Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1426: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (689)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Haicheng, airport.

Ji Nuan was sitting on a bench at the airport exit, crying with a snot and a tear, and had been crying for ten minutes.

Mo Jingshen coaxed for a full ten minutes, and finally asked Chen Yan who came over to buy her a cup of sweet milk to drink. Ji Nuan was still pumping while drinking the sweet milk. He just ignored the twist and turned away. he.

Chen Yan couldn't help laughing or crying.

Feng Ling and Li Nanheng stepped out of the security gate of the customs passageway and walked to the exit to see this scene.

"Yo, why are you arguing and coming to the airport?" Li Nanheng walked in with one hand in his pants pocket.

Feng Ling also saw Ji Nuan crying, thinking that something had happened. After all, Ji Nuan, who she was familiar with, was not a crying person. Even if there were any unhappy things, it was very bearable. How could she sit here? He just cried?

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Feng Lingmin stepped forward and saw Ji Nuan's eyes red.

Ji Nuan glanced at her, sucked his nose, and seemed to cry too much. At this moment, he couldn't speak, but Mo Jingshen sat beside him and looked at Li Nanheng directly: "Recently I feel how about it?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lips: "It's not bad. The days after the surgery are a bit vague. They have almost recovered a lot these days. It's no different from the previous one except it occasionally hurts when using excessive eyes."

"What did Dr. Yorkser say?"

"It needs external massage conditioning for at least two months, but now it basically has no effect on life." Li Nanheng said while glancing at Ji Nuan: "Why? Did you make your daughter-in-law cry?"

Chen Yan stood beside him and said quickly: "After Mrs. Mo was pregnant this time, she didn't know what kind of ancestor was pregnant in this belly. Since this pregnancy, the whole person's emotions, tempers and everything are particularly sensitive. I guess it's because the morning sickness is too severe to torture people. Usually, if the wife loves her food, she would cry if she did n’t eat it. The wife just saw that there was milk tea and said she wanted to drink. A milk tea, Mr. Mo thinks that milk tea is not good for her early pregnancy, so she didn't let her drink it, but Mrs. Mo has been crying till now. "

Li Nanheng: "..."

Feng Ling: "..."

Li Nanheng glanced at Ji Nuan, who was still annoying while drinking sweet milk and was unwilling to take care of Mo Depth: "A pregnant woman is so scary?"

Mo Jingshen was calm and glanced at him coldly: "When Feng Ling becomes pregnant, you feel it yourself."

Feng Ling: "..."

"Feng Ling in our family didn't cry so much. What about drinking milk tea, and there is no real tea in these milk teas, don't treat your wife-in-law too much." Li Nanheng said. I looked around and looked for a place to sell milk tea. I gave Ji Nuan a face and planned to buy a cup for her. After all, the woman was crying and her eyes were really pitiful.

"Oh, Mr. Li, you have n’t been a dad yet. You do n’t understand this. Mrs. Mo ca n’t drink these things now, and a woman always has a mouthful when she is pregnant. She has eaten junk food because of a mouthful. It ’s already a lot, Mr. Mo is also for his wife ... ”

Chen Yan's voice hadn't fallen yet. Ji Nuan had cried out again, and it was aggrieved to cry with her head directly in Feng Ling's arms.

Mo Jingshen looked back at her and saw that she actually went to find Feng Lingjiao this time. Mo Kenai jumped the green tendon on her forehead at this moment, and then received Li Nanheng's cold look and wanted to laugh at him.

Mo Jingshen gave him a cold look and didn't speak, but his eyes were clearly saying: Don't worry, you're almost here.

Chen Ye smiled a little helplessly, as if it had long been used to: "Women, when they are pregnant, their psychological state is very fragile, especially Mr. Mo has not let her sleep with An An and Ning Ning recently, this is a mother. There must be a gap in her psychology, and emotional excitement during pregnancy is inevitable ... Mrs. Mo is usually so good-tempered, and occasionally makes trouble with Mr. Mo during pregnancy, and it ’s very cute. "

When I heard Chen Yan actually said that she was cute, Ji Nuan cried louder: "I'm a child mother, what love can I ..." After that, I continued to cry.

Feng Ling was a little bit crying by Ji Nuan for a while, and quickly patted her on the shoulder: "Well, don't cry, I don't dare to think about what I would be like when I was pregnant, Obviously you rarely shed tears before, is it so uncomfortable to be pregnant ... "

Ji Nu suddenly stopped crying, raised her face from Feng Ling's arms, looked at her with a pair of red eyes, and then sucked her nose, backed away, and then pulled back a few paper towels from Chen Yi's hand. After rubbing his nose, he looked at Feng Ling with red eyes, then looked at her belly again, and asked with a nasal tone: "Are you pregnant?"

Feng Ling's face suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "No ..." Then she paused in a tone, and said suspiciously, "Yes, I'm not pregnant."

During this time, she and Li Nanheng did something very frequently, and they have not done any contraceptive measures. They paid attention every time before. Even in the jungle, he respected her thoughts and did not make Go in, but now it is ... keh ... Feng Ling herself is not sure if she is pregnant, anyway, she doesn't seem to find any reflection of her pregnancy.

At least like the reflection of Ji Nuan's vomiting and crying, I really don't have it yet.

Ji Nuan twitched again, looked at Feng Ling's face again, and muttered, "You are too thin to get pregnant, so you need to eat more."

Feng Ling chuckled: "Isn't you very skinny when you were pregnant?"

Chen Yan interjected: "Mrs. Mo has been particularly able to eat recently, but she is not fat even if she eats it. Before Huai Anan and Ning Ning were also fed by Mo every day with a variety of delicious and nutritious, but still It ’s not fat. It seems that her angelica weight has only increased by 20 pounds throughout pregnancy. After giving birth, she has lost her original weight even without confinement. Now this time, I eat and drink every day, but I ca n’t get fat. . "

Feng Ling smiled and looked at Ji Nuan again, but Ji Nuan started drinking her sweet milk again, and turned her head while drinking, and said to Mo Jingshen, "I still want to drink milk tea, this taste is too sweet."

Mo Jingshen had a patient smile in his eyes, but his words were serious and cold: "No."

Seeing Ji Nuan seemed to be crying again, Feng Ling quickly sat beside Ji Nuan to accompany her to talk and divert her attention.

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