Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1425: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (688)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After talking a few more words, Mrs. Feng said it was too late, and she was going to rest in the room. When she came downstairs, a maid came up, carrying the medicated soup just cooked: "Lady, this is for Mr. Li Cooked, didn't he get hurt some time ago, drinking more medicated soup is good for him, shall I send him now? "

Mrs. Feng remembered that Feng Ling had just opened the door, and her expression was a little careful, and she smiled softly: "No need to send it, it's too late to drink so much soup, it's hard to digest in the pot, breakfast tomorrow Let him drink it again. "

The maid first froze, then looked at the expression that the old lady knew everything, immediately understood, and smiled directly: "OK, I'll put it back first."


In the room, Feng Ling's eyes were a little red because of what Grandma said just now, but the redness was not so obvious.

When Li Nanheng came over, she saw her pestle in front of the door, walked over and rubbed her head, and then put people directly into her arms and hugged: "I heard the words of the old lady, she really distresses you, you should be pleased The thing is that you are no longer the little wolf girl who once had no home. You have a family and some loved ones will love you and love you. Everyone recognizes your excellence. That's enough. "

Feng Ling obediently stayed in his arms, and said after a while: "Grandma should know you are here."


"Then you sleep here."

Li Nanheng raised her eyebrows, didn't speak yet, and heard her say, "Remember what you said just now, just sleep and don't move."

He laughed.


a week later.

Los Angeles.

"I didn't expect that although the group in the base were all rough guys, they all liked children very much. Little Momo was not afraid of giving birth, knowing that we were going to send him there, and let them tease him obediently, not crying "Mrs. Feng is sitting in the car leaving the base, her face is already a reassuring expression.

"Mo Mo is young, but sensible, I remember Wen Leqing was also a very sensible child at first, hey, I don't know what happened in the past few years ..." Grandpa Feng sighed, and then he was a little bit reluctant Looking back, he looked at the direction of the base that was getting farther and farther.

Recently, Li Nanheng's eyes just recovered, and Feng Ling was refused several times to drive. On the road, Feng Ling was driving. Li Nanheng was sitting in the co-pilot seat. He heard the conversation between the two olds. The grievances and resentments between generations are not clean. The only people who can praise people for so many years are Wen Leqing and Wen Yihan, two siblings with very different personalities. Now the two are missing, and some people want to be small. Momo took it away. Obviously, there are many interests involved. "

"Hey, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the giant family, I just pity Momo."

"Everyone's growth environment is different, and it is also a fate arrangement. When a boy is young, he will encounter more things, and he will be more responsible when he grows up. Don't think too much." Mrs. Feng patted her shoulder : "Look at our Feng Ling. When I was a kid, I encountered no less than Momo. She is so good now."

Feng Ling, who was concentrating on driving, was bragged again. Now she is no longer as uncomfortable as before, but continues to drive very calmly without answering.

Li Nanheng suddenly took a sentence beside him: "Well, therefore, my children and Feng Ling will be obedient and obedient like her."

At the foot of Feng Ling, the throttle was almost braked, and the expression changed from the calmness to the moment. The atmosphere between the second and old Feng Jia sitting behind was suddenly silent for a few seconds, and then a sudden burst of laughter erupted. "When are you two planning to have a baby?"

"Yeah, yeah, did you not see how much we like children? We can all love little Momo so much. If you give birth quickly, we can help you see the children in the future!"

Feng Ling: "..."

Li Nanheng nodded: "It's not just to have one, I don't think it's enough to have two, otherwise the elderly on both sides can't make it."

"Yes, let's have a few more, that's who ... Ji Nuan, right? The lady Mr. Feng often mentioned to us, didn't she just give birth to a dragon and phoenix? I heard that she's pregnant again recently, right? Feng Ling Nanheng, you have to work harder! "

Feng Ling: "........."


"Are you sure you want to go back to Haicheng before getting married?" Li Nanheng glanced at the mobile phone showing the booked flight time and place, and took the seal that had just been talked to Ji Nuan into his arms.

"Ji Nuan has been pregnant for two months, and I should always go and see her." Feng Ling put her phone aside: "Don't you say that you haven't been in love with me for so many years and loved you? I respect you. Thought, decided to find a quiet place to go for a walk, there are many acquaintances over Haicheng, compared to the United States, security and other aspects are also relatively safe, it just happens that you have not been together with Dr. Mo Qin for a long time , I also take this opportunity to see Ji Nuan. "

"Isn't she vomiting every day now? Have energy to see you?"

"I don't need her to accompany me, just to see it, I haven't been to Haicheng for a long time."

Ji Nuan said that her pregnancy was worse than the last time when Huai Anan and Ning Ning were vomiting. At that time, the two little babies stopped in their stomachs and did not toss her much. This time, she vomited every morning. Due to the darkness, Mr. Mo has been late for work lately every day. He had to watch her at home until she felt sick in the morning vomiting before leaving the garden.

Although there are many people in the family who are taking care of Chen Ye, An An and Ning Ning are accustomed to their parents, and they always like to be with their parents.

It is said that every night Mr. Mo is lying between two children and tells them at least three stories before they are willing to sleep. Moreover, Ning Ning always likes to sleep while holding his father's thigh, An An likes to sleep while holding his mother's belly. Over time This has become a habit. Recently, Ji Nuan has just become pregnant and must take good care of his stomach, so now I have to fight with two little guys every night. The longer I toss before bedtime, the morning I vomit in the morning. The more powerful.

The doctor said that the early reflection of Ji Nuan could not be controlled with drugs, but it would improve after the first three months. After seeing that, there was only one month left. In order to let his wife calm down, he simply put An An He Ningning sent to the Mo family and asked the two children to toss Master Mo.

Father Mo is very happy, and he is willing to tell ten stories every night.

Ji Nuan is quiet, but she misses her baby every night. She is emotionally excited during pregnancy and occasionally cries. She scared Mr. Mo even and brought all her servants to Mo's house. The child was accompanied by an old man, and Ji Nuan was very happy to see the child.

Feng Ling felt it necessary to see two cute and sticky little guys, and by the way let Li Nanheng feel the atmosphere of being a father in advance.

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