Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1474: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 41)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Sure enough, Qin Shiting did not follow this path at all today.

I didn't even see the personal image.

Shi Niange waited for a while in the same place, and it has been a few minutes since the time to see each other usually, pick up the phone and send a text message to Qin Shiting.

[Did you go to school? ]

Qin Shiting recovered fairly quickly: [No. ]

Shi Niange: [I saw that black business car again. You wo n’t go here today, right? ]

Qin Shiting returned: [Are you there? ]

Shi Niange: [It's okay, I've entered the school door now, you don't have to come over. ]

After speaking, she lifted her eyes and looked at the commercial vehicle again. She no longer paid attention and walked towards the school gate. When she heard that the mobile phone vibrated again, she picked it up as she walked.

Qin Shiting: [Don't move, here I am. ]

She stepped, and suddenly looked back in the direction of the other side. It is estimated that Qin Shiting was really on the other road before, and she quickly took a picture of the school gate to him: [I have come in, you do n’t need to come over Now, I know you don't want to see the person in that car, and I don't want to see you unhappy. See you in class later. ]

After sending it, she quickly entered the teaching building, and Qin Shiting did not reply.

She advanced the class, put the bag down, and then went out. She stood at the entrance of the stairs for a while. This is the only way to enter the class. Obviously you can wait for him to enter the class. But she just wants to be earlier, even if Just a second or a few seconds in advance.

Until Qin Shiting's figure appeared at the entrance of the stairs below, Shi Niange quickly beckoned to him with a happy face: "Qin Shiting ~ Qin Shen ~"

The clean teenager heard the voice, looked up at the lower stairs and looked up, and saw the girl in the school uniform smiling at him with a beaming smile. She no longer stood under the tree outside the school gate, but stood At the entrance of the staircase outside the class, one hand was holding the handrail near the staircase, and the other hand was shaking to him. The smiled eyes were all curved, full of joy.

The result was unfortunate. The head teacher, Mr. Zhao, came up behind Qin Shiting at this time. The two went up the stairs almost at the same time. When they heard the song, they stood still and looked up at her.

The excited expression on Shi Niange's face froze for a moment, and his hand stopped in the air, grinning at Teacher Zhao hehe: "Zhao ... Teacher."

Teacher Zhao stared at her with a wink, which meant that she hurried back to the class.

Shi Niange pursed his lips, and then quietly glanced at Qin Shiting again, seeing that he was still indifferent, and did not take a closer look at the teacher behind him, so he walked up directly, as if before Nothing happened.

Under the teacher's stare, Shi Niange quickly turned and ran back to the class. Before running back, he gave Qin Shiting a happy wink. This wink Qin Shiting saw it.

Teacher Zhao was so angry that he was standing there, standing with one hand on his hips, and thinking about the happy expression of Shige Song just now, and then thinking of Qin Shiting's expression when he stopped and looked up, as if there was still Then focus a little bit.

These two kids won't really fall in love, right?

They are all grown-ups, and high school students' love is very common, and they are still from Qin and Shi's families. He must not be able to manage it, but it hasn't been long before the college entrance examination.

When it ’s important, the girl who is singing is really not hiding or holding back. When she did n’t come to the senior year, she also heard about her and that Tang Shao, but when the teachers in the office chatted and discussed, The Tang family and the Shi family cooperated. The two children walked closer, as if they were not intimate at school. They did n’t even eat together and held hands, and the teachers opened their eyes and closed one. The eyes don't care.

But Shi Niange is obviously not the same for Qin Shiting. This girl seems to like Qin Shiting very much.

As a teacher for so many years, I have seen a lot of secret love stories, especially Qin Shiting this type, absolute people among the dragon and phoenix, there are not a few girls who like him, but it seems that there is really a song This ability can make him stop and take a closer look.

If the two children really fall in love, should he, as a teacher, give them some majestic warnings? At least wait until the college entrance examination is over ...

But after all, they belonged to the Shi family and the Qin family. They still had to keep their jobs. In case something important is said, it is not good for themselves.

I ca n’t say or scold, what can I do?

Teacher Zhao is distressed.

I can only hope that these two children simply like each other, but don't do anything before the college entrance examination.

There was a little bit of smoke in Teacher Zhao's head. When Niange returned to the class, he sat down directly, raised his eyes to see Qin Shiting coming in, and raised his hand with a smile and greeted him sweetly.

Qin Shiting came over, and when she sat down beside her, she gathered up in the past and whispered, "Qin God, my notes?"

Qin Shiting glanced at her and handed the pink cover notebook in her desk to her desk.

Shi Niange quickly picked it up and glanced, seeing that there were several pages of Qin Shiting's handwriting on the back of his notebook, and he held the notebook and laughed.

Shi Niange was also very hearty. After a while, I forgot to see the car in the morning. Qin Shiting didn't mention it. She didn't know whether he had detoured in the morning or really went back later. Under the tree.

Regardless, anyway, he seems to know everything, and she has nothing to worry about.

Throughout the morning, I constantly looked at those few pages of handwriting in my notebook, because I read too much, and I was so absorbed that I remembered all the lessons that had been dropped in the past few days. She was still taking Qin Shi Ting's own handwriting also came over. After comparing these notes for a few days, he found that his own notes were still in his usual style, and it was particularly difficult to look at them.

But the notes he backed up for her were actually simple ways to get started, which she could easily understand and absorbed into her mind. It would seem that you could memorize the essence if you read more. The few days of class that caused her to fall, just looking at the notes a few times is equivalent to making up, without falling at all.

He actually knew her thinking mode when she was taking lectures and taking notes and questions. She knew that she would remember it in this way.

Until the afternoon, Shi Niange was content to admire his notebook, and while Qin Shiting didn't notice, he secretly marked a few red hearts and two-way red love with the red pen on the pages he wrote. Little arrow.

Qin Shiting saw her secretly write and draw on the book, and gave her a slight glance. Shi Niange covered the book and refused to look at him, but smiled sweetly.

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