Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1436: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 3)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Three days later, Monday.

Grade 6 of Senior Three, Mr. He sent Shi Niange in, which happened to be the class teacher's class.

"Mr. Zhao, stop for a moment. Let me tell you, this is our new classmate of class 6. This is the song when the 17-year-old won the medical achievement award twice. She just came up from the second year of high school. Let her introduce herself and continue her class. "

The director then patted Shi Niange's shoulder, gave her a cheering look, and then called the class teacher into the corridor and said a few words.

Shi Niange is like this in this new school year and new class, no matter how she usually behaves, but in the presence of so many unfamiliar classmates, she is still somewhat uncomfortable. It seems to be a bit arrogant, saying that it is excited. She is sprinting for the college entrance examination because she is inexplicably strange. It ’s too late to cry and complain. What ’s so exciting?

Mr. Zhao, the head teacher, said at the door: "Introduce yourself, take another seat and sit down."

Shi Niange simply said his name, and then looked around quietly, and found that the seats in this class were mostly full, only a quiet girl sitting in the second row in front, and the side was empty. There are two more behind.

She glanced backwards, her eyes flashing quietly for a moment.

White shirt! Ah, isn't that white shirt that she's been insane for days? !!

He, he is actually a senior in high school, ah no, now she is in the same class as him! The position next to him is empty!

Generally, there are only two reasons for sitting in the back row. Either the students who are too poor to study and discipline the students who are basically abandoned by the teacher, or the students are so tall that they do not block the sight of the students behind them.

When she hit him that day, she found out that he was definitely over 1.8 meters! In fact, the boy in the senior year still has the opportunity to grow a little taller. Now he is over 1.8 meters, and he will definitely be higher in the future!

As for why such a handsome person is empty next to her, she didn't even think about it. She didn't even think about it. She walked over and sat down beside the white shirt.

Shi Niange didn't see any expression on his face, and there was still a little excitement in his heart, and his hands were shaking a little when he lowered his schoolbag.

However, the table she just chose was very cold at this time and looked at her with a distant look.

Shi Niange mistakenly thought that his tablemate was just asking for leave today, and subconsciously quickly whispered, "Is anyone here?"

The boy sitting in front turned back, said "no one" in a lip, and gestured to her not to sit here.

She lived in song for 17 years, and it was the first time she had ever remembered a boy. Since there was no one, how could she not sit? At the same table, this is the same table, so she won't leave!

Shi Niange smiled at the boy in front, still sitting in this position, and then turned to look at the white shirt next to him.

He wore a school uniform jacket today. The white school uniform can taste like a white shirt ... So handsome and handsome ... How can there be such a handsome man ... Shuai handsome handsome is dead!

The white shirt looked at her again because of her inexplicably hot eyes, turned her head to the side, and said nothing from beginning to end.

Teacher Zhao entered the classroom, and her eyes fell on that position in the second row. She was surprised that Shi Niange didn't sit in front of her. When she saw her sitting in Qin Shiting's position, she subconsciously glanced at Qin's again. The prince, seeing the prince just wrote the dissatisfaction between Meiyu, but did not show anything obvious, thought, and said, "Okay, you can sit there first, turn back and adjust again."

Shi Nian nodded, and my heart said that I would not tune.

She took out all the new textbooks in the schoolbag one by one. She was n’t really a bachelor. She only blessed those medical achievements that her grandfather took her. Suddenly she came to the senior year. No, she didn't quite understand what this first class was about.

After the class, she was called to the office by the class teacher, talked about the situation in the class, and gave her a glance at the transcripts of the class and the school year, pointing to the fifth and seventh in the school year and the tenth. Student's name: "I know that you may not be able to keep up at the beginning. These students are from our class. You have a lively personality and should soon be able to play with your classmates. You should usually find more of them Let them help you, and take the time to read all the textbooks for the second year of high school so that you can catch up quickly. "

Shi Niange looked at the transcript, and found that the name of Qin Shiting, who was the first in the school year, was also written in Grade 6 and Grade 6.

Pointing at the name, she said, "This is also our class, isn't it? The first year of school, hey, why didn't you click on his name just now?"

Teacher Zhao: "... this is okay."

"Ah?" Shi Nian didn't understand.

Seeing her face completely ignorant of the situation in the senior year, Zhao Zhao sighed and said, "Student Qin is your current table."

"......... !!!"

Are male gods learning? !! !!

Shi Niange was very superficial and fell into an inch.

When she was just in class, she secretly glanced at the people next to him. At that time, he didn't look at her at all. She couldn't see his eyes, but it was good enough to rely on only half of her face. She would take the opportunity again after class. He looked into his eyes. At that time, she almost could not stand still. It really looked good. When he was in class, the coldness of his body would slightly converge, and the kind of expression that was a little bit cautious and calm listening to the class was even more impressive. Occupied.

"When it comes to classmate Qin, I suggest you change your seat. For the past three years, his position has been empty. Classmate Qin usually likes to be quiet and behaves alone. You should not experience sitting next to him. What is the fun of senior high school is better to change to another position. "

"What else can be fun about high school ..."

Teacher Zhao: "... At least you should also know other new classmates. You should not feel classmates' love with classmate Qin."

"No, I don't change."

"Why not? It's probably not appropriate for you to have this lively temperament next to him."

"It's okay, I can bear even an iceberg!"

"It's not like there's no other place, why bear it?"

"Because he is handsome!"


Teacher Zhao pushed her eyes and smiled helplessly.

Shi Niange was so eager to sit at Qin Shiting. After a few words of persuasion, Teacher Zhao was almost made fun of by her.

The current child is really difficult to manage, especially the child who grew up in the time of love in Shi Family, even more upright and does not know how to converge. Her temper is beside the Prince, afraid After a week, he had to cry and demand a seat change.

Do n’t hit the south wall and do n’t look back. After all, it ’s the young ancestor of the Shi family, and she said deeply that she had to wait until she hit herself.

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