Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1414: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (677)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that Feng Ling was being held between the two people, but his expression was obviously not like a warm atmosphere. Mr. Ain was about to say something, but Qin Shuke stepped forward in time: "Mr. Ain, I My cousin and cousin often quarrel with each other. You do n’t understand the ordinary life feelings of us. Interesting, do you know what is more noisy and deeper? The two of them are like this. When you came to New York for the first time, what did you talk about Cooperation? Come on, let's talk for a while! "

Ai Yanyu moved, took a look at Qin Shuke, and was dragged away by her.

Li Nanheng also held her directly before Feng Ling apparently wanted to show his face because of his words, bowed her head and said, "Just removed the gauze, my vision is still a bit blurred, but it does not affect normal life. When I opened my eyes, I rushed over and planned to support my wife-in-law, and when I came in, I saw you standing with that Englishman. "

Feng Ling glared at him immediately: "Don't be jealous. I just met him and just said hello."

Li Nanheng didn't plan to talk to Ain any more. He only looked down at her eyelashes which fluttered a little while talking, and understood her current mood at a glance. His eyes had just recovered after the operation. The period came directly, and Li Nanheng, who had regained her light, made her not quite used to what kind of state to face. Seeing a hint of shame in her eyes, Li Nanheng pressed her forehead directly to her forehead: "I'll come to you directly when my eyes are fine. How about it? Touched?"

Feng Ling glanced at him, faced his eyes, saw his own reflection in his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and before speaking, the man suddenly held her back directly, without hesitation directly in her He kissed on his lips.

Feng Ling: "... !!!"

This is a large court! People are all around! are you crazy!

Sure enough, there were all kinds of exclamations all around the banquet hall. The men's whistle and the woman's surprise whispered, and then there was a burst of applause!

Feng Ling was not good enough to resist in public, but he put his hands tightly on the fabric of his shirt and glared at him, warning him not to be in front of so many people!

As if Li Nanheng finally received her warning sight, she was calm and calm. If no one took her directly in her arms, she turned around and took her away from the crowd. She was surprised by all the curious questions behind her and tried to come forward The person Li always greeted was thrown behind him without giving a look.

Seeing that Li Nanheng actually took Feng Ling away, although he didn't say anything, but this scene is enough to tell the single men in the New York business district that Feng Ling is his Li Nanheng, no one should think about it.

Then, Qin Shuke suddenly saw the line of sight that gradually passed to him all around, and the corner of his mouth was drawn fiercely.

"Ha, ha ha ... my cousin and President Li have been a pair for a long time, isn't this something everyone already knows in the circle? The two of them have always been very low-key ..."

"Did I call his cousin without seeing me? He's always been a family ..."

"The two of them have been together for many years, and their relationship has always been very good. Some time ago, the two of them also went to Israel for a tour and brought back a lot of local specialties. I went back and shared them with everyone ..."

Qin Shuke scolded in his heart while explaining to everyone, Li Nanheng, this dreg! Actually asked her to wipe his farts. Stock! It's just too arrogant to take Feng Ling away like this? She still has to stay with me! Why should she bully her single dog? !! !!

Feng Ling was brought back to the car by Li Nanheng for a long time, and he saw the car parked outside at a glance. The man shoved her directly into the car. There was no other person in the car. Obviously He drove over by himself.

Feng Ling had just asked him why his eyes just drove by himself, and he drove over without clear vision. Did he not think he cherished his life when he felt that his life had been saved? If she can't see what happened in the car accident, she can't really guarantee that he will live to the day when he really marries her.

In the end, without saying anything, the man entered the rear door with him. After closing the door with a slam, he pushed her in directly, pressed it, and kissed her severely on her lips.

Feng Ling was dazzled by his sudden enthusiasm. He pushed people away quickly. As a result, the man's hand was firmly around her waist, pressing her **** the leather seat behind the car, like a head. Hungry for a long time, kissed her like a wolf, kissed her, sucked her, and even choked her. The oxygen in her chest and lungs was almost squeezed out, and she could only lean on the seat to kiss him, but her eyes were He blinked in the darkness in the carriage, and he could clearly feel his eagerness.

Anxious to hug her, kiss her, and embrace her thoroughly in his arms, anxious that after finally seeing her again, she would press her hard in the car to kiss.

This kiss lasted for a long time, even she obviously felt the change of the man, but he didn't seem to want to deal with her like this in the car, but he kept kissing until she had numbness in her lips. Swelled.

It wasn't until he felt her body had softened, and the man stopped the kiss, hugged her tightly in his arms, and buried her face in her neck, saying dumbly, "It's fragrant."

No matter how large the space in this compartment is, but there is a tall man Li Nanheng behind, it still looks smaller. In this space, Feng Ling's face is a little hot, she slightly moved her body, but He was still restrained in his arms and held tight, and at the same time he felt that his breath was on the side of his neck, and even rubbed his neck's arteries, as if she would dare to move or get out of his arms. Earn it, he would bite her without hesitation.

"Before Qin Shuke handed this dress to me, it seemed that a bottle of perfume was put in the closet, and the clothes smelled of perfume." Feng Ling's voice was also a little hoarse, and she was kissed for so long. It is no longer so calm and refreshing as usual, but it is soft and swollen with blood: "It is probably the smell of perfume."

"No, it's the smell on your body." The man kissed her around the neck, knowing that if she left a kiss mark here, she wouldn't care about her all night, she just reluctantly moved the kiss to her ear. Gently cover the soft meat below.

Feng Ling was full of excitement as a result of the man's movement. She groaned in her throat and almost called out. Her shoulders trembled and her voice was soft and mute: "Don't ..."

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