Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1443: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 10)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When entering the classroom, Shi Niange still had a smile on her face, until Qin Shiting sat down, she followed, and whispered, "Thank you."

Qin Shiting looked at her expressionlessly, retracted his gaze, and said flatly, "I don't want to solve the last big question in the physics paper?"

"Ah, do you solve it now? It's still lunch break ..." Without saying anything, seeing that he was ready to stand up straight, she hurriedly took out the paper from the desk: "Solution! Solve! Solve now!"

She did ask about physical papers in the morning, but at that time he didn't even care about himself. He could have detoured just now. Regardless of her, he could use a reasonable reason to help her. If he said he did n’t mean it, she Don't believe it.

But Qin Shiting obviously had no intention to explain. He got up and went to the podium in front of him, took the same paper as hers, and sat back again. In front of her, she put in the final big question. Write it in a difficult way, and then look at her: "Understand?"

His idea of ​​solving the problem was not simple at all, but if she took it seriously from the beginning, she might understand.

But she sat down from him again, and tilted her head slightly to her side as she wrote the question. In her mind, her consciousness was all about his clean and soft short hair and the mint that belonged to him. Lengxiang, as well as the man's clean and fair skin, and his fingers holding beautiful pens and sharp bones, she kept asking repeatedly, why is he so beautiful? How can it look so good?

Qin Shiting looked at her, seeing that she was obviously ignorant, and her face had a reddish expression, as if she didn't need to speak at all and knew what she was thinking while he was solving the problem. She looked cold. Ran put down the pen.

"Ah, I have taken a closer look, but I still don't quite understand it. Would you please help me verbally?" I was angry when I saw him.

Qin Shiting was obviously out of patience. Seeing her being entangled, it was a rare and nosy matter to help her in one sentence. Now she still needs to help her solve the problem for such an exception, but she still sat next to her and thought Dong Xiangxi, he only did this stupid thing when his brain was electric.

"Really, you just need to tell me verbally, I can definitely understand!" Shi Niange was afraid he was really angry. She had a little friendship with the table after a long time, but she didn't want to blink. It's gone, reaching out to pull his sleeves, and remembering that he seemed to hate others touching him, and his hands stopped in midair, neither touching, nor touching, his expression was anxious and regretful.

Qin Shiting looked at her with no expression and said, "Solve it yourself first, I see where are the loopholes and mistakes in your problem solving."

"Good!" The male **** gave a step, and of course she followed the current affairs and quickly answered the questions seriously.

This big question is really difficult for Shi Niange, a jumper. She thought the problem was wrong. After Qin Shiting read it, she helped her understand the wrong direction in the problem idea, and then she helped. She circled a few pages in her physics book where she needed to review, and by the time she finally met the question, there were only fifteen minutes left before the end of the lunch break.

"You just came out after a while, didn't you eat at noon?" Shi Niange asked when she rolled up the papers.

However, boys do not eat as slowly as they chat, and it is not surprising that they finish eating in ten or twenty minutes.

Qin Shiting didn't answer, just glanced at her again: "Have you eaten?"

"... No." She felt she had a faint stomachache now.

But now even if she wants to take this opportunity to ask him to eat, it seems that time is too late, Xueba always can't skip class and go out to eat with her. When she was thinking hard, Zhao Xiaoqing held two steaming buns in her hand. Come in and walk while walking: "Ah, miss, I know you must not have eaten, and bought buns in the cafeteria."

Zhao Xiaoqing said as he quickly put the buns on Shi Nian's desk.

Shi Niange was almost grateful to Zhao Xiaoqing, and lifted the meat buns gratefully with a grateful heart, and said vaguely, "Xiao Qing, Da En Dade is toothless and unforgettable!"

"Don't forget your teeth. Don't hurt your stomach." Xiaoqing returned to her seat after speaking, and then remembered something, and took a bottle of orange juice out of her pocket: "Do you want to drink this?" ? "

Shi Niange nodded and shook his head: "It's all right, I can eat buns, you can drink it by yourself."

Because she was going to school, she ate fast, she always had something in her mouth, she did n’t know what she was talking about, and when she turned back, she ran into Qin Shiting ’s disgusting eyes, and she seemed to be full of smoke The smell of buns is also very disgusting. He is still too lazy to look at her, his expression is indifferent and full of distance, but after all, he just taught her to solve the problem just now.

She silently tilted the balance in her heart in a warm direction. Well, although her temper was bad, her bones should actually be warm.

The disappointment on his indifferent expression was obvious, "Cough." Shi Niange quickly ate the remaining half of the buns three or two times. Fortunately, the buns are not large, or she may not be able to eat two with her appetite. The bun is probably because the male **** is right next to her. She really doesn't want to behave very wasteful, but even two little buns are eager to eat, and finally she really supports her.

Then this afternoon, Shi Niange did not feel hungry.

She's got a stomachache!

Fortunately, the pain is not severe, and it will not be displayed on the face. After a while, it no longer hurts, otherwise I am afraid that it will really cause shame.


On Friday evening, Uncle Tay will pick her up to her home at this time of the week. Today is different, taking her to her new home.

When the car drove to a villa, she looked around at the villa area around, and was a little surprised: "Is there such a luxurious area near Haicheng No. 1 Middle School? I thought there were some student apartments near here."

Uncle Tai smiled: "After all, it is a high school in the middle of the province. There are many rich people nearby. The location of the villa is only a very small distance from the school, which is very convenient."

"I remember I chose a duplex apartment."

"Not an apartment, it's a duplex."

At that time, she only looked at some interior decoration pictures, and did not pay attention to the others, but did not expect it to be a villa.

What would she rush to live in such a big villa by herself?

The car drove into the villa area among the lush gardens. Shi Niange glanced out the window and saw a few carved and engraved words—Luanshui Villa.

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