Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1424: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (687)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling: "... You really are dead."

Li Nanheng's mockery of her was indifferent, just looking at the way she was wrapped in a towel after taking a bath: "If I had known that you were in this state after taking a bath, I was afraid it would be every day at the base. Go skip the night. "

Feng Ling had a look on his face. He remembered that he lived next to her in the base at that time. At that time, the balcony outside was also very close, and he could come over at any time.

But his old boss was still dead and wanted to face, almost every time he knocked on the door with a fairness, and she couldn't let go of her even a man.

She didn't speak, turned to pick up her hair, and didn't completely dry her hair. Suddenly I heard the cell phone charging outside was ringing. I came out and picked up the phone. Qin Shuke called and picked up: "Shu Ke ? "

Then there was a grieving voice over there: "When are you guys coming back ..."

Feng Ling's face was full of doubts: "Where to go?"

"Back to your apartment in New York, I've been arranged by my brother-in-law to wait here for a day. It's so late. You haven't come back yet, shall I be bored to death?" Qin Shuke said as he held the one in his hand. Hamburg: "Fortunately, there are several shops near your house that can take away food. I want something to eat, otherwise when you come back, you will see me already starving to death here."

Feng Ling directly looked at Li Nanheng who had apparently left Qin Shuke behind his head: "... Are you with me? I'm back home, I shouldn't be able to go back tonight, or you should call a car now Pick you up? "

After a few seconds of silence on the phone, an angry voice suddenly came: "I'm on! What about Li Nanheng? Is he on your side?"

"He's here."

"Ah-ah, this bastard! He said he didn't know the password of your apartment, and was afraid he wouldn't be able to come in when he went out and went back, and said he would let me stay and see the family! I have been here with you for so long, but you two are at ease Went to Fengfeng's home, and left me here to beat the burger alone! You are too much !!! "

Feng Ling coughed, lowered her voice and said, "I encountered something temporarily outside today, so ..."

"I don't care, I don't listen to explanations! Anyway, Li Nanheng offended me! This cousin, I will never call again!" Qin Shu angrily hung up the phone and thought it was upset, and saw the ground before leaving. The pair of men's slippers, stepped on them severely with their feet, and then came out.

Feng Ling listened to the blind tone that had been hung up on the phone, put down her phone, and looked at Li Nanheng who was sitting beside the bed as if she were all right.

"You left Qin Shuke at home and left without even calling her afterwards to get her home?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her with a sincere and serious attitude, without any remorse: "Oh, she is still there? I don't have her phone."

Feng Ling: "........."

Her angry temple jumped, this man who is always irresponsible and unreliable to others!

Feng Ling knew that Qin Shuke was now in his anger. Based on his own understanding of her, it would take at least 48 hours after trying to deal with them. He simply lowered his head and held the mobile phone, and sent a serious apology to Qin Shuke. .

It was making hair, and suddenly felt that there was a warm wind from the hair that had not been completely dried behind her. She turned her head and saw Li Nanheng went to the bathroom to take out the hairdryer and was helping her to blow her hair.

She glanced back at him: "You're making me useless now, Qin Shuke is angry."

"Well, what did she say?" Li Nanheng didn't take it seriously, her hands were gently raised in her hair, I haven't done this kind of thing before, and I don't know how to blow, but I still try to keep the hair dryer to a certain distance from her hair. , Blowing slowly.

"She said she would never call your cousin again."

"Oh, she likes to scream or not, anyway, this cousin's position is me."

Feng Ling couldn't laugh or cry. After sending the information, he turned around and snatched the hair dryer: "I blow it myself, you go back to your room to sleep."

Li Nanheng had no intention of leaving: "The rooms are too cold."

"it is summer now!"

"Oh, that's too hot, no air conditioning."

"How could there be no air conditioning ?!"

"I just sat in your bed for a while, and the softness is good. I should sleep on the bed and make sure I just sleep with you, and I will never do anything to you in the house." The man vowed.

She believes him strange!

Feng Ling glanced at him: "Do you also know that this is the Feng family? My grandparents are so old, and they are not so old people who look at everything now, and they find that you sleep with me. It is hard to guarantee that you will not get angry , You hurry back to your own room, I have been tossing you for two or three days, can't you let me sleep alone for a night? "

"Hmm--" The door was suddenly knocked at this moment.

Feng Ling took a hair blower's hand and gave Li Nanheng a glance again, motioned to where he jumped from and jumped back, and let him quickly go back to the next door.

The man just took the hair dryer in her hand, turned around and took it back to the bathroom, without any intention to hide.

Feng Ling wanted to say him, but the man has already gone to the bathroom, and now he ca n’t call him, otherwise he will definitely be heard outside, so he has to go to the door, open the door halfway, and see the old lady Feng standing outside: "Grandma?"

"When do you and Nanheng leave to return to Los Angeles?" Mrs. Feng saw her door only half open. Even though she could not see anything, she did not want to push the door in, but stood outside and asked with a smile.

"Just two days, this time I went back to New York mainly to cure his eyes. I also accompanied Shu Ke to attend several dinners set up by some collaborators who had helped Feng's. The trip was almost over." Feng Ling seeing that she had no intention of coming in, she let go of the hand, and the little restraint just disappeared.

Mrs. Feng and Yan smiled with a smile: "Then go back together, my grandfather and some of our maids will take a car alone. After returning to Los Angeles, relatives of the Feng family will come to help clean up things. Young couples don't need to bother, live well together, and Nanheng is the oldest, and you should have a result. "

Feng Ling looked at the old lady and nodded: "I know."

"As a child, you have been outside since you were a child. What you have learned is how to survive well, but it is more sensible than many children who are used to growing up at home. Grandma feels sorry for you. I hope everything in the future will go smoothly , Your grandfather and I will not interfere in your affairs arbitrarily. When you want to get married someday, you will let us know and make sure that the dowry and everything are in place. It will not let you suffer any unfair treatment and grievance Your grandfather and I will take your parents' love and thoughts for you and compensate you for what you deserve. "

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