Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1419: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (682)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Mrs. Feng and the old maid actually pulled Xiao Momo to the place with the most people. The two crouched down from time to time to tease the child, and they didn't show any tension.

Fortunately, it is good cooperation.

Feng Ling walked past with comfort, didn't stop when passing by them, only slowed his pace, passed by like a stranger, and whispered: "Come with me to the Ferris wheel, pretend not to know me, then The two followers should not be very professional and don't know me. "

After hearing her words, Mrs. Feng and the old maid did not answer, and went directly to Feng Ling's request.

Feng Ling was slightly separated from them, but his eyes kept on watching them until Mrs. Feng took Xiao Momo on the Ferris wheel, and the Ferris wheel started to start after the number of people gradually increased. The one in which it was riding has gradually gone up to midair.

Only then did she turn to the other side, still as if she were just an ordinary tourist passing by without any stop.

Suddenly, she bent down and re-laced the white sneakers on her feet.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw a man with a tall horse and a burly man in a black hat was staring at the room rising above the Ferris wheel, which was where Xiao Momo was now.

At the same time, Feng Ling glimpsed that there was a tall and thin man next to him who was wearing the same clothes, but the man held a baseball bat in his hand and did not know where to get it. In this kind of playground, the baseball bat is not Strangely, he knocked palms back and forth in his hands, staring in the direction of the Ferris wheel, seemed a little impatient.

Feng Ling stood up again. At this time, the phone rang. She picked up the phone. Li Nanheng's voice came from the phone: "Where?"

"The closest playground to Fengjia Villa is near Odin Street." Feng Ling whispered to the phone.

The man who was holding a banana loquat in the apartment heard her calmly suddenly report to the prepared position, and her expression immediately calmed down: "What happened?"

"Xiao Momo was followed, I am inconvenient to say more, hang up first." Feng Ling hung up the phone immediately after speaking, and then turned back, suddenly found that one of the men had turned his face, facing her , Seems to recognize her, and seems to be suspicious of her.

After all, it was either a child or a couple who came here, and she was alone from beginning to end.

Feng Ling's line of sight met him again across the crowd, and it seemed to understand everything at the same time. In the next second, Feng Ling chose to leave the area of ​​the Ferris wheel, and suddenly turned to run in the direction of a clear lake in the middle of the playground. The two men subconsciously lifted their feet and chased after her directly. Obviously, she was afraid of where to go to the police or to hurt them, so she had to be subdued first.


At the same time, private apartment in Fengling, New York.

Li Nanheng glanced at the sky outside, and immediately put on the black T-shirt that the mall sent before calling on the piece, picked up the electronic car key and walked out.

As soon as I was outside, I saw Qin Shuke coming out of the elevator with a basket of fruit. He bumped his head like this, Qin Shuke was shocked and glared at him: "Li ... heh, cousin, what are you going to do? ? "

Li Nanheng glanced at her, and then glanced back at the door of the apartment, which had not been closed: "Just here, look at the house, I'll go out."

Qin Shuke: "???"

What the hell?

She just ran over to comfort her dear little cousin, by the way, to see what happened to Li Nanheng's eyes, why did she let her stay home when she arrived?

"Isn't this door lockable? What home do I look at?"

"I don't know the access code. What if I can come back immediately and I can't get in?" Li Nanheng replied coldly, his long legs had been opened and he entered the elevator.

Qin Shuke: "..."

She didn't understand.

However, seeing that the elevator door was closed, Li Nanheng's cold and serious expression was isolated. She hesitated a bit. Although she was not willing, her footsteps moved into the door. Finally she walked in and watched that there were Li Nanheng and Feng Ling. The apartment with a breath, long sighed the staleness of the single dog.


Feng Ling's phone could not be reached.

Mrs. Feng and the old maid have already started the second lap on the Ferris wheel with their children. They listened to Feng Ling very much and did not go down, but they have n’t received any phone calls from Feng Ling for so long. After hitting the past, he couldn't get through.

The old lady looked out of the ferris wheel's window, and now their positions have risen again, and they can see far away, but in so many people, the sight of Feng Ling is not visible, and the old lady frowned in frown, again Called her.

It turned out after dialing this time, but it was only after a long time that it was finally picked up: "Hey."

"How's it going? Have those followers been thrown away?"

"No, they are still following me. I led people to the east side of the playground, but I saw that there should be someone in the car just parked outside. You do n’t need to go down first or leave alone, wait for my news. "

"What? There are still people?" Mrs. Feng stunned: "What are these people doing? This is a child, and the child's parents are not around, how can they be followed?"

Feng Ling didn't answer immediately, didn't know what happened over there, and hung up the phone.

After the Wen family had an accident, no one outside could know what was going on inside and out. Wen Leqing later married the wealthy merchant who had problems at home. It was not clear what the group wanted from Xiao Momo, but At least if this group of people really took the child away, Xiao Momo would definitely scare the heart, such a small child cannot be taken away and used easily.

Feng Ling put the phone back in his pocket and raised his eyes forward. The east side of the playground is already a row of high walls. Inside the wall is a row of stained glass painted with various children's drawings. Silhouette of a chasing man.

Follow so closely.

Seems to recognize her.

It's these people who don't know where she was mixed up before? Don't know enough about Feng Family? Or are they confident enough to beat her and plan to do it directly?

The end is already at the end, the crowd is elsewhere, and at the back is a lake just passing by.

Feng Ling looked at the direction in front of the road, glanced at it, and walked directly to the side covered with cobblestones. The footsteps were very fast, but the two big men were struggling to chase. Feng Ling still didn't stop at all, walked towards the woods deep in the pebbles, at the same time unbuttoned the clothes tied around his waist, put them back on his body, and gently moved his wrists as he walked, his eyes continued to look like a torch. before.

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