Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1476: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 43)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Shi Niange turned, she walked towards the path with few people. Just a few steps away, when her cell phone was shaken in her pocket, she stopped and picked up her cell phone and glanced.

Qin Shiting: [Just to walk with me for twenty minutes, and I have to spend twenty minutes a day walking the almost nobody's path. The sky is far away, aren't you afraid? ]

Suddenly hesitated for a moment.

Did he start piercing her?

He felt that she did this way ... It was not necessary either ...

She lowered her head and hurriedly prepared to reply. Suddenly she felt that someone was approaching behind her and turned her head subconsciously. Then she suddenly saw Qin Shiting who did not know when he came over, and walked to her side, a figure higher than her head. Glancing at her: "No need to reply, I will send you back."

Shi Niange opened his mouth in surprise in an instant: "Ah?"

By the time she reflected on it, Qin Shiting had come to the front, and she took a long while to trot and hurried to follow.

"Qin Shen, are you going to take me home?" She couldn't close her mouth with a smile.


"Why, if you walk back after sending me back, it's really too far away."

"It's late, you're not safe for a girl."

"I'm okay. There are usually no people on this road. I guess that even if there are any bad people, they will not run on such a small road." Shi Niange said with a smile, but although he said that, his body was honest. Very, followed closely behind him.

Qin Shiting stopped suddenly, she did not check for a moment, almost hit him on the back, quickly stopped and raised his head to look at him, the clean teenager stared at her eyes: "You are so careless?" There are no street lights. How can you go back? "

"I have a flashlight in my bag ... the phone can also light up ..."

He pursed his lips and looked at the dark road around him, walking forward without talking.

How do you feel like he is angry?

No, don't get angry, she's happy!

Shi Niange quickly and quickly followed, and suddenly took the opportunity to reach out and pull on his sleeve. Seeing that he did not pull his hand back, he just pulled his cuff along the way and said, "It's really dark, I ca n’t see the way, can I just pull you off? ”

Did not respond or waved away.


He did n’t walk fast, and she could keep up, but after all, he was still on his tall legs, and he walked slowly, and she had to go quickly, too fast, and her strength could not be controlled. Suddenly his fingers fell off his cuffs, but at this instant, he stopped suddenly and glanced back at her until she hurriedly drew his hands back to his sleeves, and then he took his eyes off and continued go.


Singing early the next morning.

Or it can be said that she was almost asleep after being sent back by Qin Shiting last night. She always kept this person in her heart, thinking about this person over and over. She didn't want to go to sleep before five o'clock in the morning, and climbed up. Heated milk and bread for myself, and quickly went downstairs with a schoolbag after eating.

Today she went out too early. It is estimated that she would wait for half an hour outside the school gate. It was quite cold outside now. Shi Niange leaned her shoulders under the tree, thinking that it would be summer in another month. It was cold for a few days at the end, and even the school uniform was changed to summer clothes.

Think again that it seems a bit early for me to come out, and I feel that I have been stupid recently.

But I couldn't control that much, and I felt that even if I stood here half an hour in advance, I would be very happy during the half-hour waiting time.

Time finally turned a little under the hardship for half an hour, and she saw Qin Shiting's figure appearing at the intersection in front of her. When she was singing, she laughed at once, and that was the feeling that all the flowers were full in an instant.

This kind of mind is thinking about a person's experience. Shi Niange has never experienced it before, but this feeling is really good and comfortable. I feel that my whole heart is soft.

"Qin Shen ~" She and others approached and waved their hands, and said hello with a smile: "Good morning!"

Qin Shiting looked at her, his eyes were peaceful and warm. Shi Niange saw that the corner of his mouth slightly raised upwards, and said, "Good morning."

Did he just ... laugh?

Smile at her?

Shi Niange stood still a bit stunned, staring at his face, her mouth still slightly open and not closed, so it seemed a bit silly.

The corner of Qin Shiting's mouth was a little more curved. Looking at her eyes, she repeated: "Good morning."

The smile in his eyes became more pronounced this time.

Shi Niange blinked her eyes, then nodded her head vigorously and said, "Good, good morning, Qin Shen, good morning!"

She talked too eagerly, and the whole thing looked like a bunny rushing out of the cage.

God, Qin Shiting smiled at her, and he laughed so well.

She felt that her blood would be dried by his smile in an instant. When she saw him walk under the tree, she felt that the flowers in her heart had bloomed early, and now the flowers in her heart almost exploded into fireworks instantly. , Crackling.

I didn't wait for half an hour in the morning. I knew that waiting for him for half an hour would give Qin Shiting a smile at her, let alone wait for half an hour. Anyway, she couldn't sleep last night anyway. Come and wait.

He just laughed at Shi Niange with a smile, and couldn't say a word until he entered the school and entered the teaching building.


Shi Niange heard that someone was calling her from behind, and before turning back, she felt that her arm was suddenly pulled back by a force. She turned around and saw Tang Shao actually ran over early in the morning and saw her in Qin Shiting Walking together, she hurried forward and dragged her over. She was unprepared for a moment, and the whole person almost bumped into Tang Shaohuai's arms. She finally stabilized her figure and hurried away a little.

She frowned with no trace of her eyebrows, and suddenly looked back at Qin Shiting at this time, seeing Qin Shiting's eyes calmly looked at Tang Shao's hand on her wrist, just such a glance, when the song was rushed Draw out his hand.

"What are you doing, Tang Shao?" Shi Niange had an inexplicable anger in his heart and turned his eyes: "Last time your dad came to the school to block me, I should have made it clear to him, what do you want?"

"I don't mean anything else, I know you're ironed and not with me anymore, but, miss, my grandpa's birthday next week, invited the major families in Haicheng to host a birthday banquet at the Diyao Hotel. Have you been invited, will you go? "Tang Shao didn't look good when she saw her, and didn't dare to say much for a while. She just went straight into the subject, but for the expression she just walked in with Qin Shiting just now, the expression on her face It's full of minds.

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