Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1418: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (681)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling sulked in his mouth: "Don't be here ..."


Feng Ling was really out of his temper ...

"Boss ... you let go ... I ... no more ..."


She hadn't returned to her for a long while, and Li Nanheng embraced her, holding her in this position, twisted some shampoo in her hand, and directly applied it to Feng Ling's head.

Feng Ling was so weak now that he was pushed into the bathtub next to him by the man, and he could n’t help himself to wash his hair, then the body, and then kissed the man after washing. When she came down, she looked up at him with some horrified eyes.

She is so tired ...

Li Nanheng was very slow. While he seemed to be very patient to help her wash, he washed himself out, and then took her out of the bathroom and put it on the bed in the bedroom.

There was still a heavy rain pouring outside at this time. While Feng Ling was distracted for a while, Li Nanheng took out her bath towel, and then pressed it towards Feng Ling again.

In Feng Ling's resentful eyes, Li Nanheng bowed her head and kissed her softly and dumbly, "I love you, Feng Ling ..."

Finally, when Feng Ling lost consciousness, she didn't know herself, only vaguely felt that the bed around him seemed to be undulating. The man came to help her and wipe her body again, then lifted her leg and wiped it again. Kissed her forehead again.

Feng Ling couldn't stand it, and closed her eyes completely into the darkness.


The next day, in the morning, Dr. Yorkser, who rarely went to a private home, called and asked for the address, and then drove over in person to undergo a routine inspection every three days after Li Nanheng was discharged.

The weather outside today is pretty good. Feng Ling finally fell asleep for a long time. When he woke up, he opened the door for Dr. Yorkser, then went to clean it up and went straight out.

"Where?" Seeing her neatly dressed to go out, Li Nanheng, who had just been supported by Dr. Yorkser and sitting on the sofa, moved her eyes directly towards her.

"After all, this is New York, and Feng is here. I go home to see the second old man, is there a problem?" Feng Ling was really bullied by this man for two or three days. He has a rare outsider now, she It's not cold, but I really don't want to deal with this bird and beast for a while, and my voice is faint.

"Well, go, by the way, bring me a good word." Li Nanheng gave her a wink.

Feng Ling turned and left when he didn't receive his wink.

She meant to really return home, after all, Li Nanheng's eyes were better, and she didn't have to stay in New York for too long. It is estimated that she would return to Los Angeles soon.

Although Feng's family has an old house in Los Angeles, they still need to ask the second elder's plan whether he wants to live in New York like this, or return to Los Angeles with her, but Feng Ling feels that they are old and not suitable for toss, so There are many aspects to consider for them, and they need to go home to discuss.

On her drive back to Feng's home, Feng Ling's cell phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the number on the phone's screen and picked up: "Grandma?"

"Feng Ling, where are you now?" Mrs. Feng's voice did not know why. It seemed to be very low on the other end of the phone, and she spoke carefully.

Feng Ling suddenly sensed something wrong and immediately slowed down, focusing on the voice over the phone: "I'm on my way back to Feng's house, what happened? What's wrong?"

Mrs. Feng whispered nervously, "I and the old servant at home came out to play with Momo, and just after I was near the playground, I felt that there was a car behind us all the time. Now we are in the playground. , I do feel that two people are following us after getting off the car. "

Feng Ling quickly searched for the location of the playground closest to Feng's house in one hand, drove forward into the fork and then turned the head to change direction to continue driving, speeding up the car, holding the mobile phone in the other hand, the voice was calm and calm: "Can Do you know who the other party came from? "

"How can the two old maids like the old maid and me be followed by someone? It should be directed at the child." Hearing Feng Ling's voice was calm, and the old lady Feng, who was a little scared and nervous, followed. Suddenly a lot of quiet, said softly: "I'm afraid that an old lady has no ability, in case those people come up to grab the child, our two old ladies may not be able to protect him at all ..."

"I'll be right there." Feng Ling saw that the navigation was about five kilometers away from the playground area: "Ten minutes, find a place with many people to wait for me first, don't look back, don't let them detect anything, Only when you don't know anything. "

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety, just in case these people don't mess with ..."

"Don't worry, I'm even harder to mess with."

Feng Ling dropped the words, hung up the phone directly, raised the speed, and the car rushed towards the direction shown by the navigation arrow.

When we arrived at the playground, it was just ten minutes. Feng Ling parked the car and looked down at the phone. There was a message from her grandmother a minute ago, saying that the children were still with them. Ping An, and then issued another one, saying that they were under a white castle inside, where there were many people.

Feng Ling walked directly in that direction, and while walking, quickly untied the hair that was tied to the back of his head, scattered behind him, and then put on sunglasses, took off the sun protection jacket worn by his upper body, and tied his sleeves around his waist. It looks like it's just a stylishly dressed tourist who won't attract the attention of others. Seeing that the White Castle is in front, she walks directly to it.

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