye can be done. .

This time, if you are properly recuperated in the hospital, you should not be able to see it for a long time, but your eyesight may not be as clear as before, it will be blurred for a while, and then you will often do eye view training, and within months No problem.

Dr. Yorkser's words were not ambiguous, but he was quite certain that his eyes would be good and the operation was successful.

This made Feng Ling feel good. Standing in the corridor of the hospital, he was attentive to listen to K talking on the phone.

After hearing the spit on the phone, Feng Ling entered the ward.

This ward was specially arranged by Dr. Yorkser for Li Nan Heng Nan. It can also be said that Dr. Qin and Mr. Mo made a cross-country phone call. The environment is very good. The downstairs is facing the bustling downtown area of ​​New York. High, the outside air is also good, but because Li Nanheng just had a minor operation, he can't see the wind now, so he didn't open the window.

She poured some water to the bedside, and although she was in the hospital again, she could be discharged home in three or four days this time. She didn't pack anything, so she planned to stay here for a few days.

I just sat by the bed and wanted to see if he had any anesthetics. He just sat down, and his hands were on the edge of the bed, but he did n’t lift up. The man who had been lying quietly just now moved his hands directly. She put it on the back of her hand and held it lightly again.

"Wake up? Does the wound hurt?" Feng Ling looked at the circle of gauze over his eyes.

"It's not the incision. Dr. Yorkser used a very small, minimally invasive surgical method. It was a pinhole and there would be no trace." Li Nanheng's voice was awake just after waking up with anesthesia, and then tickled his lips: " You can almost see it after this operation. What kind of face are you going to show up in front of me? After all, it's the first look after you regain the light. "

Feng Ling seemed to think about it seriously, a serious one: "I cut a short hair to celebrate?"


(Well, yesterday, the speed was too fast, the trumpet was blown up, and I could n’t help it. Everyone is really anxious to see if there are any saved sisters who can send private messages to you ~ Today is a double monthly pass On the last day of the month, babies with monthly tickets vote for it, soothe my feelings of being bombed, tears ~)

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