Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1439: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 6)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Zhao Xiaoqing was the first friend of Shi Niange to rise to the third year of high school. He has long hair and is very beautiful, but sometimes his character is very stubborn. He wears a pair of transparent myopia glasses and talks You will blush, and your character is very soft and easy-going.

"Then you often helped him in Grandpa's lab when you were very young?" Zhao Xiaoqing felt that when Shi Niange was only 17 years old, he could get two medical achievement awards, which is a legend.

"Uh-huh, my grandfather has a good personality. Although he is engaged in medicine, he is actually an old naughty boy. I like to stick to him when I was very young. Then I was also curious about his experimental drugs. It can save many lives. At first, I was just curious. Later, my grandfather took me to get it together. "Shi Niange did not hide it, and said generously about his childhood.

"Wow, you must be studying medicine in the future!"

"With this intention, I want to enter the Medical University, but I don't know if my parents will agree. After all, my family is in business, and I can't hang around with my grandfather forever, but studying medicine is my goal ..."

The two were talking, Qin Shiting was back, I do n’t know if I heard the conversation between the two girls, but Shi Nian subconsciously took his leg that had just reached the bottom of his desk and took it back. Posting it to the wall by the window, Zhao Xiaoqing saw Qin Shen returning, and he was about to go to class. He didn't dare to talk anymore. He just spit out his tongue at the time and hurriedly lowered his head to sort out the books for the next class.

The next section is biology, which has a little bit to do with medicine. It is one of the courses that Shi Niange can easily understand.

She took out the book and instantly saw that Qin Shiting had no movement. When he remembered that he usually put his books in school and majored in science. These courses like biology were not too important. His books should not be here.

She pushed her book directly to him, placed it in the middle of the desks of the two, and whispered, "Let's read together."

I just happened to take this opportunity to turn around and look at him. When Qin Shiting was silent, all over and around gave people a very uncomfortable feeling of coldness and pressure, but when I was singing, I couldn't feel any pressure, and I felt the most. Just feel cold.

He didn't speak, only glanced at her book, clearly he was only reading her book, when reading the song, he felt like he was looking at himself, and his heart throbbed again.

So lovely.

She didn't hold back the little caper in her heart: "In the future biology class, if you don't bring a book, we will watch it together."

Qin Shiting glanced at the book in the middle, but he didn't say a word.

Its real-time song is not too cheeky, just feel that people are cold but not hate her dislike her, there are people of any character in this world, there is no need to let everyone be born to learn to cater to others with smiles.

Besides, the prince of one of Haicheng's four families does not really need to cater to anyone.

The next class is a physics class. Teacher Physics Zhang especially likes to send papers. Each question is extremely difficult. Write down a paper for a half class and then send the results down. At 91, she had just made up for all the lessons that she hadn't taken in high school for a few days. It was really difficult to pass.

She was very satisfied with her current performance, and she glanced aside.

I saw Qin Shiting's paper with a big 120.

The perfect score for this class of small test papers is 120, and it really is a male theological bully. It is a perfect score to complete a complete physical paper in twenty minutes.

Shi Niange looked down at his 91 again, and quickly covered the numbers with textbooks.

In the last class of the weekend, the week after the third year of school was extraordinarily hard. After leaving school, Niange saw the business car parked outside.

She took off the earphones she had just put on to listen to songs, walked over and saw the windows fall, and she was picked up by Uncle Tai, the driver of the family.

"Miss, sir and wife have recently gone abroad to talk about business again. There are no people in the family. Do you go back home to eat or to your grandfather?"

"My grandfather hasn't been in his own laboratory recently, hasn't he been conducting seminars with many experts all the time? At this time, I won't fill in the mess, let's go home."

Uncle Tay was about to get out of the car to help her open the door, but she had already opened the door and got in the car. After sitting down, she put on her headphones and said, "My parents are usually so busy. At home, there are only aunts who cook Now, I do n’t think I ’m going to go back this far in the weekend. I can find a house near the school. ”

"How about that? Miss, how old are you to live alone outside? It's not safe."

"Is there anything unsafe? You can make Aunt Xiang come here to cook for me every weekend. In fact, I can take out food, but my parents are not assured. I always tell you. I am seventeen, not At seven, living near a school can save you a lot of trouble. "

Uncle Tae didn't speak for a while, as if listening to the phone. After two minutes, he said, "Miss, I have been talking to Mr. Shi with my headset on just now. Mr. Shi said that he can respect your ideas and you can take advantage of this weekend. Look for neighborhoods with complete security facilities near the school, and the family can help you set it up at any time so that you live first. "

"Okay." Shi Niange smiled, stopped talking, and directly amplified the sound of music in the headphones.

She was regarded as a group pet at home since she was a child. The family loved her very much, but her grandmother and grandparents left early, and only one grandfather loved her the most. The parents also treated her well, but because The business of Shida Group is getting bigger and bigger and getting more and more busy. The two of them still don't worry about giving a lot of company decisions to outsiders, so they can be busy every day, and what can be given to her is through the phone. Concern, as well as unlimited money, it is also Uncle Tai and Aunt Xiang who care for her most time.

She was used to this kind of life since she was a child. She also understood the busyness of her parents. When she was a child, she followed her grandfather. When she grew up, she became more self-reliant when she was busy with her studies. The house where she lived was still too far away from the school and she could live near the school. If so, it could not be better.

Shi Niange first returned to Shi's home in the evening. After writing a few papers and assignments, she talked to her parents on the other side of the ocean for half an hour. In fact, she asked her if she suddenly rose to high school. She said that everything was fine, good news, no worry, suddenly jumped the grade, and she must work harder in school, but this will always be overcome a little bit over time, nothing to say, just that the teachers and classmates are very good, and also said I was at the same table as a school bully, very enthusiastic, and would tutor myself to study. My parents were very happy, so I hung up the phone and went on busy.

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