Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1444: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 11)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"This villa was just completed last year. At that time, the construction company had a lot of investment shares in the four major families of Haicheng. They were quite rich, so they contracted the land to build the villa. The one you chose The original owner of the villa was one of the developers, but there were too many real estates under the name, so it was resold. The decoration is really good. I have never lived. I also invited people to check it. You can live in with peace of mind. "

After speaking, Uncle Tai drove the car directly to the courtyard of the villa.

Shi Niange followed the grandfather ’s sleeping bed in the foldable bed and would never dislike it. He would never be picky about these external things. With a single hum, he glanced at the villa inside: "Okay, it's not as exaggerated and luxurious as the family looks, the small villa is quite exquisite."

"It's Miss, you have a good vision, after all, you picked it yourself."

Shi Niange smiled: "OK, I'll go and see."

She only went in and looked around, and then put down her bag directly: "Just this, don't have to toss, surely not too far from the school."

"Then I and Xiang will come here to take care of you in the future."

"No, just let Aunt Xiang take the time once a week. I'll take a taxi to school later."

"How can that be?"

"Why not? Can you still treat me as a child for a lifetime? I will be an adult again in another year, and I should learn to be independent." Shi Niange said as he played around for a while and looked out .

At this moment, it was evening and the sky was a lot darker. There didn't seem to be many people living in the villas around. It was dark and quiet.

"Few people live here?"

"Fortunately, the occupancy rate is almost half, but the two opposite buildings do seem to be empty and unsold, or no one lived in after the sale."

Shi Niange nodded, retracted his eyes and went to visit his new house, and then began the sad homework and review career of senior high school students. He spent the first day of the new house in the sea of ​​books.


On Monday, Aunt Xiang went to the Villa in Lishui to make a lot of walnut cakes for her, saying that she would bring her school to her classmates to eat.

When Shi Niange came to school with a large and exquisite bag, it attracted a lot of people's attention, and they were all curious about what the legendary jumper, the young lady of the Shi family, brought with them some good things. A big bag.

Auntie Xiang has done too much. She could n’t fit the small bag and had to put it in the big bag. When she was singing, she did n’t expect it to be so big. She hurried to the class along the way. This kind of stuff is packed separately. There are more than fifty students in this class, and each person can get an average of about three. She didn't wait for everyone to arrive, and put it directly on each table.

"Niannian." Zhao Xiaoqing beckoned to her while sitting in her seat.

Shi Niange smiled at her, continued to divide things, and said, "Why are you here so early?"

"I'm on duty today." Zhao Xiaoqing said and came to help her share it. She praised her while she was transferred, but she soon became familiar with her classmates. Saying I'm always too shy and blushing when talking to others.

Shi Niange laughed and talked to her for a while, and then accompanied Zhao Xiaoqing to wipe the floor. After packing, almost everyone came, and the two returned directly to their seats.

Singing the song of the walnut crisp also explained the sentence casually to everyone, only that it was made by relatives at home, it was delicious, I could n’t finish it myself, and I gave it to everyone, everyone was quite happy.

But Shi Niange is not happy today.

She watched the three long untouched walnut crisps on the table at her table all morning.

Zhao Xiaoqing poked her back gently with a pen, and whispered, "Go back, don't be dazed, keep looking at what you are watching."

Shi Niange sat upright again, looking up at the teacher and blackboard while he was teaching, but his heart was empty.

She didn't know that Qin Shiting wouldn't come today today. She had thought that it would be easy to spend the weekend. She could sit with the male **** again on Monday, but he was not here today.

It ’s shy to say that there is a physics competition in the province today. Qin Shen represents the entire province where Haicheng is located to participate in the competition. The competitors are all well-known colleges and universities in China. The competition process takes at least three or four days. Will not be here.

These three or four days can be hard to sing.

Giving her a happy senior sophomore into a senior year and having a hard life, the reason she can support herself to come to school with hope every day is Qin Shiting, as long as she thinks of a tall, white and handsome boy who is still a schoolboy Sitting next to herself, she was full of motivation, and she was willing to make up for the less difficult course.

But these days he is not ...

Even Zhao Xiaoqing and shyness were discovered. In the past few days when Qin Shiting was away, Shi Niange was really listless. Even when the teacher asked her to go to the office to make up lessons, she looked sad, not like Usually so motivated.

It was hard to endure a physical education class on Tuesday afternoon. During the whole two days of class, there was no male **** sitting next to the song. It was like a person who had just been sucked out of the spirit by a goblin, and was sitting there with little energy to write notes.

Physical education class, as the name suggests, is a free activity class. Only a small number of people actually go to class. Most of them are looking for opportunities to walk in the classroom or on the playground.

Shi Xiaoge was called out by the Zhao Xiaoqing to go to the toilet. Turning his head on the path outside the toilet, he saw that the second and third grades in the next high school were also in a physical education class. Xu Yiqi and another girl were walking towards this side. She just glanced at her in the usual direction, but Xu Yiqi turned her head away and pulled the girl next to her to walk quickly around her.

Shi Niange raised her eyebrows. I do n’t know why you should take a detour?

She was not interested in the matter between Xu Yiqi and Tang Shao, and she did not care about Tang Shao's explanation, but now Xu Yiqi was very concerned about what she said, saying that she had no other ideas in her heart, even if it was impossible, There was no ghost, only she knew it.

Shi Niange did not bother to bother, and continued to stand in place to wait for Zhao Xiaoqing.

Until people came out, the two left the toilet and walked along the lush path in front of them. The two girls walked and talked. Although Zhao Xiaoqing was very gentle, he was very gentle and caring about friends, and his observation was strong. Do you like Qin Shen? "


Originally, the two little girls discussed topics that they liked or disliked in private. As a result, Nian Ge's answer was too quick and too calm, but he gave Zhao Xiaoqing a chat.

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