Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1447: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 14)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Shi Niange only felt that his wrists were very clean and warm. The cold and thin boys were almost a head taller than her. Obviously, she had a height of six and six, but Qin Shiting seemed to be faster than her. It was eighteen-five. Obviously what she looked at before was only a quick glance. Now he was pulled away like this and followed behind him, only to find that he was really tall.

After being pulled away, she had no choice but to look back at the driver's direction again, and did not speak again. She was brought along by a strong force on her wrist to the walking path under the high wall outside the school. The students in other classes seemed to see that she was "holding hands" by Qin Shiting, and had already passed a lot of curiosity and surprise to this side.

Qin Shiting withdrew his hand and looked at her indifferently: "What on earth do you want?"

He kept a distance of almost two or three people from her now, as if the person who had brought her all the way just now was not him.

Shi Niange still feels hot on her wrist. This heat has reached the bottom of her heart. She touched her wrist accidentally and raised her eyes to meet his temperatureless eyes: "The one in the car just now Is that aunt? "

Qin Shiting looked at her coldly: "Yes."

"I just happened to see you in that car and saw the driver's uncle going to buy medicine. You also know why I jumped to the third year of high school. I know the pharmacology. I ’m afraid that the medicine wo n’t work. It hurts, so I bought the medicine and sent it, and it did n’t mean anything. If I was disturbed by my actions, I apologize, I will never do it again. "Shi Niange now also feels that although he was kind, But it was too abrupt, and he also regretted his recklessness.

Qin Shiting took out a black wallet: "How much is the medicine?"

Shi Niange's sincere apologies and smiles instantly converged. He was drawing a line with her. He didn't intend to owe a penny.

"Don't use it. I stained your shirt last time. Compared to your shirt, my money for such a small box of medicine should not be much."

Qin Shiting was about to take the money for a meal. It seemed that she remembered the shirt because of such a word. He put the wallet back and said lightly, "Yes, two clear."

After that, he turned around and left without any intention to continue to talk to her.

"Hey, hello." Shi Niange thought to follow the hurriedly quickly: "We have been at the same table for a long time, you don't always have to reject people like this for thousands of miles. They are all classmates and have no purpose, just pure. Isn't it good to be a friend? "

She walked quickly behind the boy and said, "Occasionally, it's better to communicate with each other than to face each other coldly every day, right?"

Qin Shiting didn't look back, Shi Niange reluctantly continued to follow, until the school gate, the eyes of those passing by nearby students who had bought lunch came back towards them.

Qin Shiting ’s name was already very big in this school. Except for her little fool who had never heard of anything outside the window, she really did n’t know him. Shi Niange was also famous for her special case of jumping. Noisy, two people walked one after the other outside the school gate, it is unavoidable to notice.

He still didn't look back, as if he didn't hear it at all.

There is no way to read the song. Go forward and grab his arm, almost half-armed his arm, and pull him vigorously: "If you have to clear it up, that's fine, the money is not good. I said, but I missed the lunch break in order to buy medicine for my aunt, and now I ’m going to class soon. I have n’t eaten yet. You owe me a meal and find a chance to pay back. ”

Qin Shiting paused, and looked at her with a look of neuropathy, and then glanced at her hand on his arm. She did not respond to her proposal and was full of discomfort in her eyes. They all showed the coolness of autumn night: "Let go."

She didn't let go, but she was still very strong.

"Otherwise, even if you ask me to eat, my requirements are not so harsh. You also know that I skipped the class. Many high school courses I have left. How can the teacher take the time to help me make up the lessons? A lot, it's hard to learn now, I will go to the school library in the afternoon, you go with me. "

Qin Shi Ting Mei Yu was already impatient, looked at her coldly, but did not speak.

Shi Nian Ge can be considered as a good take away, seeing that he did not want to go away immediately, he slowly closed his hands back, but still carefully pulled his cuff: "You just go according to your experience, go The library helps me find books that are suitable for me to read now, which will allow me to make quick and targeted corrections. I swear that I will definitely not take more than half an hour of your time, just go in the afternoon for self-study. ,OK?"

He still didn't speak.

She tugged at his sleeve again: "Fifteen minutes is fine, you can help me find a few books and leave immediately. You do n’t need to be there with me, isn't it? We are classmates or the same The table, even if it is not today, you should help me in the friendship at the same table, otherwise you are the first school bully in a school year, and there is a scum that has not been completed in the second year of high school. You don't look radiant, do you? "

"You can change your seat." He finished, pulled out his own sleeve without leaving a trace, and left.

Shi Niange: "..."

This kind of soft and hard people don't really eat ... it's really difficult to get along.

She remembered what the teacher said again.

How long will it last?

She looked at the boy's straight back and took a deep breath.

Forget it.

So handsome, what's wrong with your personality? What's the cold point? Gao Leng was originally the standard of the male god, forgive him, uh, forgive him.


In the afternoon, study time.

It was the teacher's suggestion to read a song and go to the school library to look for a book. She really had to go. She saw that the shy seat was empty. She was lying down in the small hospital and didn't return. I had to make up for the homework on the weekend, and it was hard to bother her, so I had to go by myself.

The school's library is not small, and it is not easy to find books. I asked the administrator aunt inside about the location of the second year course and some related books. When she looked for it, she saw a few high bookshelves. Seeing thousands or even tens of thousands of books on top, my head is big.

The point is that the bookshelf is too high.

She borrowed a small ladder from her auntie, and looked around the bookshelves. She didn't know which type of book was the best for her after turning for a long time. It ’s the same, but it ’s actually different, it ’s really hard to find.

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