Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1475: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 42)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After drawing, Shi Niange sat sat there admiringly for a while, then sighed, and the person who liked it sat next to himself. This feeling was really beautiful and couldn't be better.

There are two lessons before school. Tonight there are activities in the school. You don't need to study by yourself. You can leave early.

Shi Niange felt sorry for not being able to enter the school with Qin Shiting in the morning, so he would just walk with him after school.

At first Qin Shiting thought she was just going to the supermarket on the way to buy something, and she would leave after buying. But she found that she did not enter the supermarket, but was still on the same route as him.

In fact, this road was found when I was resting and bored at home a few days ago, and found that I could go home from the road in front of the school's main entrance. Although it was a little longer than usual, I went straight to the side, but it did n’t Too much difference, that is, to walk for more than ten minutes, but then she can go with Qin Shiting.

There are a lot of students in this middle road. Shi Niange and the old man were embarrassed to go directly to the front, just walking slowly behind. Qin Shiting walked too fast. In fact, she chased after some. Struggling.

Until gradually, she suddenly noticed that his pace had slowed down. She first looked at his back, then stopped when she saw him, and looked back at her.

Seeing him find himself so soon, he was a little surprised when he was singing.

She suddenly turned around without thinking about it for a while, and didn't reflect it for a long time. She had been tangling for a long time how to be strong with Qin Shiting so as not to look too deliberate. After thinking about it for a while, she turned and saw Qin Shiting still standing there Looking at herself, she had to walk daringly over her head: "Hi, what a coincidence."

Qin Shiting opened his mouth and asked her, "Where are you going?"

"Go home." Shi Niange rushed to him next to him.

Come back home?

Qin Shiting Mei Yu's coldly pick was obviously not convinced by her reason.

"I mean, the road next to the school has to go through the middle street. There are a lot of people on the street recently, and there is still a road under construction. It is very strenuous to walk. Now it ’s getting dark. There are few roads and it is not safe. I just want to change the road. Anyway, when I am near the water villa in front of me, there is a special road that can be directly opened to my house. "

Qin Shiting did not interrupt her explanation, but just looked at her again and nodded.

Nodding meant that he accepted her statement, or accepted her statement, after all, she did not refute her or pierce her.

From that day on, Shi Niange would be with Qin Shiting and walk with him for ten or twenty minutes at night, and he walked for ten minutes more quickly, and walked for twenty minutes more slowly, but usually each other It ’s not how to say it, because I ca n’t find so many topics to talk about, and it has to be a topic that only one person can keep talking about. Qin Shiting does n’t talk much, she knows this very well. .

Finally, I heard the bell from school again, but I had to study by myself until 9pm tonight. It was dark early then. If it was such a late night, it would be that either Uncle Tai came to pick her up, or she would take a car and go back to Lishui Villa.

But tonight, she still wants to go with Qin Shiting.

Hearing the bell ringing on time at 9:30, Shi Niange quickly packed his schoolbag, and then sat inside waiting for Qin Shiting to get up.

She packs her bags faster every day than Qin Shiting, because she knows that if she is slow, Qin Shiting may not necessarily wait for her, although she does not know if he will wait, but in the end, do not let him wait. This is too risky, she dare not try.

After leaving the school gate, there is still a way to turn. After walking with him for twenty minutes, there are very few people on the back. Every day, she walks with him on the innermost side on the right because Qin Si Ting doesn't like many people. Occasionally, he will avoid when people pass by. It is really Qin Shiting who doesn't like to touch people.

"It's so cold today." Shi Niange said, shrinking his hands into his sleeves: "It's already April, it's still so cold, this spring is so long. Qin Shen, you should add more clothes and see what you usually wear It ’s not very thick. I remember that in the winter you were n’t wearing very thick. Be careful not to catch a cold. You can see that I caught a cold last time, and it was dimly burnt. ”

Qin Shiting said, "It's not cold."

"Why isn't it cold? Your hands are quite cool." Shi Niange remembered that he had his hands warm sometimes, sometimes they were warm, It was cold, but she blushed and felt heartbeat every time she felt the blood flow directly to her hands, feeling that her fingers were hot.

Qin Shiting didn't talk back, and Shi Niange's topic, which was hard to find, ended again without saying a few words. She was also afraid that Qin Shiting would be too noisy if she said too much, so she followed him quietly For a while.

Seeing that it was about to reach the corner of the intersection, Shi Niange said, "Ms. Zhao said a few days ago that I should go to his office to make up lessons. I may stay in the office in the future for self-study. I guess it is my grandfather What did I say to the teacher? I want to mention my academic results again. Actually, I want to take the medical school. If I get the results, I can pass the mock test results. But the teacher caught me recently. It ’s so strict, I ca n’t study with you. ”

What she said is true. She originally wanted to rely on medical school. With her current grades and scores, she could actually go in smoothly, but it is estimated that her grandfather didn't want her to see culture less because she wanted to study medicine. It's important, so telling the teacher a little bit will cause the teacher to always stare at her to study.

Qin Shiting answered softly, "OK."

"Then I am tomorrow ..." Shi Niange is actually not very embarrassed, but although he doesn't exclude himself from walking with him, it seems that he has nothing to talk to her. She persisted for so many days, his There are only a handful of responses. Although she can find some sweet and little fun from it, she will inevitably suffer some blows, but she still brazenly asks, "I can still wait for you under the tree outside the school tomorrow morning, tomorrow night? May I go with you? "

Qin Shiting answered quickly and nodded without thinking: "Okay."

These two "good" are really wonderful, if not for Qin Shiting in front of him, Shi Niange can't wait to jump straight up.

He was not exclusive, and apparently used to her existence.

"See you tomorrow!" Shi Niange couldn't restrain his happiness. He smiled and laid his hands on him, turning around and leaving, thinking in his heart that he would walk together for 20 minutes every night and five minutes together in the morning. A lot of time alone.

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