Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1441: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 8)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

At noon on Wednesday, Tang Shao suddenly found Shi Niange's class, waited for her outside, and specifically called the female classmates in the class to come in and call her out.

Shi Niange was about to go to the school cafeteria to eat beef noodles with Zhao Xiaoqing, mainly because she hadn't eaten much in the cafeteria. Xiao Qing said it was delicious, and she wanted to follow along.

As a result, I heard someone coming to find myself, and I heard that it was a boy in Class 2 of Senior Three. I do n’t need to guess who it is. After all, Tang Shao called her a few times first, and then she hung up. Mobile phone number has been blacklisted.

"Would you like to go to the cafeteria with me?" Zhao Xiaoqing whispered behind.

"It's almost twelve. Go eat first. I'll be with you tomorrow."

"Would you like me to bring you something else to take back?"

"No need, I'll figure it out myself for a while." Shi Niange blinked at her and smiled and waved.

Until Zhao Xiaoqing left, Shi Niange opened the phone and glanced. Sure enough, Tang Shao didn't know who used her cell phone to send her a few messages and said she wanted to see her. I sent one more than an hour ago, a few minutes ago One more.

She turned to look at Qin Shiting, who was preparing to go out for lunch next to her, suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the cuff of his school uniform.

Usually, Qin Shiting does not wear school uniforms all day. He usually wears T-shirts and occasionally wears such clean white shirts. School uniforms must be worn on Mondays and Wednesdays and in some public classes. This morning There is an activity for the senior year, so everyone wears a neat uniform, and Qin Shiting is no exception.

Suddenly she was dragged, Qin Shiting looked back at her, and glimpsed that she was still dragging on his cuff without letting go, and gave her a very cold look: "Let go."

"So what, we have been at the same table for several days, can you do me a favor?" Shi Niange looked at him with a little pleading.

In fact, it is not necessary to use such a dog **** and stupid method, but she really wants to try if this method is not feasible, in case ... in case Qin Shen also hates the scum man, in case he agrees ?

Qin Shiting looked at her again, and said again: "Let go."

Seeing him was not even prepared to let her say it, and when she was singing, she had to let go.

The sleeves were free, Qin Shiting turned and walked out. As soon as he walked to the door of the class, he saw a boy with a school uniform shirt around his waist and probed at the door. When he saw someone else coming out, he asked: Is Si Nian Song still inside? "

"Yeah, she hasn't left yet."

Tang Shao nodded, it seems that she still intends to hide from him, not to come out, nor to return information. After all this time, is it possible that she can't bear to come out for lunch?

"Ah, ah, are you Tang Shao of class 2? You weren't ... oh yes, I heard that your previous girlfriend was just reading songs, right? Oops, why didn't she get promoted to your second class? Instead, we came to our sixth class. Is the teacher deliberately taking a nap? ”The female classmates who had gossip asked Tang Shao curiously outside the door.

Tang Shao quickly returned to a very sunny smile, perfunctory in the past, and did not answer directly, but continued to guard at the door.

As a result, when he saw Qin Shiting standing at the door when he didn't know what time, Tang Shao's smile gradually closed.

He hasn't forgotten the points he was deducted by Qin Shiting when he was in the school semester last year. Qin Shiting was the first in the school year. Although he is not usually in charge, the school has already handed over many of the heavy responsibilities of the Student Union Give it to him, he doesn't care, but when there are evaluations and deductions, he will take the time to look at the tables and lists. A few circles can almost decide the next semester's grade for the school. .

Just because I drank some functional drinks during the five-kilometer long-distance running of the Games last semester, in fact, it was not a stimulant. I was remembered by Qin Shiting, and the points were deducted by the way. Tang Shao can remember it until graduation.

When Qin Shiting passed by, Tang Shao just glanced at him. The expression on his face was no longer a smile. Qin Shiting went out without squinting. I didn't know if I heard the conversation just now, but it must be Just leave him alone.

When Shi Niange came out from the inside, Tang Shao was preparing to find a way to find her, but the school stipulated that it was not in the class to which she belonged. Without a valid reason, unauthorized entry would be recorded.

Suddenly she saw her coming out, and hurried forward, reaching out and grabbing her wrist: "Now!"

Shi Niange's eyes were drawn, and he pulled out without any trace, and then looked at him: "What are you waiting for me here?"

"I've been looking for you for so many days, and you've pulled me out of the phone, and you didn't answer other calls. I can only wait for you here." Tang Shao said as he stretched out his hand to pull her again, but all were She escaped.

When I saw her, I wanted to keep a distance from him. Tang Shao also had to let go, with an expression of innocence: "I can explain to you a few days ago, when Xu Yiqi passed out in class, she was sitting next to me. You said I am a big boy. When I see a woman fainted, I ca n’t just sit back and ignore it. I subconsciously lift someone up, but I promise to just send the person to the infirmary. I did n’t do anything else. "

Shi Niange glanced at him, and smiled but didn't speak.

At this time, two girls passed by in the corridor. When they saw Tang Shao, they quickly raised their hands to say hello: "Tang Shao, when Xu Yiqi celebrated her birthday in the summer vacation, you and her sang" Love "in KTV. Yeah, when do you find another chance to sing the other day? Why did n’t you sign up to sing when the school was running a program before?

Tang Shao's expression changed at that time, and they glanced back at them. The two girls looked at him inexplicably, and when they saw the song next to him when they were singing, they suddenly made a "oh" sound. It sounded as if I knew what an unspeakable secret was and hurried away.

Tang Shao turned his head a bit ugly. When he saw it, Niange still tilted his head and looked at him with a smile, as if he didn't take it seriously.

"Niannian, really, you have a chance to explain it to me. Xu Yiqi and I have been in the same class for so long. If you like her, you would have been together. She had a birthday during the summer vacation last month. She is my brother. I have a crush on her, but I am embarrassed to go alone, and told me to follow along. I drank too much that night. When they said they were going to sing, they pushed me to sing, and I would not sing a few songs. I first heard it from my parents before. I sang it at the time. I didn't even notice who was singing with me. Really, you believe me! "

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