Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1411: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (674)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng seemed to be spit by his own saliva because of such a word, and he cried a bit and raised his hand with a bit of sorrow. However, because of the strength of the anesthetic, the body could not move completely and only raised a little. Just let it go.

Feng Ling lowered her head directly in front of him. Li Nanheng took advantage of the situation and grabbed her long hair, her fingers gently entangled her hair, and sighed: "All right, even if you are real A shaved board appeared in front of me, and it was my wife-in-law, and I couldn't run. "

Feng Ling chuckled and looked at his face: "Just after surgery, the sore is still painful. Do n’t move around, I wo n’t walk around here, take a good rest, and wait until the recovery period is over. See you again. "

"What percentage of the doctor said can be seen in a few days?" Li Nanheng asked.

Feng Ling recalled: "It's a big chance, it's very firm."

"Once there is such a thing, there will still be a few percent chance of failure." Li Nanheng still gently held her long hair: "If I fail to recover after this operation, I am afraid that I will have to ... ... "

Before Li Nanheng's words were finished, Feng Ling had passed the cup directly to his mouth, and put a straw in the cup: "Speak so little, drink water."

Li Nanheng muted, and his lip color looked much better after taking a few sips of water.

"Li Nanheng, there aren't so many ifs." When Feng Ling took the water cup away, he said quietly and quietly, "Like everyone thinks that when you and Ah are dead, I say you must be alive. , Your eyes will recover as well. Even if you really want to be blind all your life, if you dare to push me away like you did on the Gore Farm, you can try to deny me. "

Probably felt the hidden threat in her words. Feng Ling is not a person who will casually talk harshly, but if he dares to push her away once again, it is estimated that she will not turn back without him. I will never look back.

Li Nanheng chuckled: "Okay, don't push away."

Feng Ling then reached out with satisfaction, pulled his hand, and gently pressed and rubbed it a few times on his wooden arm because the anesthetic had just passed. He thought for a while and said, "This weekend I Accompany Qin Shuke to a commercial evening charity dinner. Maybe you can't come back for two days on the weekend. You are in the hospital. I will be back on Monday. "

"Did you already quit? Still attending a business dinner?"

"It was a very important partner in the previous two years, and I have always taken care of Feng's. The original cooperation was also personally interviewed by me. The other party is an old man with a high age. I respect him very much. He borrowed On the occasion of my birthday, I hosted a charity dinner. Many people were invited, including me. Although I was no longer in Feng's, they obviously knew that I had returned to New York. The invitation had my name and I would not go. In that case, neither Feng's nor Qin Shuke is good, and he should always sell his old man a face. "

Feng Ling rarely said so much in one breath, and it was more to explain the reason why she must go. She was no longer lazy to explain what she did, and she was too lazy to throw away irrelevant eyes to others, always Feng Ling, who is not too familiar with people, is now considered to be in the business world. Those who have helped her, she will always remember.

"Is there any marriageable son, grandson and nephew in this old man's house?" Li Nanheng was silent for a while, thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked such a sentence.

Feng Ling subconsciously replied: "No, it seems that there is only one daughter, and the daughter is already 37 or 38 years old. She is not married yet, and she also takes good care of me and is a strong woman in a shopping mall."

Hearing this, Li Nanheng's expression seemed to relax a little: "Well, then go."

Feng Ling glanced at him, reflecting what he meant just now.

Is this afraid that someone will get him a rival?

She laughed: "People just had a relationship with my grandparents and knew that something had happened to my parents. I was displaced for too many years before finally returning home. I felt kind and distressed, so I helped I have passed a lot, not what you think. "

"It's not the best, it doesn't matter if it is, I don't say it is invisible to the eyes, even if it is disfigured, you still die for me, those men outside have no chance." Li Nanheng said in a word that his face was not red and angry asthma.

Feng Lingfu.


Three days later, on the weekend.

Ballroom on the first floor of a royal seven-star hotel in New York.

Qin Shuke and Feng Ling walked into the Red Carpet Hall side by side. Today, they are both partners, without bringing other male partners or secretaries.

Suddenly walking into two natural beauties at the same time, there was a lot of excitement around the front for a while, and many single men came to say hello.

"Now the world says that women worship gold vanity, but men are also realistic." Qin Shuke smiled and took the goblet, clinking with those single men who came to say hello, and turned intentionally to block Feng Ling , Lest Feng Ling treat people too faint and embarrassing, at the same time gave Feng Ling a wink, the two quietly spoke.

Although Feng Ling has been in the shopping mall for several years, she used to have Ji Nuan and Xiao Ba in the UK. She usually learns to watch afterwards, and Qin Shu can be a companion after returning home, so she does n’t have to use it every time. Stepped forward to clink and laugh, this kind of thing Qin Shuke this lively little woman really did, but only Feng Ling knew that Qin Shu can talk to laughter and even talk on the surface. The beauty who dared to talk about the topic of night and love, but in fact, after the entertainment is turned and turned around, there will never be a little more smile on her face. In fact, her bones are very conservative and calm, so she looks so far in front of others. This Qin Shu is a woman who knows more about routine than men, but her private life is actually very clean.

Feng Ling also picked up the goblet brought by the waiter next to him, and put it in his hand without rushing, just looking at the men who were deliberately blocked by Qin Shuke, and handed her "You really understand me" Eyes, then the two continued to walk inside, Qin Shuke smiled from time to time with those men who came to say hello, and from time to time, looked at Feng Ling and smiled.

People's hearts are indeed realistic, as she said just now.

In the past few years, Feng ’s foundations have been shaky, and Feng Ling and Qin Shuke have tried their best to help Feng ’s, but everyone can see that their storms and waves are not only not helping out, they will just stand on the sidelines, At that time, when the two of them came to this kind of banquet together, most of them got indifferent glances, and those eyes were filled with "Who are these two people?" "Where did this person come from?" ,do not know".

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