Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1437: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 4)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But whether the current song can be seated in that seat for a long time is not determined by the teacher.

Although the Qin family's prince is really good in academic performance and excellent in all aspects, his coldness and dislike of contact with people are also true.

Their high school ranks first in all aspects of the country. Therefore, in a place like Haicheng that is rich in soil and gold, children of all major families will also go to school here. It's no wonder that they have seen many wealthy and wealthy people. However, like the Qin family, one of the four major families in Haicheng, of course, they cannot be treated the same as other famous families. After all, the rich are not all of the same level.

Qin Shiting's IQ is very high. In fact, in addition to his low-key and indifferent personality, he has no other problems. Seeing that his grades are ranked first all year round, he does not like to be disturbed by one person around him. School Li also acquiesced, so he hasn't forced a table for him for three years.

It is courageous to recite songs at this time today, and even Qin Shiting, a junior in high school, did not know, so he rushed to sit beside him.

When Shi Niange returned to the classroom, the next class had already begun. It was a history class. The sixth grade of high school was a science class. The history class was naturally relaxed, which was equivalent to a self-study class. She politely greeted her teacher and returned to her seat.

At the same table, his male theological superpower fairy was lowering his head and writing a physical paper. A few minutes later he took a bottle of mineral water and took a sip.

Seeing his movements when drinking water, his throat knot rolled slightly when he swallowed the water, and Shi Niange couldn't help but swallowed. From her perspective, he could only see his side face. This Qin student is I really don't love people very much, my face is not willing to lean a little in the direction of her, I have always been doing his own thing, and there is no such thing as a big living person beside me.

But that's fine, at least she shouldn't have driven her out of this seat ...

The head teacher said that his personality was too cold and he didn't like to contact people. Shi Niangexin said that it had nothing to do with her. She didn't provoke him. She just sat next to him and looked at him every day. The pleasing boy was so handsome. I can bear it anyway.

Transferring students is actually a very painful process, and Shi Niange is one year younger than the students in this class. Other women go out to the toilet together during the class time, and the boys chat with each other side by side. Talking about playing various games and where to go after school, when reading songs is not nothing to do.

The only thing she did was sit in her place and admire the face of the male god.

Qin Shiting did not see her from beginning to end. She got up and went out for a while after class. I did n’t know whether I went to the toilet or went to the teacher ’s office. Anyway, when I came back, my face was calm and I could n’t see anything, so it should be Ask the teacher to ask her to change her seat.

After he sat down again, Shi Nian's eyes quietly moved from the pen on his desk to his face.

She was looking at his pen just now when he was absent. It was a pure black pen. When he used this pen to write a physical paper, the handwriting was very good. She kept looking at it with a probe, but the person came back. Now it must be read. People.

Before going to class, she moved her body slightly towards him, lowering her voice and saying, "Your last shirt couldn't be cleaned at all, did you? You really don't need to pay me ...?"

Qin Shiting didn't look at her, didn't answer a word.

At this time, the bell of class sounded, Shi Niange quickly packed up the book on her desk, took out the book, but just then a cool breeze was blowing in the window next to her, it won't be cold, after all It was autumn, but the paper with more than half of the questions still on the table, which had not been confiscated, suddenly flew up, flew directly in front of Qin Shiting, and fell to his feet, that is, beside his desk. Aisle on the ground.

Now that the class has started, she can't stand up and pick it up, knowing that he is unwilling to take care of herself, but the paper must be handed in during the afternoon self-study. It would be finished if someone stepped on it or lost it.

She bit her scalp and poked his arm with her finger: "That ... my paper ... can you pick it for me?"

Qin Shiting did not seem to move without hearing it.

Shi Niange had to gently pull his cuff again: "Help me, my paper is over there, and I won't be able to write it in the event of being stepped on by someone else."

Still unmoved, he didn't even bother to take his arm back from the table.

There was no way to read the song, and I looked at him for a while and saw that he was too lazy to even look at himself. The teacher in this class was already teaching, and she couldn't make too much noise, so she turned back to the right The male student at the back of Qin Shiting showed a big smiley face and whispered, "Classmate, can you help me pick up the papers? Trouble you!"

The boy at the back table is a tall and strong fat man, but even if he is too fat to squeeze in a position, he will never dare to push the table forward to Qin Shiting. This little fat man usually sits behind here Few girls would talk to him. Suddenly, the new beautiful girl begged him with such a smile, and the little fat man blushed instantly, and quickly bent down to help her pick up the paper in front of her and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Sure enough, apart from the iceberg product next to her, the other classmates were still a little caring.

But who is Qin Shiting handsome? A long handsome is enough. It is not good to touch it if you are not good at it. As a pleasing statue, it is good to accompany her to class every day.

"No, you're welcome." The fat man said blushingly, "My name is ... called Hao Xiushe."

When Shi Niange took the papers, he looked at Hao Xiushe brightly: "So shy?"

The fat man's table was a very shy girl who didn't talk, and suddenly he laughed and whispered, "You guessed his nickname so quickly?"

The little fat guy shyly closed his eyes and shook his eyes. Although the person was fat, his facial features were actually very good. If he lost weight and exercised well, he might be a handsome guy in the future.

"My name is Shi Niange, and I will take care of it in the future." Shi Niange said as he took out two bottles of yogurt from his bag, gave Hao Xiushe at the back table and Zhao Xiaoqing, who was at the same table, one bottle, and the teacher found them The little movement here turned back quickly and put the paper back on the desk.

Although Qin Shiting ignored her and did not help her pick up the papers, but after hearing that the fat man could not help secretly opening the yogurt and drinking yoghurt, she really had no memory, scolded herself for being superficial, but she was too impatient After compromising his face value, he took out another bottle, and quietly glanced beside him to see another man with a fuss. He passed the yogurt under the desk and touched it gently on his arm: " Would you like to drink it? "


(Question, how should Qin Leng Leng chase it?)

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