Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1423: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (686)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng family.

Little Momo had no idea what was happening in the past few hours. After returning home, he drank some water and was taken by the servant to wash his hands. Then he was taken back to the room and whistled.

However, after hearing about the situation, Mr. Feng had been hanging in his heart, always worried that the child would have problems in the house.

Waiting until Feng Ling and Li Nanheng came back and saw them entering the door, Father Feng hurriedly said, "Are you still unable to contact Wen Leqing? Now, what is the so-called uncle of the Wen family staring at the child like this? We are totally unaware of the purpose of the person, so if the child is left here, something will happen sooner or later. "

"I know, if it doesn't work, I can take my child to Los Angeles, or put it in the XI base. After all, Wen Leqing and Dr. Wen also had a relationship with the XI base before. Those brothers will definitely take good care of Xiao Momo. No place is safer than there. "

Before Mr. Feng had said a word, Mrs. Feng sat beside her and her eyes turned red: "It's really safe to get there, but they're all men. How can you take care of your children?"

After listening to her, she knew that the old lady was unwilling to have children. Even if it was not her own great-grandson, anyway, she took care of herself for so long.

"Boy, it's not bad to go to the base when I was young. I will explain that A Feng is gentle with the child. After all, Momo is really too young." Li Nanheng opened his mouth in a timely manner: "We are all in Los Angeles, and the children There will be better care. "

Mrs. Feng nodded and sighed: "Okay, although I'm not willing, but I'm really scared today. If Nanheng and you and Feng Ling are here, I don't know what will happen, this child It's so small, just in case, hey ... "

"That's it. Send it to the base in Los Angeles. After contacting the child's parents, let's talk about the other, or ... we'll go back to Los Angeles." Father Feng suddenly proposed.

Feng Ling hadn't had time to discuss with them. I didn't expect the old man to return to Los Angeles himself. Feng Ling raised his eyes and looked at Li Nanheng. He saw a smile in Li Nanheng's eyes, apparently very satisfied with the old man. This proposal.

If the second family member of Feng Jia also decides to return to Los Angeles with Feng Ling, then Feng Li and the two can often contact each other, and a few old people can often mix together, which will be more effective for the future of their love life. .

Mrs. Feng didn't seem to think of this. She first stumbled, and then said, "If you go back to Los Angeles, then Shu Ke's side ..."

"Feng's headquarter is now in New York. Since Shu Ke took over, she will let her stay in New York at a young age. When Feng Ling is not busy, she can occasionally come back to help her. In addition, Shu Ke's parents and family She is also in Los Angeles, and she will go back to the festival every year. There is no problem. "Father Feng said, and then he turned his attention to Li Nanheng, who was standing with Feng Ling after entering the door. He looked at him for a long time and asked: "How are you feeling? How are your eyes?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lips and smiled calmly at Mr. Feng: "Well, Xie Feng is concerned."

Looking at Li Nanheng who is now standing beside Feng Ling, Feng Lao had to remember that when the Feng family wanted Feng Mingzhu to marry him, Li Nanheng at that time was definitely not as good at talking now.

In particular, Li Nanheng had never been merciful and polite about Feng Mingzhu. At that time, it was as if there was something separated from Feng family at Fengjia, only a faint glance made people shudder.

But now, he returned to Feng family with Feng Ling, with a lot of gentleness between his eyes and eyes, and he is no longer Li Nanheng who has no one in his eyes.

Mr. Feng nodded and smiled: "It's okay. You and Feng Ling have come step by step over the years. Although my grandmother and I haven't witnessed much, I also know Nanheng's toughness in your bones. I like and dislike you. It's too clear. "

The old man's words were not directly pointed out, but it was also a vague mention of Li Nanheng's unwelcome attitude towards the Feng family.

Li Nanheng ’s smile on his lips did n’t fall, and his tone was very light: “The gap between people is too obvious. Of course, likes and dislikes should be clearer. \ '

Feng Ling raised his eyebrows and glanced directly at him. Li Nanheng didn't look at her, but it didn't mean he didn't receive her handed sight.

His words were meaningful enough.

Grandpa Feng understands that although both are her granddaughters, after all, Feng Mingzhu did too much wrong. If she made mistakes because of her personality, she would always tolerate forgiveness as a family member, but she It was so wrong that even his parents were killed and controlled by the police for many years. The two elders have never seen her, but they are still granddaughters, which is inevitably a heartache.

Fortunately, Feng Ling is good enough. Although Bige is a bit lighter and doesn't show off in front of the elderly, he is an absolutely reassuring child.

In the past few years, their elders have also been very calm.

Mrs. Feng didn't want to think about those things anymore, she just stood up and said, "It's okay to go back to Los Angeles, but we can't get in at the base. We don't know what happened to Xiao Momo inside ..."

"There are official controls in the base, and indeed it is not easy to go in, even if A Feng releases it." Feng Ling said, "But you can pick up the child every week and let you stay with him for a day and a half. , And then send it back, there are people watching at any time, can you? "

"Okay, okay, okay, it can ensure the safety of the child, and also allows us to look at him occasionally, so that's it!" The old lady smiled.

This settled things, and Feng Ling's heart was regarded as falling to the ground. She was still worried about whether the second old man would be sad and sad, or whether she would be scared.

She and Li Nanheng stayed at the Feng family for dinner. That night, Feng Ling originally planned to go back to the apartment, but the second old man mentioned that he was planning to move back to Los Angeles in the past few days. There are still many things to discuss with them. Was left in Feng's house.

Feng's residence in New York is also a single-family villa with many guest rooms. There are few people in the family and the rooms are very empty. You can find Li Nanheng for a night if you just find one.

Feng Ling originally thought that he would be conserved for the sake of the Feng family. Who knew that when she took a shower in her room at night, she saw that the man didn't know when she was sitting on her bed.

She glanced directly at the closed bedroom door, and then looked at the man sitting beside the bed calmly: "How did you come in?"

"I'm next to you, the terrace is close." The man's chin lifted towards the terrace outside the window, and his expression followed.

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