Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1442: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 9)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the important thing is that we have broken up. I didn't quarrel with you or blame you. I just thought we were inappropriate and broke up. Is there a problem?" Shi Niange looked at him lightly.

"But I don't want to divide, I'm wrong." Tang Shao raised his hand and touched his own back neck: "I really like you, that day in the infirmary, the doctor and teacher asked me to help With her, that ’s why I have n’t had time to call you and make it clear that you ca n’t break up with me because of this one or two misunderstanding, it ’s not fair to me. ”

"Tang Shao, in terms of the relationship between the two of us, let's be rational and get together. Don't be too stupid, just divide the points. I don't want to have too much nonsense and entanglement." Shi Niange He said softly, "But you said it was not fair. Then when you and other girls sang a love song and was photographed and passed it to the academic school forum, everyone said that I was relying on the wealth of my family to keep you with me. Actually the two of you are a pair. I am an intruder. Is this topic fair to me? "

"Also, you have been playing games all summer, and I haven't seen you very much. It was so easy to meet when school started. On the first day, you took another girl to the infirmary and even met me on the phone. It ’s not fair for me to explain one more thing. I waited for you all afternoon in the playground. You take care of others in the infirmary. Is this fair to me? "

"..." Tang Shao's expression was a little bit crying, but the grandfathers couldn't cry again, only that her attitude and her expression explained everything, as if he could not explain anything.

"I haven't made any principle mistakes, otherwise, don't break up with me, just ignore me for the time being, you can watch my performance and wait for you to forgive me it is good……"

"Tang Shao, you are a junior in high school. You will be an adult. I should be an adult next year. I am not a child or a childish game."

When Shi Niange finished speaking, she was about to leave. Tang Shao hurried forward to hold her to go in the other direction. Shi Niange almost bumped into him with a look of expression and raised his head to look at him: "What are you doing?" "

"Now during lunch break, I'll take you to lunch, let's talk while eating." Tang Shao held her hand and just walked towards the stairs on the other side.

Shi Niange couldn't shake him off, and she couldn't make a lot of noise in the corridor. She didn't look so good and lowered her voice. "You let go, Tang Shao, you let go. If you go back like this, I'll tell the family that you're entangled in me, You also know that the two of us know each other, and it ’s also because the parents of both parties have business cooperation. You do n’t want anything wrong in between, do you? Let me go if you are sensible, and go on your own path in the future. Ordinary friends, at least no one will be embarrassed! "

"But I like you! I didn't like anyone else. Why did you **** break up?" Tang Shao stopped suddenly and turned back to her, yelling at her, full of anger. What a big grievance.

Suddenly the words became choked.

She didn't think she was wrong, but could he wipe out the attributes of his central air conditioner with such a roar?

At this moment, a figure suddenly came up on the side stairs, tall and slender, with a sense of youthfulness, the school uniform had been taken off, wearing a white T-shirt, and a bottle of mineral water in his hand.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shiting walking up the stairs on this side, Shi Niange only felt that his head was too big.

This corridor has two staircase passages. The right side is crowded, and the left side is quieter. Qin Shiting usually walks quietly and quietly. However, he did not expect to be bumped into this place, and he was far away from him. Twenty minutes before and after leaving the class.

It was a breakup. I suddenly liked a male **** and wanted to be good. Qin Shiting can see that she likes him if he has no problem in his mind, whether he cares or not, but it can definitely be seen. As a result, now she suddenly saw her and her ex-boyfriend entangled here and there, and did not know what impression she would leave in her heart.

In the past, Niange was a very careless person, and he never cared about other people's eyes or private discussions. Now this is the first time that he is so afraid of being painted with a strange code in others' hearts.

She quickly pulled her hand out again, and Tang Shao also saw Qin Shiting. Obviously, when they were standing together, they were both in their 18s and their family backgrounds were good, but he instinctively saw Qin Shiting. I dared a little while, probably because of the shadows that he had detained by myself last semester.

Tang Shao didn't dare to read the song when he was pulling, just looked at her, begging her to go out to eat with him, and gave him a chance to explain and express by the way.

Shi Niange was not in a good mood at the moment. After all, this scene should have been seen just now. I saw that Qin Shiting had walked up and passed by himself, and he was too shy to call him. I wanted him to help himself before. Take Tang Shao away. After all, Qin Shen still had the right to speak in the third year of high school. As a result, he refused to give her the opportunity to speak. Now she ca n’t even open it, and can only wait for him to go away. , And then speak clearly with Tang Shao.

The tall and thin boy walked by like this, and there was still a taste of mint on his body. Tang Shao looked at Qin Shiting with some precautions, seeing that he had taken a few steps back to his back, then looked at Shi Niange and said: "What do you want to eat? It's already this time, should you be hungry? You usually eat every meal on time. If you eat less, you will have a stomachache. Don't get angry with me, eat first?"

"Stomach pain is also more comfortable than nausea." Shi Niange had no good temper to deal with him at the moment, but he was really worried that he would have stomach pain. When he picked up the phone, he called Zhao Xiaoqing and asked her to pack a box lunch. Come up.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind him: "Isn't it that the last big question in the physics paper isn't it? Come here."

The voice was from Qin Shiting, still cold and indifferent, but suddenly such a sentence came out of nowhere, making Shi Niange not respond for a while and then said this to me, and then saw Tang Shao holding back With an expression on her face, she turned her eyes, and saw Qin Shiting standing there, with a long and sturdy look, and looked down at her.

Shi Niange reacted to it instantly, and hurriedly walked towards him, leaving the central air-conditioning classmate Tang to open his mouth, but was surprised for a long time without saying a word.

She stepped forward and stood by Qin Shiting. I couldn't believe that he would help himself to make a siege. Qin Shiting just looked at her, and his eyes were stunned by a little more to Tang Shao, and he went directly to the classroom. Leaving, Shi Niange quickly obediently followed.

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