Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1448: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 15)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Shi Niange took the ladder to the other side and saw a slightly higher but not too high position. He put the ladder aside, stomped his feet, stretched his arms, and tried it twice. He turned around again and took the ladder.

Suddenly, she didn't know when she was standing next to her. She suddenly turned her eyes and saw the book she hadn't been able to get for a long time.

She raised her eyes and saw Qin Shiting.

Qin Shiting?

She was surprised, blinked, and determined that the person in front of her was indeed Qin Shiting who had rejected her at noon, and then responded violently, and quickly reached out to take over: "Thank you ..."

The tall and thin man turned his head indifferently, took another book out of the bookshelf, handed her the book after turning a few pages, "Hold it."

"Ah? Oh, oh." Shi Niange was still a little dazed, and instinctively took over.

Seeing her silly expression, Qin Shiting only looked at her and turned directly to the other bookshelf.

Shi Niange quickly followed the past, and found that many books that can be used often did not need to be climbed so high, all of them are below, which are convenient places to get.

She followed him all the way, without asking or saying much. She took any book he had taken, and followed it with a serious and good expression. At last, there were six or seven books in her arms. Seeing I couldn't hold it anymore, Qin Shiting looked back at her.

Shi Niange hurriedly smiled, and her smile was frowning: "Are there any?"

Obviously, she couldn't hold her anymore. Qin Shiting stood still and didn't speak. He picked up a senior high school physics-related book on the side shelf and looked at it. Here, Shi Niange stood patiently waiting.

After a while, her hands holding the book shivered quietly, as if Qin Shiting had not seen it, she put the book back and picked up another one to read it.

Shi Niange took a deep breath and kept smiling.

After waiting for a few more minutes, she couldn't hold it. So many books add up to at least a dozen pounds, and they have been held together for more than half an hour.

"That, Qin ..." When the name came to her, she suddenly disagreed with how to call him.

It seems that everyone is accustomed to calling him Qin Shen. Although he does n’t care much about this title, the girl in high school and high school will blush and discuss Qin Xueyuan. What about her? awkward.

Otherwise call the same table? Seems too naive ...

Just thinking, the boy's cold and clear voice had passed over: "Qin Shiting."

She hurriedly looked back at him and saw that he was still standing next to the bookshelf and reading the physics book of Senior Three. Her eyelids were not tilted, but the voice just now must be to herself. She said quickly, "Well, that Qin Si Ting, are my books enough? "

The boy standing by the bookshelf didn't answer as if he didn't hear it. About two minutes later, Shi Niange planned to put the book on the table behind him.

Just after moving a half step backward, Qin Shiting closed the book in his hand and looked at her with a salty look, and she immediately settled down.

"Why sit next to me?" He asked.

Shi Niange looked at him: "Because your grades are good, it is the first year of school. I jumped from the second year of high school and needed a school bully to help me. Just like now, I do n’t know what books to read. You will help. I'll look for it, so it will be OK for my academic performance ... "

Qin Shiting looked at her indifferently, apparently he had no patience for her fancy words.

She swallowed and coughed and said, "Because you look good."

The tall and thin boy Qing Jun raised his eyebrows and looked at her like this.

Shi Niange's expression was a little irritated, and a bit of calmness was added to the whistle: "Everybody loves beauty. Who doesn't like good-looking people? You say yes? This is too sleepy or boring during class , I just turn my head to look at you, and I'm immediately energized. "

Qin Siting Dan looked at her and said nothing, and when she was singing, she didn't know if it was a rush, but he didn't like to listen to lies. To tell the truth, if he felt that there was something wrong, he could only blame him for being too hard to serve.

He put the book back into the bookshelf, walked towards her with no expression on his face, picked up the five books in her hand, left only one in her hand, turned and walked out: "Go."

Shi Niange looked at the thinnest book in his hand, and looked at the particularly thick books in his hand, with the corner of his mouth bent, and quickly followed.

Just as the two were about to walk out of the bookshelf, the bucket next to the leg of an aunt who was cleaning in the library suddenly turned over and fell to the ground. Several librarians next to it saw it, and when they saw it, The book below was wet and rushed over in fright.

It turned out that they were too anxious when they rushed over. They didn't notice that there were two students under the bookshelf. They hit a ladder placed by Shi Niange in front of them, and the ladder fell directly in the direction of Qin Shiting. Come down.

Qin Shiting turned around and saw it, trying to avoid it, but at the same time heard a cry behind him: "Be careful!"

The next moment, when he was about to avoid, he was hugged by Shi Niange who flew behind him, and quickly pushed him to the side of the bookshelf. The girl who was one head shorter than him was determined. He rushed in front of him and pressed him on the bookshelf in a protective manner.

The ladder fell down at the feet of the two, making a small noise. The scared librarian hurried over to lift the ladder up again, complaining about the careless aunt cleaning.

Qin Shiting and Shi Niange under the bookshelf were silent for a while.

When you find yourself holding the male **** and giving it to the niches, read the song: "..."

I found that not only was a girl pressed onto the bookshelf in a protective gesture, but the girl's entire front including her chest was affixed to him by Qin Shiting: "..."

This pose seemed to others to be a hug in the library. When the auntie picked up the ladder next to him, he looked at it and left, and whispered to the aunt next to him and said quietly: The young man is so young, he secretly engaged in objects only when he was a senior, and came to the library to secretly date ... "

Shi Niange's response was very fast just now, but it was completely slow at the moment, especially when she heard what Auntie was whispering there, her face was very red, and the heat continued to the ears.

It's a feeling to like a male god, this ... this kind of embrace of a male **** ... and again ... very different!

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