Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1440: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 7)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When she returned to school on Monday, Uncle Tai had helped her choose a few houses nearby, and gave her the plan and location of the room type for her to let her choose.

She chose it that afternoon, sent a message to Uncle Tay, and told him the selected house. Uncle Tai said that they would immediately arrange for people to clean up the existing decoration in the house because the house was originally The new decoration was resold within a short period of time, and there was no need to reinstall it. Uncle Tai said that it was necessary to test formaldehyde, disinfect and so on. She could live in it for another four or five days, which is the weekend.

All day long, when I took the time to read the song, I was looking at the room plans. I did n’t pay much attention to Qin Shiting. After finalizing things in the afternoon, she turned to look at her own table, only to notice that he seemed to be today. The spirit is not very good, he will lie on the table to make up for sleep, and he is usually cold enough. Today, it seems that there is some suffocation between the eyebrows and the eyes, and it seems that he is in a bad mood. Qingjun's cold face seems clear The word irritable is written.

Again, because he was probably not sleeping well last night, his eyes seemed a bit hazy than usual. Occasionally when he looked down at the book and looked at his white eyelids, he could see his sleep last night. How bad.

There was a three-hour self-study session in the evening. Shi Niange went back to buy a cup of hot milk before the self-study class. As soon as he returned, he saw that Qin Shiting was ready to take a good rest while the self-study class, and hurried forward to put the milk in front of him. Desk.

A good-looking man can be seen to be different even with a slight movement between his eyebrows. Qin Shiting looked at the milk on the table with an expressionless expression, and then looked at her.

"It takes more than three hours to study at night. You study so well. It doesn't matter if you take an hour or two to go to bed first. You drink milk and go to bed." Shi Niange said as he touched the milk. Glass bottle: "The temperature is just right now."

"Take it away, I won't drink it."

Qingqing's voice was still distant. It didn't look like a classmate who had been at the table for a week. Sure enough, the teacher was right. Sitting with him, the slightest love of the classmates could not be felt.

But looking at his hazy eyes when he was sleepy, Shi Niange felt that he looked particularly harmless at this time, and said directly: "Then I will put it here first, and the teacher asked me to go to the office to fill in the second year. Key lessons may not be here for three hours. If you are uncomfortable lying on the table, you can pull my chair over and lie down. "

When he finished speaking, Nian Ge smiled at him with a frown, and before he talked, he picked up his books and papers and left.

When she came back from the teacher's office to get another set of rolls more than an hour later, she saw that bottle of milk was still placed in the corner in front of his desk, and hadn't even moved a bit. Now the milk must be cold.

It really is, do n’t drink a bite.

But she was still there, and she did n’t throw it away. It was not a good intention to trample on her, she just refused to accept it.

Shi Niange walked over to take the paper, looked at him while holding it, and saw him lying on the desk as if he was asleep, his face was down when he was sleeping, his arms were blocked, he couldn't see his face, he could only see Teenager with clean ears and smooth neck lines.

She picked up the bottle of milk and went to the supermarket downstairs of the school. She found the aunt in the supermarket and warmed it up again, then quickly took it back. When she returned to the classroom, the second hour of self-study had just ended. It is estimated that Hao Xiushe was too fat when he walked across the desk aisle and ran into Qin Shiting's table to wake him up. Now he was blushing and his mouth full of compensation.

Qin Shiting's face was obviously dissatisfied with being awakened after falling asleep, but it was more of a sense of sorrow. Hao Xiushe apologized for a long time beside him. He didn't even talk to each other, but Qingjun's brows frowned slightly Obviously it was displeased because of being disturbed.

Seeing that Hao Xiushe was scared like that, Shi Niange hurried over, blocking the little fat man behind him, and then waving his hand twice behind him, which meant that he should stop talking, and go quickly, but Hao Xiushe She refused to leave her face and dragged her: "I'm fine, I apologize to Qin Shen, you don't need to care ..."

"I haven't seen your Qin Shen being terrible at this moment, haven't the spirit to deal with you at all?"

Hao Xiushe looked at Qin Shiting again. It felt as if it was really the case. Just now he had apologized subconsciously, but Qin Shiting actually didn't say a word, nor did he glance at himself. Frightened himself.

The fat man scratched his head immediately: "Then I'll go to the toilet first, and I'll study for a while."

"go Go."

Waiting for someone to leave, Shi Niange put the freshly warmed milk on Qin Shiting's table again, because the milk bottle was still hot when I was just back, and I stood here for a long time, and my palms were a little hot Red, she quietly squeezed her palms and said, "You do n’t think yogurt is healthy. You do n’t like to drink it. Hot milk always has to be drunk. You drink it now. Resting after going home at night also helps sleep. I deliberately asked the aunt in the supermarket to help me warm up once again, and you will get a love so that you can be at the same table. "

Probably it ’s the same word at the same table. It ’s hard to tell whether it ’s arrogant or derogatory. Qin Shiting still looked at her coldly, and was about to let her take away, but at the same time, she glimpsed the palm of her hand that was quietly held There was a slight redness in it, and at first glance it was just hot, she quietly held it up, trying to hide it.

He retracted his gaze, glanced at the milk on the table again, reached for it, opened it, and drank it directly.

"Hey, be careful, it's a little hot ..." As soon as Shi Niange said, he saw that he had drank it.

After all, boys and girls are different. Women drink milk with small sips and sip slowly. Men just drink it directly. Don't look at Qin Shiting's looks and handsomeness, but after all, there is a cold, straight man in his bones, or he does n’t drink, Drink and drink directly.

Although it was a bit hot, but now I have taken it from the supermarket for a long time. He won't burn his mouth if he is hot again. He throws the empty milk bottle into the trash bin two meters away behind the seat without expression. She glanced: "OK?"

Then look at the gaze he was looking at himself, Shi Niange's heart began to beat uncontrollably again, and then watched him look ruddy because he just drank hot milk, she suddenly smiled, smiled He nodded stupidly: "Then you sleep, I will go to the teacher to make up lessons ..."

Qin Shiting didn't say anything. He retracted his eyes and picked up the paper, apparently he didn't plan to sleep anymore.

……So lovely.

Hey, that's great.

He was willing to drink the milk he sent.

Even though he was still so lonely from beginning to end, at least it was a big step forward.

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