Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1413: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (676)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Mr. Ain is a rare visitor to the United States, is he here to talk about financial cooperation?" Feng Ling asked.


"Are you new to the United States?"

"Not even. I have been here a few times before, but it is really the first time that New York has come." Seeing Feng Ling would take the initiative to talk down, Ain's eyes were much gentler, looking at her as she was then Nowhere in the UK.

Feng Ling ticked his lips and said, "Since this is my first time in New York, I am not too familiar with many things here, so many gossip in the New York business district should not be taken lightly."

"How to say?"

"I mean, among these populations, rumors about me." Feng Ling's voice was quiet and quiet: "Whether it was in the UK or now, I am not alone ..."

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden commotion outside the banquet hall.

Feng Ling heard the voice and saw what the people around were talking about, and instinctively turned his head.

When she glanced outside the banquet hall door, she saw a familiar figure walking through the crowd, and soon merged into the glorious banquet hall from the dark night.

Today, in order to be a companion with Qin Shuke, she is wearing a black V-neck black dress. She has no sexuality at the same time, but she does n’t expose a bit of something that should not be exposed. Swaying, holding the goblet of red wine in the other hand, his eyes slightly shifted, and he fell on that person.

There were still laughter and laughter all around.

Everyone's eyes are drunk.

Feng Ling's eyes fell directly on the comer's eyes, to see the figure of the man clearly, and then he found that he had accurately found her direction, and his gaze came straight to her, so he separated from her. The sea of ​​people was staring at each other, and without hesitation, they strode forward among the crowd.

When it was determined that his eyes were really looking at himself, and the deep eyes were dark and vivid, instead of having no focus, but the focus was very clear on himself, Feng Ling's heart tightened and became fierce for a moment. Jumped.

"Mr. Li?"

"Is that President Li?"

"It seems like I haven't heard from President Li for a long time."

"When did President Li come to New York? Do any partners related to Li know?"

"Unclear, I haven't heard of Mr. Li recently ..."

Whispers were whispering all around, but Feng Ling stared straight at Li Nanheng's eyes, and his hand on the goblet had been tightened numerous times.

He can see it!

Today is the weekend. Didn't Dr. Yorkser say that you would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow? He was discharged tonight?

She didn't wait for her thoughts to fully reflect. The man had approached her with a cold and familiar atmosphere, still coldly looking at others in the aura, and stepped forward to look at her directly: " Why aren't Qin Shuke together? Leave you here alone? "

At the same time, Li Nanheng took off her black blazer very decisively, and put it directly on her shoulders, covering all the sexes in her V-neck dress that should not be seen by others. The feeling and fairness were all covered At the same time, the long arm grabbed her directly, but silently already announced her ownership to the outside.

"My mother, Li ... hey, cousin, did you kill him from the hospital specially?" Qin Shuke reflected over what happened and hurried over here, but because Li Nanheng was here, His aura still made her shrink back a little habitually and didn't dare to get too close together, only whispering, "How can I put her alone here, I was just arguing with two people. ? The distance between me and Feng Ling is less than three meters in total. Besides, she is so good at her. What really happened is that she protects me. How useful can I be with her? "

Such a cousin-in-law succeeded in reducing the cold frost between Li Nanheng's eyebrows and gave Qin Shuke a glance, as if to praise her sensible.

Feng Ling was unable to speak for a while.

People around were even talking about it. After all, the second lady in the family and Li Nanheng seemed a little bit nasty at first, and passed around in the circle for a while, and then no one continued to mention it.

Didn't expect it to be true?

This put on clothes in public and then hold people back, it seems that the feelings have reached a certain level, and the arrogance and frankness do not need to cover up in public.

Ain was also the moment when Li Nanheng was seen, his eyes flashed with surprise for a moment, and then it seemed as if he understood what Feng Ling wanted to say. Although it was a little embarrassing, fortunately, nothing too embarrassing happened. And topic, just smiled: "Mr. Li, fortunately."

Li Nanheng smiled at him with a smile, but he didn't even look straight and didn't answer. He just raised his hand and touched the hair of his own son-in-law, with a deep voice that only she could hear. He said, "Isn't that cutting a short hair to help me welcome the new light? As a result, you're wearing such sex. Feeling long and fluttering, standing here to show other men?"

Feng Ling drew his eyelids and stared at him suddenly: "I just wore a dress casually, and Qin Shu could order it for me, and I wore it."

"It's casual? It's really enough to wear so little. Lao Tzu felt green when lying down in the hospital. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise the British guy might take you to the rooftop to shop for roses." Li Nanhengbian Said that he glanced at the deep V-neck on her chest as if abandoning it, and pulled the suit jacket over her directly, and wished to fasten her button directly.

"Li Nanheng, this is what you can see with your eyes, and you think you can handle it, right? You ..."

Feng Ling tried to scold him, but forbearance for a moment, he couldn't take care of everyone's eyes around him for a while, just stared at his eyes for a long time, and saw that only around his eyes can he only look carefully. Seeing small pinholes, there are really no obvious wounds, but because the recovery period has just passed, the eyelids look a little whiter than usual, and the double eyelids look a lot larger with those medicines. In fact, It was swollen, but when the man's eyes were swollen, his eyelids were a little bigger. People who did n’t know thought he had just woke up and was fine. Besides, he also got a lot of fat recently. It didn't make much difference before.

So she paused and continued to stare into his eyes: "Can you really see?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her: "I can still see the joy you smiled at other men just now, should you say I should go blind again?"

Feng Ling: "..."

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